Yeardley is finally full and sleeping!
Kelly-I read your post about the pants. They're probably not for children! Asian people are tiny! (I'm joking. I'm sure they were for a child). I wear x-small and size 0 pants (US). If I buy clothes out in town here, I am a large.
I'm sorry for you though. I hate when I order things and they're not what I expected. Can you at least return them and get your money back?
Loz-I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing a family member is hard, even if you know it's going to happen.

for you and your family. I really hope you get that rash under control soon.
Mindy-Those hats are the cutest! The onsies and "cupcake" came out really good. How did you do the "cup" part? And your bump is gorgeous. I'm so excited to find out what LO is!
Mrs. M-What's "going out?"

I'm glad you had a good time. So sorry for the anniversary, but glad you didn't think of it much. My sister had a hard time potty training my niece. I don't know why they say girls are easier, because everyone I talk to who has girls said it was hard. just take it one day at a time, and she'll get there. I mean, she can't be in diapers forever, right?
Pink-I hope you have a good last day! And I hope once you're not working you will have better days. You'll be better rested and less stressed.
MMM-I agree with Mrs. M, drink plenty of fluids!! You seem like been having a rough go of it lately. Sending you

and hoping you'll start to feel better soon.
I cannot stop thinking of Ginny which is probably why I haven't posted here all week. We all share that bond because we've all been through it. I just keep wishing she will find strength and peace, and that she'll get her rainbow.
ASM-Tomorrow is Scott's 33rd birthday. I tell you it's his 33rd because for the past year, he thought he was already 33. I had to argue with him that he was 32.
I ordered him a cake on Monday from the bakery at the grocery store. It won't top last year's X-Box cake, but the woman who made all my cakes moved off the island (thankfully she is stationed in VA as well, so I'm hoping she'll make Yeardley's 1st birthday cake). I bought him a new watch. He goes through a watch a year (those military boys are rough). I also had Yeardley make him a present. I have tons of scrap paper so I used it to make him something cute that he can frame if he wants. I put her hand print and foot print on it. I had to paint her hand and foot and then place them on the paper. It is really hard to get a baby to spread their hand out! It actually looks like she gave the paper the middle finger, which is just as well because we have that kind of humor around here. I signed his card from her with my left hand to make it look all wonky and pre-school-like. I chuckled when I looked at it.
My anxiety has been really rough lately. I'm finding it really hard to leave my house. I cry a lot and every little thing set me off. Yeardley got really sick on my couch the other day and I have one of those little green machine spot cleaners. Well I needed a converter plug because the one on the machine has 3 prongs and our outlets only have two. My husband keeps stealing the converter plug off the green machine to plug in his computer. It's not even a big deal except I use the green machine a lot with a sick baby. I hate going to plug it in only to realize I can't. So I have to search for one and all the while fighting the dogs off to stay away from the mess. This is all after cleaning Yeardley and changing her clothes and calming her down. I wanted to take that green machine and smash it on the floor into a million pieces. I'm not nor have I even been an angry person who breaks things. Sometimes I feel like I need to walk into the jungle and scream my head off to release some tension. I just need to make it through these next few weeks that will be very hectic so I can get my daughter off this island forever and talk to someone about my feelings.
Sorry to be so down, I just needed to get that off of my chest.