Crystal, I am not sure if I had joined this post before you stopped posting, but I wanted to say congratulations! You worked so very hard to meet your new little boy. What a great mommy he has!
Kelly, believe me, we are more alike than you know! I am constantly worried. Now that I
think I am feeling movement I am constantly worried if I am feeling enough movement. To me the movement kind of feels like a muscle twitch in my lower tummy. For all I know it really could be muscle twitches! Haha! It is not consistent enough for me to know for sure what is going on. I will be 22 weeks on Sunday! I think you still have tons of time.

Try not to worry (and I will try to take my own advice!)
Mrs. M., I am totally OCD about cleaning when people come over.

(I am actually pretty OCD over lots of things. It isn't good

) It is not good at all. I know no one will care, I am just nuts. I really hope you rested well today.
Pink, that fish picture totally cracked me up! I am very much into dogs and learning what I can about dogs and those emotions are so important to watch when it comes to dogs so when I saw that I knew I had to share it. I found it so funny. I'm glad your mom's visit went well. It is always better when things turn out that way. I am glad you got to meet your brother's fiancee too

Sorry about the swelling. Hopefully that is the worst of it and it won't get any more. I am glad you BP is good! I am always nervous of my BP going out of whack.

I hope your next MW appt goes well. I hope you can see your regular MW again and that things go as you have them planned.
Lozdi, Pichi, and MMM, how are you ladies today? I hope everything is well.
How are all the rest of you ladies? I hope you are all well!
I got my first belly rub today!

It was from a lady that I worked really closely with last year. I didn't mind but she did ask afterward if I was ok with it.
I did hear a little good news so please cross your fingers for me. There is a job coming up in the school I worked in last year, teaching the same students I had last year, and I really hope I have a shot at it. It is only until Christmas but it really will go a long way to getting me maternity leave.

I love those kids and would love the opportunity to go back with them, even if it is only for a few weeks.