Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

Oooh MMM, I can't wait to see the picture :dance:

Pink, I hope the delivery comes soon. :)

I hope you all have a great day.:flow:
Is there not one in a nearby store you can go have a look at Pink? Fingers crossed your delieveries been and you've managed to get into town.

How are you today TS? How's everyone else?

Baby is perfect :cloud9: was bouncing around all the time that we couldn't get the measurements :haha: it certainly didn't like the ultrasound :D It was amazing :cloud9: z
Look at that beautiful baby!! :cloud9: MMM, SO happy for you :) Your DD's hat is getting closed to done... I almost have the hat itself done and then I have to make the eyes and beak. :happydance:

Kelly, how are you today?

The weather here is miserable today. :wacko: Driving to work was a little nerve wracking because it was misty/rainy/foggy/dark and that makes it really hard to see if there are moose on the road. But, I made it there and back just fine so all is good :)

I hope you are all well. :flower: I hope you all have a relaxing Friday night! I have to make my Halloween costume for tomorrow night so I don't know how relaxing my evening is going to be! Haha!
not bad thanks ts snowing here and bitter cold couldnt get warm all day dont you kust hate that, i think its so cool when you talk about moose, id love to see one.
yeh im a sweet potato,not long ts till your scan.
I really hate it when I can't get warm. Have you tried a warm bath? Or maybe a nice hot mug of tea and a blanket? I hope you can get cozy and warm soon. I don't even want to think of snow yet! I hope it goes away soon.

Moose are pretty neat but I really hate to see them when I am driving. Moose accidents kill people every year in Newfoundland. The highway I drive on is narrow and the trees go very close to the road so they can just pop out onto the road so fast. So far this school year I have only seen 3 and luckily enough they were far enough in the distance for me to stop no problem. I still get a big fright and an adrenaline rush. Once time I had one jump right out in front of me and really scared me. I was able to stop no problem but then he just stood in the middle of the road and stared at me. THAT was scary! I know I was in my car but he was HUGE and had a huge rack (antlers). He finally walked off into the bushes and disappeared again. Last summer we saw a young moose standing in the middle of a small pond on the side of the highway. That was really neat but we didn't get any pictures. :( I don't know if I have many pictures at all, actually.

My favourite is seeing bears. I love bears but I hardly see them. I saw a mommy bear and her 3 cubs (I think one was adopted as bears usually only have 2 and one was smaller, they will adopt a cub from another bear if she is killed somehow) one day last year. Bears are totally awesome. I see foxes and mink occasionally too. I think where I live is VERY different from where you guys live. :haha:

I didn't even notice that you turned 18 weeks today!! How exciting!!! :happydance: :dance: So close to 1/2 way there!! I am so very happy for you.

So soon for both of our scans! :cloud9:
I won't get chance to reply properly over the weekend as I'm really busy at work.

Thanks TS that's great! Thank you again!! X
No problem at all :) I love doing stuff like this! I hope your weekend goes smoothly.
MMM - great pic!! Do you have to go back for another scan for measurements? Not sure if you are getting the NT done or not. Hope work isn't too bad. How will the clock going back affect you? Luckily I nver did night shift and I requested the time change weekend off after learning my lesson one year!

Kelly - Snowing here too. Not impressed its not even November. I know its not going to last but like you I HATE being cold.

TS - Wow it sounds so lovely where you are are although a bit scary with the moose. We have to drive along similar country roads with tree either side and I often worry about deer leaping out as occasionally you do see them on the side of the road. Obviously no where near as big as your moose but still a worry. Other than that it will be foxes, badgers etc. Seeing bears would be wonderful.

Hope everyine else is doing okay today, bit quiet at the moment.

afm - OH on work for a few hours and to see physio. Pram etc arrived late this afternoon and it took ages to put together, some of the instructions were pants. Got a little excited but was so tired it took the edge off so had a 2.5 hr nap after tea. Just wondering if the flu/whooping cough thing is catching up with me as I have feeling off for a couple of days.
Thank you Pink, no he managed to get them although I was measuring 12+2 and 12+6 :lol: but 12+2 was closer to my dates so we stuck with that. No I'm not having the NT. When do the clocks go back??? :lol: I dunno I've never worked when the clocks changed :haha: I'm more or less busy from 7am through to 9.45pm tonight :( eurgh not looking forward to today ... especially in the snow!!

Have a good weekend all x
Mmm lovely scan :) glad all went well. Little monkey not wanting to get scanned though :p

Yay for prqm arriving pink - just a shame it was late on in the day it arrived :( did you go for the green? Im in mothercare today picking up a bag so i can have a look and see if they have the green to take a pic for you? :)

T_s where you live sounds amazing! I think id get freaked out seeing a moose just stareing staring at me though. I think id get a bit excited though at seeing it also though as it would be so new to the likes of animals we see here.

Snow also here - hope if it is going to snow it does its business now so when mr arrives- getting to the hospital and going out for walks will be easier :)

nothing exciting happening here really - curtains have been finished, bedsheets made, room painted! And now all that's needed is to go choose a carpet today :D and I have noticed it is now just 20 days until 'launch!' eek!
Pink, I think that seeing deer would be just as scary to me! Haha! I just don't like things jumping out at me when I am driving. We don't have deer here, but we have caribou. I think it is much more rare to hit them because they travel in huge herds and if they are on the road usually there are about 10-20 of them at the time. :haha: Shawn used to drive back and forth to work through a well known caribou herd area and one day go stuck for 20 minutes because they wouldn't move off the road. Silly things! I'm sorry you are feeling sicky lately. I hope you are feeling better today. I bet it was so exciting to get your pram put together. Really extra real now!

MMM, I am glad your LO cooperated for the measurements. So awesome that you are measuring ahead. :dance:

Pichi, I was SO scared when the moose was staring at me! I was trying to figure out if I could reverse and turn around without making him charge the car! I am so happy he decided to move on. Haha! I am such a wimp!! I was in my SUV, so not even a small car. :wacko: I should post some pictures of what it looks like around here. Probably not today though since it is foggy and raining and grey. You are SO close now!! SO super exciting!!! And you have everything done!! :happydance: Woooo!!

I hope the snow has melted away again for all you ladies. I hope it stays away now too!

We are leaving now to drive into town to pick up the crib. Weird... :haha:

Have a good day!
Hi ladies :flow: I hope you all had a nice, relaxing weekend.

We went into town yesterday and got our crib and change table. We also picked out 2 dressers (and a double bed frame - a whole bedroom set) from Shawn's nan's house. It is the oldest one they had in the house and full of family history. I love it. We will use the bed for baby once she/he is big enough. :) We also chose our car seat and stroller. My parents are buying the car seat for us so we will probably pick it up in 3 weeks when we go into town again. Things are getting real now!

I have been feeling kicks more consistently now too. <3 And Shawn was able to feel them from the outside on Thursday night! I felt it on Friday. Baby kicked quite hard then! It was pretty cool. It really makes it real that there is a baby in there!

I have a question about Braxton Hicks. I have been getting a tight-ish feeling right in the middle of my tummy, low down. It only lasts for about 30 seconds or so. Do you think that is BH or is it maybe baby moving? It is not painful at all, and to be honest I don't really know for sure if it is tight or just a different feeling than what I am used it. It is only right in the centre and low down. It happens quite a bit when either Shawn or I put our hand on my tummy. What do you think?

Oh, here are some moose pictures. We saw 2 moose driving home last night. I think they were both cows, or a cow and an older child. No antlers. They were right on the side of the road but when we stopped they started to run into the woods. I asked them not to run away that I wanted to get a picture and they actually stopped and looked at me! So weird! Anyway, the pictures are terrible because I took them with my cell phone and it was getting dusky.

I hope you are all well :flower:


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love the pics mindy sooooo cool, glad you are feeling kicks i cant wait how exciting any pics on your new furniture crib etc xx
Morning ladies.

Hope you're all well. :)

PinkSmarties - which pram is it you've got?

Clo - that is so cute about Danny at rhyme time. Glad you had a lovely time there. I'm rubbish at nursery rhymes. Guess I'll have to learn then again next year.

AFM - Scan this morning and am sooo nervous. :( I know chances are it'll all be fine. But we've just never had a scan that was good news so at the minute it's very daunting.

Hopefully I'll have a lovely picture like MMM to update with when we get back x
the moose is just staring at you! haha i think that's fascinate me and freak me out at the same time :haha: glad you got your furniture all picked up. it all starts getting real when the nursery starts to get done and little items make their way into every part of your home hehe

hope everyone is well this morning :)

AFM just trying to sell my old pram - gumtree is getting it first :haha:
Sounds like your getting sorted Mindy :D I can't wait to start buying all that sort of stuff :D We've got to sort the bunk beds out for DS and DD first so we can clear DS's room for baby.

I'm not sure what the feeling is tbh hun. I really can't remember what BH's are like, but it does just sound like everything is normal :hugs:

OMG you can see it staring at you ... that would totally freak me out :lol:

Good luck Cupcake I can't wait to see your piccie :flower:

I've got loads of clothes to get rid of here Pichi, gumtree is something I've never tried! Do you tend to sell much on there? I'm ready just to throw them in the bin coz I cba listing them on eBay :lol:

AFM: Still off work today ... not sure if I'm going to make it tomorrow tbh as my back is still really sore ... my chest isn't too bad but my back is. I've also had a thumping headache for over a day :( paracetamol don't work so I think it is a tension headache :( X
Keep your stuff and look out for jack and jill markets for selling clothes :) a friend of mine does them. I've never used gumtree do hoping for a bit of luck haha. Don't have room for the peach and the donkey in the house!
ts - great pics of the moose, they look massive!! Like pichi says getting the nursery together is lovely but it still took me a while to relax into it.

Cupcake - good luck today, can't wait to see pics.

pichi - I have bought some wardrobes before off gumtree and tried to sell a dining room table (didn't sell) but I think your pram will go very fast. Do you have a link, wish I could have bought it off you.

MMM - lots of jack and jill sales. I was going to go to one on Sunday in Dundee but was only looking for one thing and didn't fancy the huge queue! We need another isofix base for OH car. It won't be the main baby transport car so don't want to spend a lot.

I'll post a pic of the pram and car seat.

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