Hi ladies

I hope you all had a nice, relaxing weekend.
We went into town yesterday and got our crib and change table. We also picked out 2 dressers (and a double bed frame - a whole bedroom set) from Shawn's nan's house. It is the oldest one they had in the house and full of family history. I love it. We will use the bed for baby once she/he is big enough.

We also chose our car seat and stroller. My parents are buying the car seat for us so we will probably pick it up in 3 weeks when we go into town again. Things are getting real now!
I have been feeling kicks more consistently now too.

And Shawn was able to feel them from the outside on Thursday night! I felt it on Friday. Baby kicked quite hard then! It was pretty cool. It really makes it real that there is a baby in there!
I have a question about Braxton Hicks. I have been getting a tight-ish feeling right in the middle of my tummy, low down. It only lasts for about 30 seconds or so. Do you think that is BH or is it maybe baby moving? It is not painful at all, and to be honest I don't really know for sure if it is tight or just a different feeling than what I am used it. It is only right in the centre and low down. It happens quite a bit when either Shawn or I put our hand on my tummy. What do you think?
Oh, here are some moose pictures. We saw 2 moose driving home last night. I think they were both cows, or a cow and an older child. No antlers. They were right on the side of the road but when we stopped they started to run into the woods. I asked them not to run away that I wanted to get a picture and they actually stopped and looked at me! So weird! Anyway, the pictures are terrible because I took them with my cell phone and it was getting dusky.
I hope you are all well