Hi ladies
I have missed so much today! I hope you are all well
Hope, I hope you OH isn't away for long. It is exciting how close you are!!
Mrs. M., I am so glad you got the hat today! I'm sorry if it is too big. I am still not too great at working out size.

I can't wait to see a picture of your LO with it on! What names did you settle on for a girl? Love your bump! Looking great
Pink, that is great you got your bag all packed! What a great idea to pack something for your OH
Kelly, how are you doing today? Happy 19 weeks! Time is flying!!
Pichi, how are you? I really am thinking your LO will come early.
MMM, I hope your backache has stayed away.
I hope you are all having a great evening
I had a check up today. The baby's heart rate was 156

The dr said baby is transverse. I was talking to my sister today. She is 36+1 today and baby is still transverse. She said she is getting a scan on Monday to check that baby has moved. If not they will try to move baby. If it refuses and stays transverse they are going to have to schedule a c-section. She said that baby is transverse because she is so short waisted. I am the same. We have short waists and long legs. Strange shape...

I am so scared that the same thing will happen to me, that baby won't go head down and then I will have to get a c-section too.

I really hope that doesn't happen! I hope my sister doesn't need a section either!
Have a great night