Hi ladies
I hope you all had a good day.
Kelly, I am sure your scan will be perfect

I can't remember, are you going to find out the gender when you go for your scan? I can't wait to find out the gender!! We need some pink in this thread!
Clobo, I really hope that Danny doesn't get sick. I hope you don't either!
Pichi, I really hope that Mr. Pea makes his appearance soon to get rid of this uncomfortableness!
I am sorry that I have baby brain like nuts and I can't remember what I have read...

I am so scared if it gets worse after the baby comes! You ladies scare me sometimes!
Right now I am sitting here in my pj's feeling like a stuffed sausage.

I find that eating supper makes me super uncomfortable. I can only eat a little bit at a time or I feel like I can't breathe. I don't know what I am going to do when I get bigger! 23 weeks for me yesterday, I have tons of growing to do. I actually had a few minutes today where I felt quite close to panicking because I felt so "full". Not full of food but just full. I felt like I couldn't breathe but I know I can. I had to get Shawn to rub my back for me for a little while to help relax.

I never eat a lot at a sitting, I never have, but now even my regular amount of food just about kills me.
On another note, I have been feeling kicks in the middle of my tummy today, and kicks down to my lady parts. It is too good to be true that the baby might have turned that quickly. I will find out on Saturday what way baby is laying.
I am sorry, I know I have missed things I wanted to comment on.
Hi to Mrs. M., MMM, Lozdi, Pink, and everyone else!