Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

We had fireworks over the road last night. Last year, I was in the hospital having the medical for the mmc on bonfire night. I could hear the fireworks in the hospital room but didn't look out the window for any. I wasn't sure how I would handle bonfire night this year, but I was ok. Being convinced that Tenzin is that soul and just needed to wait for a sound body helps alot.

He stayed asleep inside during the whole thing, and it was a good job too as at one point one of the fireworks went wrong and shot projectiles at us and there was a mad dash into the kitchen. My middle boy didn't know what had hit him as I propelled him at lightspeed into the house with the rest of us right behind! Oldests dad later noticed that one of the projectiles had burnt a hole in his trousers! After the near catastrophe, my boys watched from inside! :wacko:
I am the same with sinus infections. They usually don't go away and will just continue to get worse. Usually I get 2 courses of antibiotics before they go away. Stupid sinuses. I really hope this time it is a cold because I really don't want antibiotics.

Lozdi, that is wonderful that Tenzin is 13 lbs! What a big boy who is growing so well. :D Mmmm, flapjacks. Great idea!

That is so scary about the fireworks! I'm sorry that bonfire night has such a bad memory attached to it now :hugs: I feel the same about my LO, that it just wasn't time then and now this is the way it was supposed to be.
Hi ladies,

Sorry for being AWOL. Struggling to keep up as I am sooo tired at the moment.

Loz I was thinking of you over bonfire night, I has the same experience the year before so this was my second anniversary of my first mmc. It was fine. I too am now convinced that my babies were just waiting for a chance to come through. A friend at work is a spiritualist and performed some reiki on me the other day. (highly recommend it) she asked me following it if I would have anymore children. I said no, not after what I went through to get this one. She said there is another baby to come through (be born into this world) that is linked to this one, like a twin. She sis not know of my first loss and that it was a twin pregnancy.
Aw i think the same about my beany last year, that it was the soul waiting for the right body :hugs:

I had sinusitus for about 3 weeks when i was preggo and the antibiotics really helped me, hope you feel better soon.

Yep i remember that full feeling, i just made sure i ate little and often and things were easily digestable like cereals and soup etc :munch:

Im on the all bran at the mo to try and help Danny poop more easily, yik!!

Sorry yesterday was tough for you both. I found bonfire night hard last year but this year has been much easier.
Clo, has your health visitor shown you any massage moves for the tummy to help Danny to poo?
I read somewhere on the breastfeeding forum that laying baby on their back and making cycling movements with their legs helps to release wind and tricky poops, so tried it and behold, some serious wind and a considerable poop followed! :rofl:

Dentist in the morning, 9 am...must be up way before that though to make sure the Breakfast Boob gets well and truly emptied as its a 40 minute appointment and I don't want my munch monster crying hungry while I am having my tooth rebuilt! Its a side molar or whatever you call it, and it broke a bit while I was pregnant, then a bit more after, and my fantastic dentist is going to fix it. :happydance: Tomorrow he will do the first stage of an inlay, then in another appointment a week or so after he will finish it off. I had to wait a while to see him but if I had taken an appointment earlier with a random dentist they would have rather pull it out that fix it, but my dentist knows how I value my teeth nowadays after failing to look after them properly as a teen I lost a few big teeth and need to keep what I can from now on! I have had 4 out over the years :wacko:
Loz - Fab weight Tenzin is!! I think gentle clockwise stomach massage helps ( I know we got taught that for adults) to help move the gas through the colon so maybe it will work on babies. Its so good when you get a good dentist. My regular one left when I was 6 week pg (I had to tell her as I needed a filling -she recommended a water birth even back then, she also knew my history). The new one is very young, which I don't have an issue with, but there was a bit of inappropriate chat going on with her even younger dental nurse over my head which annoyed me.

Debzie - :hugs: on the tiredness. I think we can all relate to that!

Glad that bonfire night wasn't too bad on both of you, having such a strong reminder of your loss can't be easy but it good you both feel differently this year.

TS - more :hugs: for you and your cold/sinuses, hope it all clear up soon. Maybe just having more smaller meals will help too. I don't eat such big meals anymore as there just doesn't seem the room, however a Mars bar still goes down (too) well unfortunately. I had antibiotics in early pregnancy for uti and didn't upset my stomach too much, hard to tell really with the ms though. I know I have asked before but when will you find about about the school job, I know its soon.

Clo - hope Danny constipation passes soon, I can't imagine how that must feel for teh little man knowing how bad it is for us. I am going to sound silly but how does you having allbran affect him? I thought maybe it might make him more gassy through your breastmilk?

Hi everyone else!!

Not long now till Kelly's and TS scans!! Can't wait!!

afm - (Cheated and copied from my journal)

I had my community mw appointment today. Everything seemingly on track, fundal height 38cm (equating to 38 weeks) BP 120/70, baby HB normal rate and rhythm. I am 1/5ths engaged too - yay!! I asked again about sweep etc and she said they don't tend to do it before 40 weeks. I asked that at my next visit in 2 weeks (if not had him by then) I'll be 39+5 and she said if it was her then she'll sweep me! I hope that works as I don't want to be induced if possible as that seems to lead to increased intervention and I freaked myself out big style googling forceps/ventouse deliveries.

I am knackered today, its amazing how normal things can tire you out so much more. After my 9am (!) mw appointment I nipped into work to drop off some thankyou gifts for the baby stuff/vouchers they got me. Then I took OH into town for his contact lens check up. By the time we got home my back and feet were killing me so I had a hot-ish bath and went to bed for a couple of hours. I tried to put some ankle boots on this morning I haven't worn since the beginning of the year but quickly realised there was no way I could walk around in them, way too tight -bummer.

Although its our 14th Wedding Anniversary tomorrow we have nothing planned, maybe head out for a meal/lunch depending on how I feel. OH has his hospital follow-up appointment on Thursday so hopefully he can start to weight bare and get off his crutches!!
loz did you find during pregnancy your teeth went crap? i found that it's happened twice with me :( hope the tooth reconstruction doesn't take longer than expected!
Know how you feel Pink! After my two walks into town to take Edie to playgroup and back on a Tuesday I'm always pooped.
Massage movements - a sun and a moon. With the right hand, in a clockwise motion circle around the belly button like a sun. Then follow with the left hand, a semi circle from the bottom of the belly button up to the top, like a crescent moon. Do this several times, also the bicycle thing with his legs and also gently bending his legs upwards to his chin. When he is a little older, a little orange squeezed into cooled boiled water is excellent too.
I'm pretty sad tonight :( I didn't get the job. The principal hired her friend. The same friend who told me she was taking her name off the application because she didn't want the job. Well, she decided she wanted to put her name back in so she got it. I am not from the area I live in and I am not "friends" with the admins here because of it. That means I will probably never get a job here. I am very down tonight :( I just applied to get a job working online from home. Hopefully I will hear something about that soon.

I am sorry I am doing a shitty job at responding tonight. My mind just isn't in the right place since I found out about this job this afternoon.

I hope you are all well.

Happy anniversary for tomorrow Pink. I hope you 2 have a lovely day together.
Really sorry to hear this Mindy. I hope something else comes up for you.
Thanks ladies. I didn't really expect to get it since I know the way things work around here. :( I am just so discouraged with teaching and I am scared that I will never get the opportunity to do something I really love. :(

I hope you are all well!!

I am sicker this morning but have to work. Oh well, I'll survive!
Sorry you didn't get the job :( I hope something better comes up for you :)

I am so tired today - like the tiredest I've ever been in this whole pregnancy. Got the whole carpet situation sorted for tomorrow so no need to worry about that now.

Been cramping like crazy too so i think i will persuade pixie to come have a shower with me hah
so sorry mindy hope something comes up soon xxxxxxxxxxxxx

pichi how exciting is it pink after you?
Yes she is :) im hoping we might have our babies the same time so we are in the hospital together hehe - although I am sure pink is going to the midwife lead unit where as I have to go to the labour ward >_<

I am quite nervous about this scan tomorrow. If they tell me he's small I am still going to add a lb to their guess haha.
ts - so sorry that you didn't get that job. I know how hard it is being in a small town and feeling like the outsider. I hope something better comes your way soon.

Fingers crossed it should be me after pichi. I am going to try the MLU and attempt water birth but I am very worried about pain and am not adverse to an epidural which you can only get on the labour ward.

Are you feeling a bit better now? Will Pixie be going with you or is your mum going to look after her while you get your scan? :hugs:
Mindy that sucks, what a bunch of assholes (Sorry about the language!) I hope you get the working from home job because that will mean you won't have to leave baby! does hurt but its a good pain, its productive. With my first I was terrified of what the pain would be like, but I was even more afraid of the idea of an epidural, and then I was afraid of being too afraid to have an epidural if the pain was too it turned out it was just like really strong period pains, and the scariest bit was crowning, and worrying about stretching and tearing, and I was exhausted and they said baby needed to come out now, and they would call the doctor, I thought oh my goodness they will cut me and that was motivation enough, he was out with the very next contraction! Every labour is different, I have read that you are more likely to need interventions if you have an epidural but isn't there 'walking epidurals' available? So you could still get into an upright position and allow gravity to help. I swear its the only time gravity is our friend :haha:

Pichi quite the opposite lol, I had a chronic infection at the root tip of a tooth I had a root canal and crown on- the dentist said it wouldn't go away, but was enclosed where it was so wouldn't cause me any immediate trouble either, and the only treatment options for it were to remove the tooth (NO WAY its one of my main chewing teeth) or an expensive endodontic (something like that) procedure that would cost about £700 and is not available on the nhs, he would have had to refer me to a private specialist. Today, he looked at the area, and behold, the lump is gone and he suspects the infection is too, I can only deduce that the extra blood from pregnancy has sort of flushed it out! Within a week of giving birth teeth started giving me trouble lol pregnancy was a real boost to them for some reason.

They were not quite spot on with baby's weight at my late scan, they said 9lb6 at 38 weeks, and 2 weeks later he was born 9lb13 so they estimated a bit larger than he would have actually been then.

My older kids have been devils this evening so much so they are in bed already, and I am fixing to tackle a mountain of present wrapping, which I would enjoy except they have been so raucous that I am resenting spending all my money on them! Devils! I think they are just excited but I wish they could be excited without needing to have fight club. :dohh:
Thanks ladies :) I am more resigned today. There is nothing I can do to change the way things are done around here. I am just frustrated that these people hold my future in their hands. Because I am not from here or friends with the admin I don't get a job. We have a union that you would think would protect us from stuff like this but they don't, they don't do much really. :wacko: I am doing pretty good with subbing these past 2 weeks so I am hoping that it will continue on like this and then maybe I will get enough days. Fingers crossed, anyway. I also hope to hear something from the work at home people. That would really be great.

Pichi, how are you feeling now? I am glad you have the carpet installation all worked out.

Pink, happy anniversary!!

How are you today, Kelly? SO soon until our scans now! Come on team pink!! :)

Lozdi, you are very lucky about the infection going from your tooth! I had a severe fear of dentists when I was younger and got an infection in one of my molars that resulted in either a root canal or having the tooth removed. I was SO very scared to go back to the dentist (the root canal had to be done in a few sessions) that I sat there and cried and told them to remove my tooth. I am sad about that now. But, thanks to a horrible dentist when I was a child it took me a long time to be ok with a dentist. I'm sorry your boys were being naughty today. I hope they are better tomorrow!

I hope you are all well.

I think I have figured out some of my "full" problem. I have been so constipated since the 2nd tri started. Always. So uncomfortable. I think the bloating caused from that is also making me feel really stretched in my tummy and full. It is terrible. Right now I have a sharp pain in my side from trapped gas. I have been trying to drink lots of water and eat lots of fruit for fibre but I guess it just isn't enough. I have IBS so this whole constipation thing is totally new to me :shy: I guess I have 4 more months of this :wacko: But, it is all worth it to get a little baby at the end :)

Have a good evening!
Oh, I forgot to let you guys know. My sister had her scan and baby was still transverse but the head was lower than the bum. Then the next day baby was head down :)

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