Loz - Fab weight Tenzin is!! I think gentle clockwise stomach massage helps ( I know we got taught that for adults) to help move the gas through the colon so maybe it will work on babies. Its so good when you get a good dentist. My regular one left when I was 6 week pg (I had to tell her as I needed a filling -she recommended a water birth even back then, she also knew my history). The new one is very young, which I don't have an issue with, but there was a bit of inappropriate chat going on with her even younger dental nurse over my head which annoyed me.
Debzie -

on the tiredness. I think we can all relate to that!
Glad that bonfire night wasn't too bad on both of you, having such a strong reminder of your loss can't be easy but it good you both feel differently this year.
TS - more

for you and your cold/sinuses, hope it all clear up soon. Maybe just having more smaller meals will help too. I don't eat such big meals anymore as there just doesn't seem the room, however a Mars bar still goes down (too) well unfortunately. I had antibiotics in early pregnancy for uti and didn't upset my stomach too much, hard to tell really with the ms though. I know I have asked before but when will you find about about the school job, I know its soon.
Clo - hope Danny constipation passes soon, I can't imagine how that must feel for teh little man knowing how bad it is for us. I am going to sound silly but how does you having allbran affect him? I thought maybe it might make him more gassy through your breastmilk?
Hi everyone else!!
Not long now till Kelly's and TS scans!! Can't wait!!
afm - (Cheated and copied from my journal)
I had my community mw appointment today. Everything seemingly on track, fundal height 38cm (equating to 38 weeks) BP 120/70, baby HB normal rate and rhythm. I am 1/5ths engaged too - yay!! I asked again about sweep etc and she said they don't tend to do it before 40 weeks. I asked that at my next visit in 2 weeks (if not had him by then) I'll be 39+5 and she said if it was her then she'll sweep me! I hope that works as I don't want to be induced if possible as that seems to lead to increased intervention and I freaked myself out big style googling forceps/ventouse deliveries.
I am knackered today, its amazing how normal things can tire you out so much more. After my 9am (!) mw appointment I nipped into work to drop off some thankyou gifts for the baby stuff/vouchers they got me. Then I took OH into town for his contact lens check up. By the time we got home my back and feet were killing me so I had a hot-ish bath and went to bed for a couple of hours. I tried to put some ankle boots on this morning I haven't worn since the beginning of the year but quickly realised there was no way I could walk around in them, way too tight -bummer.
Although its our 14th Wedding Anniversary tomorrow we have nothing planned, maybe head out for a meal/lunch depending on how I feel. OH has his hospital follow-up appointment on Thursday so hopefully he can start to weight bare and get off his crutches!!