Kelly - I don't think there is a list as such, I just googled as I didn't even know what things they are supposed to wear!!
This is some of the things I have bought, been given etc. This is not definitive or necessary for some of them, like I said I was given them.
Moses basket, car seat, pram, cot bed
Baby bath -not everyone thinks this is needed and end up not using as it is easier getting into your own bath with them
Monitor - we got a mattress/sensor one that can tell if baby not moved/breathed for 20 sec. OH more keen on this than me initially and some people don't think monitors are necessary at all.
Changing mats
Short sleeved vests (new born, 0-3, 3-6 etc)
Sleeps suits in above sizes
Other cute clothes, cardi's etc
lots of knitted things (I could send you some if you want!)
hats/scratch mittens
Cellular blanket (blankets with holes in them) I have been given knitted/crochet one too.
muslins (good cheap ones from asda)
Swaddle blanket
moses and cotbed fitted sheets
Steriliser/bottle warmer (mum got this second hand and v cheap so hope not to have to use as I want to BF)
cosy footmuff for car seat
vibrating rocker thing
newborn nappies/wipes/cotton wool/nipple cream
I have been given free trial sized baby wash things, sponges and even a avent bottle from joining Boots/asda/tesco baby clubs etc. I am still waiting to get my free Boots changing bag
I know I searched on BnB and came across some threads with what other people had got and 2nd time mums that said what was good/not used. Also I haven't actually bought very much new - I got a lot of vests and things etc from car boot sales, you can tell those that look after the clothes.
Are you there now then TS? exciting!! Hope you get pics too.