Thanks ladies
Kelly, I was super anxious before my anatomy scan too. I think it is normal to worry. But, I don't think you have anything to worry about

It will be so nice to see your LO again
Pink, I can't believe how close you are to having things start! It is another very exciting time here again!
Clobo, how are you? I hope you are able to move Danny and get some sleep soon.
We got home from St. John's about 3 hours ago. We tried to have a nap but the dogs would have nothing to do with it! Jerks!

We are probably going to visit our friends this evening so they can see the video from our scan yesterday. I have bunches more pictures and a teddy bear that plays little guy's heartbeat when squeezed. I love it so much

I also got my first bladder pounding today

It felt very strange!

Oh! Little guy is now head down. I am pretty sure he moved from transverse to head down the day after the dr said I was transverse
