Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

Kelly, how was your scan??

Mrs M, lovely neat bump chick!!

Pink, can't wait to hear from you and meet your LO :baby:

Mummy2b, so sorry for your loss and congrats on your BFP, I agree with the other ladies, wait till after xmas and then go for it, you will see so much more on the scan. Concentrate on xmas and passing the time by.

Loz, yes I was going to take Danny to be weighed again on friday but with this sickness bug going round i think ill wait till next week! Yep still breastfeeding, my friends call me "superboobs" cos Danny is so big!! He is in his cot now!! How are things with you??

Hope everyone else is ok?? Sorry for the short and infrequent posts, Danny needs more "attention" these days as he is starting to want to play and be entertained!!

Cant believe its almost time for our next batch of babies xxx
Hi Clo great to see you! Danny sounds like he is really doing well. Lol at Superboobs!
I have to go for a scan on Friday as midwife couldn't figure out what position baby is in and I'm having lots of pain under my ribs.
Ayup Superboobs! :holly: :haha: The HV is coming too see us on the 10th I hope she brings the scales. I'm not sure why they want to do a home visit again maybe its because I don't go to the clinics. I don't have any concerns so don't really feel the need to :haha: I should go if only for the chance to bf in public...the more we do it in public the more normal it will become for people to see. I'm having a table at the school xmas fair tomorrow with my mum (might have mentioned it already but can't remember) and I will most likely need to do a feed while selling cakes. Of course I'll get my mum to do the serving while I am bf'ing, but I feel proud to be sat there feeding my boy infront of the whole school. :haha: I use a light scarf to cover my boob, but I arrange it so baby's face is free, so he can see around. It will be interesting to see if anyone says anything to me about it, good or not.

Mrs Miggins those last minute scans for position are a little scary don't you think? My midwife had me thinking I could possibly be induced that very day if Tenzin had gone 'free' :wacko: Your bump is high....I expect there is a little bum poking you in the ribs, and a little head engaged where it should be- if you have a baby with a long body its possible for the head to be as engaged as can be and baby still able to use your ribs as a butt scratcher!
I love to see people feeding in public. Edie was fed in some very bizarre, very public places, the tiny cramped little train going up Snowdon was the most intimate! People could either listen to her scream or deal with me feeding her so I fed her.
It is a bit scary Loz. Edie was always very high but it was obvious where her bum and her heels were, since I had those pains on Thursday I'm not so sure about this one. All the movements now feel quite painful. I'm pleased I'm being scanned just to check.
I think it's great that you will be there at the school fair and feeding. It will be great for the children to see. I expected Joe (my stepson) to be a bit weirded out by it when Edie was born, as he was only 12, but he was so mature about it and never batted an eyelid. I love the fact that he will go into adulthood thinking its totally normal and natural.
Somehow I have missed tons of posts! I don't know why I didn't get the notification :(

Kelly, how was your scan? Did you get some pictures this time?

Mrs. M., I hope you are well and that the pain is a little eased. Maybe you are having a super tall baby! Awesome bump!

Lozdi, how did the party go? I hope everything went well.

MMM, I hope you were able to rest and not do too much today.

Clobo, I bet Danny is just the cutest! It is great that he is starting to be a little person now! I can't wait for that :)

I am super duper busy lately. I have decided to sew quiet books for my friends' babies. I am making 4 with 4 pages embroidered/sewn. It is A LOT of work! Haha! I am also making a marble maze but that should go quickly since it is all using the sewing machine. I am also making an "anywhere chair" for my sister. So much to do! I should have started earlier!! :haha: Oh well, I had to go into town to get the fabric. Also, I am booked every day for teaching so I can't even use my days to work on it. I have to do it all in the evening and of course this week is super busy in the evenings too! I went to a high school concert tonight and dinner theatre on Thursday.

I hope you are all well. :flow: Have a great evening :)
morning ladies scan went really well got some pics but not very good he was being a monkey. next scan 28 weeks
miggins sorry you are pained but hope you get reasurred on friday good that you get to see migglett again
loz i think its wicked your guna bf at the school like you say be interesting to see what feedback you get
clo danny sounds like a dream lovely to hear from you
ts what a busy bee you are how are you feeling
mmm how you feeling hope your taking it easy
hope everyone else is a ok xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey Kelly. Did they say any more about the placenta or just happy that its doing its job as it should be? I'm pleased all is well.
they said they dont statr measuring growth untill 28 weeks so hopefully fingers crossed they said there is no reason why things shouldnt be ok only 5 weeks to find out, yesterdays scan was to check the face and lips all was ok apparently one vessel just means that the baby may not grow as it should if he had two
Sounds like quite a positive scan Kelly :) Fingers crossed for your next scan :)

How's eveyone else?

I'm in agony with my pelvis Thomas fell in the kitchen earlier with a bowl of soup and it went all over the cupboards, washing machine and the floor so I had to get on my hands and knees to clean it up :( x
Hi Sarah-anne. Great to hear from you and thats wonderful news about Olivia!! I would love to read your birth story! She is so cute too.

Oooh exciting Pichi - can't be long now.

Wonder how Hope is?

I am hoping for a small cutie too. I am the same as Pichi - 5'2 and OH 5'10. I was a small baby (first born) so hope that helps me too.

ts - 24 weeks seems like ages ago to me!! I might post a bump pic later, maybe a bare belly one we'll see though!

Hi mmm

Thanks ladies! Sorry for the second hiatus! Olivia keeps me BUSY!!

I've posted the link for Olivia's birth story below. I apologize in advance for the length!!

I hope you're all doing well! I think of you all frequently and wish I had more time to visit on here.
Hi everyone, sorry not be on sine Banjamins birth hope you are all well. Had a quick peek back through the posts.

Kelly - glad your scan went well, won;t be too long till you see him again. We really need another pic soon!

Loz - glad you feel able to bf in public, I think (if I ever get that far) I would feel okayish about it, it the others that have the problem. I have had my boobs out in front on my dad, mum and step mum whilst they have been up and they have even seen OH pumping my manual pump!

MMM - haven't read your journal but hope you are feeling better.

Clobo- glad Danny is doing so well, lovely to see that.

Mrsmig - your bump is awesome, I was still getting rib pains and Ben was still able to kick me so fingers crossed the scan shows migglet is head down and ready to rock.

Hi to everyone I ahve missed.

afm - I adore my little boy. Those that have been to my journal know things have been a bit difficult since getting out of hospital. Maybe that is normal ftm issues, anxiety, lack of sleep etc. however Benjamin has lost 13oz since birth and the mw was concerned about his gentleness at my boob. We are now on demand feeding plus 3 hourly top ups of expressed milk and formula. I can't tell anymore if his sleeping is down to contentment or lack of food tiredness which is sad. My parent have been here since Tuesday and the help has been good. Making tea etc. I haven't done my birth story yet as this is the first time I have had a proper chance to get on and read rather than panic post in my journal!

Anyway, pic is needed:cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:ben1.jpg
Awwww pink hes soooo gorgeous, hope your managing to catch up on some sleep, im currently suffering lack of that at the min :haha: i couldnt haveasked for a more quiet good sleeping baby til this bloody colic came about, hes having one of hs not good nights tonight

Cant believe what ive just watched, now i cant sleep :haha: some poor bloke went to dive into the sea ad slipped and hit his head off the concrete below and split his whole head/face open was like something out of a horror film apparently he survived for two days, someone shared it on my facebook they just didnt give it a title or i wouldnt have watched it, anyways excuse that randomness just culdnt believe it :(

Hope your all well, so excited to meet your little migglet next mrs m
pink hes sooooo lovely im glad your parent are there to help you out and i hope you have managed to get some sleep looking forward to reading your birth story wow pink your a mummy xxxx

well i think its v day for me or did i get it wrong and it was last week lol
Pink he is gorgeous! :cloud9:

About the feeding I wonder if you would benefit from 'switch feeding' which could counteract any supply issues that may be caused by formula top ups. Switch feeding is where you attach baby to one side but then un-latch them after just a couple of minutes and offer the other side, then un-latch again and put back on the first side for the rest of the feed. What that does is it tells your boobies that alot of milk is needed, and its also good for relieving engorgement. The last thing you want is to wean off the top ups only to find that they caused a low supply. Tenzin dropped about 8 ounces quickly after birth and it took him 2 weeks to regain birth weight, but he is fine. He slept almost solidly for his first 24 hours! When Benjamin starts having more alert times between feeds and lots of wet and pooey nappies then you can start to reduce the top ups. Alertness and nappy frequency are better indicators of if a baby is getting enough than their weight. BF babies gain slower than FF babies too, make sure they aren't comparing him to a chart for FF babies.

I think I am becoming a Lactivist. :blush:

I BF'd at the school xmas fair, no negative responses at all, and a lot of smiles from the teachers!

Hope thats awful, people just don't think when they share stuff on FB. :dohh:
Loz, loving Lactivist! I'm a bit of a Lactivist as well. Glad the fair went well.
Pink, I replied in your journal but things will get easier. Someone said to me the first 6 weeks are a total blur and nothing is normal and that's very true.
Happy V day Kelly! It's a wonderful milestone.
Hope - I hate it when people put things like that on Facebook. I can't bear scrolling down and seeing an abused animal or child. It serves no purpose at all.
Hope everyone else is doing ok, Pichi, Mindy, Mmm, Crayz, Cupcake
Just been for my scan, baby is head down, bum to one side and limbs to the other. No cause for worry.
See you have a cheeky one like I did! Tricking the midwife :haha: Makes me think you will have a boy! :haha:

Happy V day Kelly....looking back, does it seem now like time has flown? :hugs:
sometimes it feels like its flown other times it drags i still worry about everything but guess that will never change, im glad the fair went well
miggins i recon boy too not long now cant wait
Happy v day kelly, mine seemed to fly til i got to 30 weeks then dragged lol

Mrs m really thinking girl for you, cant wait til we find out

My lovely sister offered to take ryan and kieron tonight aswell as already having her 3 so im having some much needed time with oh, near enough finished ryans birthday and xmas shopping got a takeaway on the way home and now sitting with a few bottles of bud, only had two and feeling tipsy :haha: going to make the most of some decent sleep soon

Hope everyone is doing well :flower:
Happy V day Kelly! So exciting! :D

I am sorry I have been MIA. I worked every day this week (yay!) and we had a concert put on by the high school students on Tuesday and dinner theatre by the high school drama group last night. I feel like this week has been a hundred days long!

I hope you are all well! :flow:

I will try to catch up better tomorrow after I get some sleep. I am too tired to focus on anything right now :wacko:

Have a great evening!

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