Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

hey everyone! (unsubscribed to this thread again :dohh:) how is everybody?

little update from me while i have 2 minutes peace- :haha:

*Xavier is up to 7lb in weight now :thumbup: that's a total of 9/10oz in 2 weeks? he's just under the 25th Centile for weight and the 9th for Height...
*I failed again at breastfeeding - i stopped doing top-ups of formula to find that i just wasn't producing enough for the wee man so now he's mainly on formula now :( this makes me sad as the closeness of breastfeeding i love so much! i was finding it increasingly hard to feed on demand with Pixie running around as i felt like i was neglecting her too :( with combi feeding at least my OH can feed at night while i get my batteries re-charged for the day ahead with a toddler and NB!

i hope everyone is keeping well. who's the next to go?? i think its mrs Miggins that's due next isn't it? how exciting!
Sorry about the breastfeeding Pichi, you didn't fail, you did your best for your lil guy and thats all any of us can do- the main thing is he gets fed, not whether it is formula or bm. Sadly having to top up can nerf your milk too much, especially in the early times when its so vital for the baby to be on boob alot to establish the supply. :wacko::hugs:

I do have a feeling, that given how much Lil Fella lost quickly after birth that they might have suggested I top up if he weren't such a big guy and therefore could afford to lose a little bit and it didn't matter if he took a while to put it back. That being said I am a stubborn sod and would have refused to formula top up unless there were actual signs of not getting enough such as not enough wet nappies. As it went he had alert times and a good amount of 'active' nappies. I am very lucky. He is asleep at the moment, and has been clusterfeeding again today. No matter how empty my boobs feel they always manage a letdown of milk when needs be....must be all that chocolate I eat! :haha: I wish everyone could find it easy, I feel guilty about it then I remember with my first how wrong it all went with the bleeding nipples and not knowing what clusterfeeding was. It was madness.
It is such a hard thing to do. I'm looking forward to it so much, but really hoping I find it easier to establish second time around. Like you Loz I'm very stubborn about it, but I'm expecting my baby to be bigger as well. Pichi you have not failed. Never think that. You did what you could and the important thing is that Xavier is being filled up.
Good evening ladies :)

Lozdi, you are a wealth of information! Thank you for sharing all the bf'ing information. I really hope that I won't have too many issues but I really think that is wishful thinking. I am going to try my hardest to bf as well, but I understand that sometimes things just don't work out how you want. I hope you are well.

I hope you are all well.

Hi to everyone! I hope you are all well.

Quick question... do you think it is weird that my kiddo hasn't had any hiccups yet? I am going to be 28 weeks tomorrow (3rd tri! Yay!) and I really don't think I have felt any hiccups yet. Is this ok?

Have a great night, everyone!
BF is one thing I have never done. With DD I did say I would do the first feed as a BF but I was so tired after 36 hours if labour I just wanted to sleep. The MWs has to drag me in the shower :rofl:

With DS we didn't even discuss trying because less than a year before I had him I had a breast reduction and was told it was highly unlikely that I would be able to BF. My boobs did leak but nowhere near as much as they did with DD.

Again I won't be trying this time but that's my personal choice, it's not something I've ever been passionate about, I like that with FF hubby can have the closeness of feeding snuggles too :)

I have quite a few people on my Facebook who are very pro BF so much so they think its the only option :rolleyes: Do remember all the hype about the BF doll? Well considering I've never BF and most of DDs dolls came with bottles, DD said the other day that she wants big boobies when she gets older so she can have lots of babies and feed them :lol:

Mindy I think some babies are very hiccupy but others less so. DD was worse for it but DS did have them too. I can't remember when they started though.

How's everyone else? X
Well said Mmm. I am very pro BF as a personal choice but can't bear that anyone should be made to feel inadequate if they don't do it.
Mindy I didn't feel hiccups this time round until about a month ago. I can't remember what time I started feeling Edie hiccup but it was a little earlier I think, but as long as you are feeling movements it's certainly not something to stress over.
I'm officially full term today! Hooray! I don't want to go into labour this week I think it's still too early.
id never force BF'ing on anyone as like you have said its personal choice and I think that's how personally I feel like I have failed as it is something I enjoy... Just have to remind myself that he got good stuff for 2 weeks -sigh-

Well said Mmm :)

We have a hungry monster! He's been cluster feeding last night in particular but his eyes are bigger than his belly as he is sick :nope: plus note he's pooping and winding just fine now :)
At least you tried pichi no one should be made to feel like a failure. As many others said on this thread as long as little man is getting fed it doesn't matter :hugs: he'll be going through a growth spurt already :)

Happy full term Mrs M! I can't believe in 5 weeks you WILL have you'd rainbow baby :cloud9: x
thanks. i know i shouldn't feel like i do considering i tell everyone else this too (that as long as you tried then that's the best you can do) but it's just a little niggle that annoys me.

How is everyone today? It won't be too long until more babies are being born again :happydance: can't believe how fast time has flown in! xmas almost immanent!

Pixie is just being a right pain in the backside today... jumping all over me, screaming and just being a little bugger :dohh: i'm going to have to go to the Dr too because of these intense stomach pains and almost explosive toilet trips (sorry for the tmi) i've been getting. i remember it with my last section but it didn't last this long! it may be to do with all the anti-b's i was on - they've only just finished!
That doesn't sound pleasant at all! Make sure you do get checked out hun! :hugs: x
When I was first thinking about getting pregnant I was absolutely against bf'ing. I have a hate/hate relationship with my chest. I hate it very much and any attention any way makes me feel very uncomfortable. I am waiting for a breast reduction. I actually had an appt but decided to wait on it because it was about the time we decided we would try for a baby.

Since becoming pregnant I have rethought my ideas on bf'ing. I have decided the benefits for baby are greater than my own discomfort. I am going to try my hardest to bf. But, if for some reason I am not able to, I don't think I will beat myself up. I think I will feel sad but I understand that sometimes things don't work out.

Lozdi, I had a question for you, but at the moment I have completely forgotten it. :shy: I will remember it sometime, I'm sure! :haha: OH! I remembered!! How are things going with the cloth diapers? I have some newborn sized ones and we are going to order the rest soon. We are getting one size AIO diapers - 24 diapers and 24 inserts. I am going to order extra inserts for over night and stuff. I can't wait to get them!

Pichi, that is really great news about your little guy gaining weight! :) I agree with all the ladies, there is absolutely no reason for you to beat yourself up over bf'ing. :hugs: I'm sorry your little guy is drinking too much and throwing it up sometimes. I really hope that he doesn't continue that for too long. I hope you feel better soon. :hugs: I agree that going to the doctor is a good idea.

MMM, I hope your pelvis is feeling a little better today. :hugs:

Mrs. M. Happy full term!!! How exciting! 3 weeks away :happydance: Do you think you will go before Christmas? I can't wait!!

Pink, how are you doing today? I hope your little man is sleeping a little better now. My sister had the same problem, with her LO not sleeping well in the night, but it has gotten better since she has been a week old or so.

Kelly, how are you today? Where is that bump picture you keep talking about taking?? I would love to see your bumpy :)

Hope, I'm sorry your friend posted such a terrible picture on FB. :hugs: That is really awful. I will block people who do that on FB. I have a lot of dog people on my FB and for the most part they all feel the same but every now and then someone will post a horribly graphic picture of animal abuse. They get immediately blocked. :( I hope you are doing well :)

Hi to everyone! :flow:

Afm: I can't believe I am 28 weeks today! Wow!! 12 weeks left. That gave me a little start the other day when I realized it. :haha: We have nothing done for the nursery and we still have so many things to buy. :wacko: We are planning to use Christmas break to get the nursery painted and get the decal up along with painting the crib and change table and staining the dressers. SO much work! At least Christmas break is almost 2 weeks long this year.

What do you guys think of bumpers? I was planning to buy breathable bumpers. Are there any you would recommend? How many sleepers (I'm not sure what you guys call them :)) should I have? I am planning to keep baby in sleepers most of the time until he is bigger. I don't see the point of little baby outfits since sleepers seem so much easier. I have one fleecy one and one fuzzy one and 6 that are just cotton so far. I also have one bigger one but I don't think he will fit that one for a while. I know I don't have anywhere near enough but I am going to wait until after Christmas to buy more clothes because I am sure we will end up getting some then.

Also, anything you think I might need that maybe I wouldn't think of (which is probably most everything! I feel like I am clueless!!) please tell me :)

Thanks for the reassurance on the hiccups. I am feeling a lot of movement. He has started doing something where he moves some body part slowly and pokes is out and stays that way for a bit. That feels really weird! :haha: I love it, though. I really love when he moves slowly and I can feel him with my hand moving under it. It feels much cooler than the quick kicks.

Have a great day!! :flower:
Mindy, I think once you have given breast feeding a go - if you get on with it - you will completely detach any emotions you have about your breasts as body parts and just see them as the link between feeding your baby and you. I used to dislike mine but to be honest, now I know they fed my daughter for a year I actually couldn't care less what they look like. My attitude towards them changed completely. But that was just me, and if you formula feed because that is the right thing for you to do, then that is the right decision as well. (Incidentally my boobs look just the same as they did before they fed for a year. No worse)
As for the sleepers (we call them babygros) I recommend you get dozens especially if you are planning on keeping baby in them most of the time. I remember sending mark out to Asda to buy more as you will find it difficult to keep up with washing at first. If you want a rough idea of how many vests and baby gros I bought for Edie look through my old Facebook photo albums and find one called "washing". This was all the stuff I had prepared for her before she was born, but like I say I needed more. Also like you I planned on keeping her in baby gros for the first few weeks but when I discovered I had a daughter the lure of the little dresses proved too much! Also I got loads of cute outfits bought for us.
Happy 28 weeks, can't believe how it's flown. I'd like to think Migglet will be here before Christmas but my gut feeling is early January. Had a bit of a freak out in my journal earlier that this is actually happening.
Thanks Mrs. M. :)

I will have a look at your album on FB. I don't have many onesies (haha! Sorry, I know you hate that word!) /vests either. Only 2 or 3. I will get more after Christmas. Thanks for all your help!

We have gotten a few cute little outfits given to us from Shawn's mom but they are all a lot bigger. I think she is assuming I am going to have a gigantic baby since all of hers were huge. :haha: I really hope my kiddo is not as big as her babies were!! Her last one was over 10 lb and she is only 4'11"!

I think I really will keep kiddo in sleepers for the first while since I just LOVE LOVE LOVE a little baby in a sleeper. I just want to snuggle every little baby in a sleeper. I don't know what it is about them but they just look so snuggly. :haha: I am thinking it will be at least 2 months before I put him in any outfits. :haha:

Oh :) We have settled on a name. He will be Finn <3 Finn Oliver Jack

I am not sure my attitude about my chest will change after I am done feeding our kiddo. I will be very happy to use my chest for such a great thing, but afterwards I am still going to get a breast reduction. I am a small person, only 5'4" and not overly large, but my chest is 32GG. That is WAY too big. I would love it if they would be smaller after bf'ing but I also worry that if they are smaller they will also be down around my waist! :haha: I feel like my chest is the thing that most people notice about me before they even notice me. It makes it hard when I am a teacher. When I am teaching young children it is fine, but even in grades as low as grade 6 I have problems. I once had a student in grade 6 draw a picture of me and all of his friends were giggling about it. Made me feel like crap. I absolutely do not wear any clothing that shows off my chest but I have gotten comments from female co-workers before about me flaunting myself. It really is a huge blow to the self esteem that it is the only thing that people notice. It is so bad that I don't even like any attention there from Shawn. :( I think I would feel much happier about myself if I didn't have to deal with all that.
Pixie lived in sleepsuits for the first few months and i think Xavier is going to be the same. we have at least 8-10 of each size purely because we've been given them as presents but also like Mrs Miggins says it's so hard to get on top of the washing pile to start with. they breed in the basket :haha:

you might feel totally different when it comes to actually BF'ing T_S. it's such a nice personal experience that you and your baby share :)
Gosh without formula my first would have starved! Mindy I never liked my boobs (small boobs, big nipples) until I could use them for successful BF'ing! You might find that you start to like yours if you take to BF and enjoy it and find it easy.

Personal choice FF is all very well and good, and doesn't mean anything bad...what upsets me is when a woman has wanted to BF, tried to, and been given dud advice from midwifes and health visitors and gp's and then ends up being forced to use formula because someone doesn't recognize the existence of clusterfeeding, and instead calls it 'not making enough milk for your baby' or they compare your LO's growth to a chart made for formula fed babies, who tend to find it easier to put weight on faster, and then say you NEED to use formula or your baby will starve! You should only really need to top up if the nappies aren't right, or baby shows other signs of not getting enough. I baby has alert awake periods between feeds and naps, and is producing several wet and dirty nappies a day, then slow weight gain isn't a problem even after a big loss following birth.

36 hour labour blimey...I was knackered after 10 hours with my first. No way could I have tried to BF after 36 hours. Blimey! Would have needed to sleep for a week to recover. :dohh:

Cloth nappies are going swimmingly! The inserts that came with the cheapie ones wasn't enough so I got 12 milo ones from boots and i fold those round the other inserts then put them into the nappies and they hold as well and sometimes better than sposies! I wonder how we will cope with them when he starts on solids and starts to produce more offensive nappies. :haha:

Not long now til we find out what team Migglet is! :happydance:
Do you find that the diapers fit well? I am planning to order mine all at once before baby comes as well. I have asked about washing diapers in the natural parenting section and everyone says not to do that since not all diapers fit all babies. They said to get a few different brands and test to see what works best. I really can't afford to get expensive diapers and also, we live in the middle of no where and if we find only one diaper really works we will be stuck for about 2-3 weeks before new diapers get to us! I am just going to have to cross my fingers that the Sunbaby diapers fit well. :wacko:

I am planning to get a 3 layer bamboo insert for each diaper and then 12 extra 4 layer bamboo/microfibre inserts for extra protection. I hope it works!
The ones I have are almost covered in poppers so highly adjustable, everytime he has a growth spurt we modify how we fasten the nappies, so far its going very well and they fit brilliantly.
I just had a look on ebay and the seller I got them from doesn't have any listed at the moment, just tons of ladies shoes!
What a strange thing to have! Diapers and then ladies shoes!

These are the diapers I am getting
Those look similar to mine, lots of fasteners. With some clever folding they will fit baby from very small to rather big. :happydance:

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