Thanks guys, he started with a little sniffle and cough the other day, he was having 4oz every 3-4 hrs but that gradually went down to to 3oz then 2oz then wasnt waking up to be fed at all then when he was awake he was screaming in pain his knees were coming up and he was trying to double over and everytime he ttok a breath his belly seemed to jerk and pop up or he was breathing a lot faster, he had no strength whatsoever bless him, all his tests have come back neg of any infection but have been sent off for more tests to be checked for more bugs which takes 48 hours so little man has to stay in for antibiotics until then, he finally took a 3oz bottle about 4 hours ago he was starving but as soon as hed finished it came back all over him,me and the floor, so hes being tube fed until hes stopped vomiting, he just looks so weak and ill and his little bright eyes have gone, its awful i cant wait to have my bright eyed smiley gurgling baby boy back