(I keep missing posts...

Happy eggplant Kelly!!
MMM, I am glad to hear your aren't in as much pain today. I hope it continues like that.
Mrs. M., I'm sorry Miglett has shifted into an uncomfortable position. I hope she/he moves soon. Unless, of course, she/he is prepping to come into this world! Then I hope it happens sooner rather than later so you don't have to suffer for long!
I saw your pictures in your journal. They are absolutely beautiful! You look fantastic. So pretty!
I love the idea of the big chunky colourful beads. I really hope I can find some!
I'm pretty good today. I subbed today, the only day this week.

I did something to my lower tummy last night and it is feeling like RLP that doesn't want to let up. I squashed my tummy somehow or bent funny or something getting ready for bed last night and hurt it a little. Then this morning I had a great idea to put on sneakers that I had to lace up... squashed my tummy again!

Anyway, I have a small, sharp pain that hurts if I move around too much. Yay for RLP.

We are going into town tomorrow to do the last of our Christmas shopping and I am not looking forward to fighting the crowds but I am excited to get the shopping done. I will also be able to get my maternity coat tomorrow too since I had to get it shipped to my MIL's house since they wouldn't ship to me... you know since I live in the middle of nowhere!
I hope you all have a great evening!