Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

Argh! I just had a post all typed up and then I closed the window somehow! :mad:

Hi ladies :)

I hope you are all well!

Kelly, I'm sorry you are so tired. :hugs: That really sucks. I think it is just how it is now for us mommies to be and mommies. :wacko: I have been exhausted lately too. A little more than 3 weeks and you get to see your little man again <3

MMM, I'm glad you are feeling a little better today. I really hope it continues.

Mrs. M., that really sucks that you are having so much trouble getting your mat. pay all sorted. I hope it gets worked out soon. I also hope your Christmas shopping goes smoothly on Friday. I hate shopping this time of year!

Lozdi, how are you? How is that handsome little man of yours? I hope your shopping goes well too.

Pichi, that is a lot of birthdays in November! I hope you and your new little man are doing well :)

Afm: I am almost done all my shopping. We have to get some pre-paid VISAs for Shawn's family and put a photo collage together for his nan to get it printed and framed. I also have to call a little local restaurant in my sister's town to set something up there so we can treat them to dinner out. We are really cutting back this year because it is so easy to go overboard and I really don't want to end up in debt because of it. With my family we have cut way back and my sister and I are only exchanging gifts for baby and baby to be. I am getting them a dinner out as a new parent gift rather than a Christmas gift. We also have the same arrangement (baby/baby to be only) with Shawn's brother and his family and all our friends. It really helps. We wanted to get Shawn's other brother and his girlfriend a gift certificate for a supper out since everyone just goes out and buys what they want now anyway but Shawn's mom said that they wouldn't use it. So we are getting them a pre-paid VISA so they can use it anywhere and get what they want. We are doing the same for Shawn's parents. I really hate how commercial Christmas is.

I am struggling now trying to figure out what we are going to do when we have Finn. We are not religious (I am actually atheist) but I do appreciate the spirit of giving and the tradition of Christmas and I want to pass that on. But, I don't want him coming downstairs in the morning expecting a room full of gifts. It is going to be a lot of conversations I think. Shawn's mom really goes overboard with Christmas. I know she loves to give gifts but I hope she will respect our wishes when the time comes. We have asked everyone to give us things for baby only this year. Just so we can get more prepared. We don't need anything for ourselves but a sleeper or 2 would be awesome :)

Anyway, I have babbled enough. :shy:

I am super tired today since we did so much cleaning/decorating yesterday and I think I pushed it way too far and I ended up with really bad sciatic pain all night last night. :(

I am working all week except for Friday and I still have a bunch to do for the baby gifts (I love making homemade gifts :)) so I better get off the computer now and get to work! I am going to take it to work with me for the next 3 days since I am back down at that little school with 2 students and should have some time during lunch to get some done.

Have a great night :flow:
Hi ladies :flower:

I hope you are all well. It is so quiet in here lately. :)

Shawn told me today that a student of his said that I look like I am due any day :cry: I didn't realize I was that big! Boohoooooo!!

I keep having scary dreams. :( Always paranormal in subject. I hate it. Last nights dream was so scary that I almost woke Shawn up.

I hope you are all well. :flow:
That's horrible that you are having nasty dreams. I hope they stop. Damn hormones play horrible tricks on us.
I'm sure the student who said you look due any day doesn't actually have a clue. How insensitive. You are looking great.
2am and I'm up as I needed to go to the loo, no surprise there. I'm also getting slight night sweats this last few nights. I remember having these really badly when Edie was newborn and I was breast feeding. I'm taking it as a sign things are not far away. I'm starving too and wish I could be bothered to go downstairs for a snack.
Thanks Mrs. M. :hugs: the student was a 16 year old boy so I am assuming he doesn't have a clue! But, the tech taking my blood last week said "you are due soon?" But it wasn't really a question :(

I'm sorry you are up now :( I hope you feel better soon :hugs: I hope things are getting moving for you and Miglett <3 it is very exciting! I get hungry all the time in the night now too. I just drink water and go back to sleep since I am too lazy to get out of bed! :haha:

I hope I don't have any more bad dreams. I hate it, it is most every night now. :(
I fell back to sleep just after I posted and had the best sleep ever! Didn't wake up at all when mark got up and he didn't wake Edie up, I should get up though as Mark has gone to work early and my stepson is up for school. But part of me thinks at 15 he is quite capable of sorting himself out. Edie is only just stirring as well.
I remember going to see a Dr who asked me how far along I was and when I said 26 weeks he said "about halfway then." Erm, no. And as for a 16 year old boy it's just impressive that he has noticed and registered that you are pregnant!
I'm really sorry about the dreams though. I only had one really horrible one where we had been bombed and my cat was maimed and it was really distressing. I can't imagine how stressful it must be having them every night. Could you mention it to your doctor?
ts so sorry you are having crappy dreams i hope they stop real soon,mrs glad you had the good sleep the ones that just come over you are always the best.
i dont ever think ive been so tired in all my life i just feel shattered all the time
had them done way back in first trimester when i saw the midwife on tues she said well your meant to come bak here at 28 weeks but as you have scan at hospital then get them to do your bloods and wee test she didnt even give me a covering letter she said if they say no just make an appointment to come back to us, i thought this was poor shes always in a bloody rush,and shes a grumpy cow too lol
Make a doctors appointment. Your tiredness should have subsided a bit by now so I'd go and tell them. 3 weeks is too long to wait if you are anaemic or anything.
yeah think i will feel rough today sicky AGAIN and just feel poo you feeling a little better are you excited?
Hello ladies l apologise for not keeping up its just been mad lately.

I'm doing fine just starting to feel uncomfortable on a night. Midwife appt today and all is well. Bp is stable measuring on dates and baby is head down brimming my pelvis and boy do I know it.

House sale/purchase is continuing on problems now with the purchase so looks like we will finally get moved in the new year. Gad that the dam solicitors are on holiday until the 3rd so a least we can enjoy Christmas without some of stress. I am now sorted and wrapped. Just got to run my mam around over the next few days. She cooks for everyone.

Will try and keep up with posts from now on in ladies.
Good to see you Debzie. I think my body is starting to prepare for eviction. Been extremely sick tonight and I'm having cramps every ten minutes or so. They aren't contractions, they are too high up, but I think things are starting to prepare.
Don't get excited! I'm not! I could go on like this for days or weeks.
Sounds like your uterus is begining to do its thing Mrs migg or you poisoned yourself with clary sage lol. X I can remember those first muffled with Emily. Pushed her head right down. x
Mrs. M., I am so glad you had a good sleep after you posted. How exciting that it seems like things are starting up!! I can't believe that Miglett could be here so very soon :happydance: Good luck!!

Kelly, I am so sorry you are so tired and sick. :hugs: I hope you feel better soon. I'm second what Mrs. M. said, please call your doctor or your mw to get some bloods taken.

Dedzie :) How are you doing? I'm sorry you are so stressed out with the house stuff. Sorry you have to run your mom all around, but it is great that you are all prepped and ready for Christmas. I'm glad your mw appt went well. That is great that baby is in position and getting ready for their entrance into the world! :)

Afm: Last night I actually slept well. It was so nice! I only got up 2 times to pee and I didn't have any bad dreams. I spent about an hour last night sitting on a heating pad (for my hip) before bed and I barely had any pain. It was super great :)

I hope you are all having a great evening :flow:

Come on Miglett!!!
I never had it with Edie or if I did it happened while I was asleep and I didn't notice as the first thing I knew about labour with her was waking up at 5am with mild but definite contractions that quickly became the real deal.
Mrs M I had a good nights sleep the day I went into labour :haha:

:hugs: Kelly I agree I'd go get your bloods checked for anaemia.

Yey for the great sleep Mindy it's lovely when you get a nice sleep isn't it? X
How are you today MMM?

What is everyone's plans for the evening?

I am planning to sit on the heating pad again and do some more sewing. Maybe I will alternate between my hip and my shoulder with the heating pad. (that is, if I can wrestle the heating pad away from the cat! It isn't even plugged in yet!)

Oh! I ordered my diaper bag today :) This is what it looks like (This is the same fabric, but a different colour, as the fabric you used for your bedding, isn't it, Pichi?) I love it!!

Also, my bottles, lanisinoh cream, and mobi wrap came today! :happydance: We only got 4 bottles so far as we are really hoping to bf. They are 5 oz stainless steel bottles with silicone nipples. No plastic at all. They are great because I can change the top out for a sippy cup top for when Finn gets older. These bottles will last for Finn and possibly a second child. I love it! This is the bottles we chose
That changing bag is lovely Mindy and those bottles look lovely, I've never seen anything like that over here.

I'm not too bad. Seen our little man again today :) he's growing perfectly. Had another round of acupuncture yesterday which hasn't done anything to be totally honest. Got another appt on the 2nd January when hopefully ill get crutches to help me. Other than that I'm fine :lol: x

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