I'm really glad you are being well taken care of.

I really hope it is not a bp issue. I hope the swelling goes down soon.
Does anyone have any tips on how to sleep without waking up in pain? My hip/sciatic is hurting SO badly. I am up now when I should be sleeping because I got up to pee and couldn't stand the thought of laying back down.

I am going to try sleeping on the couch for a bit and see if that hurts or helps it. I find sitting on the couch bad for my sciatic pain... There is no winning! Haha! Only 9 more weeks... (hopefully!) I can do it!
When I sleep at night I use my snoogle. I tuck one end between my legs and up under my belly to support that. Then I tuck the long side real close into my back so it is supported there. Still after about an hour I am in pain.

I don't know what to do. I guess I have to go back to physio. And then this time do my exercises. I didn't do them because it hurts too much to lay on a mat on the floor to do them.

I'm such a baby!
I hope you all slept better than me!
We are on day 2 of the storm. We are going to sand and prime the baby's furniture today.
What is everyone else up to today?
I hope you all have a great day!