Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

Just finished packing my bag filled a weekend bag plus another saller one for baby stuff. Was nt very prepared when I went in with Emily and as I ended up saying in longer chrs brought some more stuff in but it wasn't what I wanted. So ths time I am prepared.
Hope your appointment comes through soon Mindy.

Kelly and Mindy I love the colours :D We done Thomas' room in a baby blue when I was pregnant with him. This time we're just leaving the room painted yellow and just putting the stick arounds and border up.

Is it starting to feel more real now you've packed you bag Debz?

How's everyone else? X
Thanks MMM :)

What pictures are on your border and stickers? I like yellow for a baby's room, it is nice and bright! :)

How are you feeling today?
The rooms are already yellow so it just makes sense to leave it :lol: plus that room will eventually become Caitlin's so I don't want to have to decorate it again!

This is the theme we're going for:

I'm exhausted today :( was up most the night itching again. I just want a good night's sleep x
Love the themes mrsmm sorry the meds aren't working.

Yeah it feels real now I'm going to have a in a few weeks.
Debzie, I can't believe how close you are! It is so exciting! :happydance:

MMM, those are so cute! It is going to look so great :) I'm sorry you are itching so much still. I hope the meds help more soon.
Hi loz hope you're doing well Hun. I have found out that I am having a big baby! A whopper! At 38 + 4 baby was 9lbs 9! Mrs mig reminded me that your son was over 9lbs and you had a home birth!! Just wondering if it all went well. I am so torn between a natural birth v induction v c section and time is running out for me! Xxx

Haha Fili I just got done posting on your journal! Lil Fella was estimated to be 9lb 6 at 38+4, then popped out 9lb 13 at 40+3, so they were a little off but not much. The home birth went very very well, I delivered upright with no need for gas and air, even managed to avoid a tear- But this was my third labour, and I knew what to expect, plus my first was 8lb12, in all honesty if it was my first and I'd had a difficult journey like you have then was told I was expecting a whopper, I would certainly give strong consideration to a c-sec. Trust your instinct! :hugs: Lil Fella was heavy, but didn't seem massive to me...I think that taking asprin helped him to become as big as he could be, he has quite a broad back and even was born with fairly big hands and feet! :haha: When he came out one of the midwives said 'Goodness, where were you hiding him???' LOL

MissMM Itching its no fun is it I was unlucky and got post partum PUPPPS and it was a nightmare. In the end, high doses of dandelion root in capsule form sorted it. Not sure if you can take that when pregnant though. :hugs:

Debzi I took honey halva as a snack whe I had my first baby, its like a paste and has lots of energy, so easy to eat if you don't fancy eating. My second was so fast the half a sausage sandwhich I took wrapped in foil was totally ignored :haha: third labour, well was at home so OH made me runny eggs and toast soldiers! I hope your BP starts to behave. :hugs:

This has been a really random post, I have the thread open on about 4 tabs and seem to be reading it really inefficiently today, I'm also juggling Lil (BIG) Fella on my lap and he is looking at his brothers and making some adorable noises. I need a new memory card for my camera, I'll get one tomorrow then there shall be more pics.

Mrs Miggins hang on in there with the engorgement, I leaned on ibuprofen during that time, plus did switch feeding for relief- the switch feeding started me off with epic supply, and its still going strong.
Thank you Debzie :) I haven't gotten the twin comment yet, but I'm sure I will. People sure don't think before they open their big mouths! :growlmad:

I have a bit of a system for sleeping. I have my snoogle right down my back and then tucked between my knees and under my bump. That makes a very snuggley support for my hip. Then under me I have almost 2 inches of wool blanket. If I keep my knees up close, in the fetal position it lets me sleep until my bladder wakes me up usually. I pretty much only sleep on my left side. I find my right side quite uncomfortable and my left hip still hurts that way. :wacko: Pregnancy is so fun. :haha:

I hope your swelling doesn't get worse and that your bp stays good.

I should probably start a bag soon too... :dohh: So scared of labour, so I am kind of just ignoring it. :haha:

I hope all you ladies are having a good day :flow:

Is it fear of the unknown, or a particular part of labour?

There is alllsorts of clothing I would like to make, but mostly, sweatercoats. Go on youtube and search 'Making a Katwise sweatercoat.'
i cant remenber the last time i had a good night sleep i get a bad shoulder and neck from constantly sleeping on my left side, and im the same as you ts im scared senseless about giving birth

Scared of it in general, or a particular bit?
Thanks Loz, it's settled down today. It wasn't actually as bad as I got it with Edie. I can't believe what a breeze everything has been this time round, delivery, recovery, feeding, all been easier. A combination of a smaller baby and already knowing the ropes I suppose.
We have had a constant stream of visitors today, I had the day 3 milk coming in hormone explosion and I've probably had a total of twelve hours sleep since last Tuesday night. I'm pooped!
hey loz ok so what im scared of is and this is guna sound silly and i think it stems from watching one born every minute some women cope some women scream the place down ,well i really dont want to be a screamer and worried that i wont cope and worried that i will panic does this sound silly?
Have you considered co-sleeping? It does make the night feeds super easy.
It doesn't sound silly at all Kelly :hugs: it's the fear of the unknown. I don't think I was a screamer :lol: however I did scream a little when Caitlin's head was crowning and think I maybe did with Thomas too but other than that I was just grunting and moaning through contractions I think. Everyone is different and has different pain thresholds, some women can labour with no pain relief however some feel they need pethedine or an epidural, it's just whatever works for you, there's no right or wrong way :flower: x
Lozdi, those sweater coats are so pretty!

I think what I am most afraid of is the pain. :( I REALLY hate taking meds if I don't have to and I especially hate anything that makes my head feel funny. My 2 friends who had babies last year didn't end up getting an epidural because they went too fast. They both had a drug called Nubain though. One friend was sleeping/passing out??? between each contraction. My other friend felt floaty/weird for about 15 minutes and then she slept it off. I absolutely refuse to take anything that will make me feel like that. :( I am afraid that I am not going to be able to handle the pain. I am not completely against an epidural because I don't think that makes your head swim. I just hate not to have complete control of my senses. Weird, I know. :wacko:

Mrs. M., I'm sorry you have so many visitors while you are so tired. Can you politely ask no one else to come for a visit until you get some sleep? I hope you feel better soon.

Kelly, I really don't want to scream either! I don't know if I have screamed at all since I have become an adult. Maybe I did when I was a kid. Besides me being a complete control freak over my senses, I am also quite reserved with things like that too. I am a freak, what can I say?!? :dohh: I am not looking forward to losing control during labour. :( I probably have OCD...

MMM, it is good to know that not every woman screams in labour. I know that some women can make it through without so much as a moan. I don't know if I will be able to do that.
a spinal block can make you feel a little light headed as your bp can fall slightly but they keep an eye on that - so by guessing i'd assume an epidural would be much the same? :shrugg:

you will be totally surprised on what your body can handle though. Some of the woman on OBEM make it looks horrific! I always remember going into the Hospital in labor (although they didn't believe me!)and there was this woman screaming in pain and she was only 2cm dilated. (i was earwigging :haha:) i was sat there unknown as to how far along i was - judging by the sounds that woman i wasn't dilated at all and began shitting myself waiting for this mass of unexplainable pain to hit me as up to that point i'd had pain but not excruciating pain like the woman next to me sounded like she was in! when i got examined i was 8½cm dilated :haha: so it just goes to show 2 people can be totally different!

Get yourself into a zone and it's amazing what you can cope with ( TENs machine helped personally)
Thanks for the heads up about the epidural :) I would really love to be able to do the whole thing without any pain meds. We will have to see what happens. I really hope I am able to get into the zone, like you said, and do it without anything.
get a breathing technique and that helps a lot - i feel like a bit of a fraud though not actually pushing :( so close! but not.

i'm sure you will manage!
agreed the zone sounds good xx
what do you ladies think of these??

mmm love your theme for your nursery xx
I will try really hard to breath through it. I know it is not at all alike but when I was getting tattooed on my elbow and inner arm (OUCH!) I just closed my eyes and breathed through it. Maybe I can get through some of the pain like that :)

I don't think I will have access to a TENS machine :( I can buy one but they are $300. Boooo.

Kelly, I think those bags are cute :)

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