I miss my bump. I miss feeling him move inside me. Nothing compares to that baby in your arms though.
Was I the only team yellow? Apart from Fili? I loved it. I was team yellow both times and meeting your baby and finding out what you have been dying to know all that time is an amazing feeling. Both times I had the most indescribable feelings. With Edie I was thrilled - I really, really wanted a girl and finding out I had the daughter I always wanted was amazing. This time I thought I wanted another girl but when he was handed to me and I saw his little boy bits I was over the moon. I was so excited to know I was going to have a whole new set of experiences. But I totally get why people do find out.
I would describe the pain of miscarriage as similar to early labour pains. The big contractions at the end are a different story, but they are something you just work through. I never had any pain relief with either of my labours until gas and air at the very end to push them out with. It's bearable.
Hope that's so funny that Ryan said that! I'm pleased Keiron wasn't too bad with his injections.
Pichi Louis has banana feet too, and massive hands. The midwife came this afternoon and he is still 7 lb 2 so that's really good news. Edie had lost half a pound by 5 days, to stay the same means I must be doing something right!
Back to bleeding etc I bled for 6 weeks with Edie, this time I have almost stopped bleeding. I did get some really horrendous pain in my back and uterus earlier this evening. I felt like I was having a prolapse.