Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

I hope I will get an answer my last spot with him he said as long as I go past 36 weeks without symptoms and more specifically no protein I will be good to go for a vbac. I envisage close monitoring next week in day assessment and then they will make a decision. I just checked it on my dads bp machine and it was 158/105 oh dear.
if it makes you feel a little better Debzie an elective is a nicer experience than a EMCS :flower: hope you get your Vbac though :)

T_S take it easy woman, you are pregnant so don't feel bad for needing to sit down and take 5 or 10 minutes... that's the perks of being pregnant ;) no one will think any different. Good news on your appt too - it's good you're getting all your birthing wishes :)

how is everyone doing ? need to read back and get up to date hehe
Debzie, I hope you get an answer soon. I agree with Pichi (even though I have no experience of either) I think an elective cs sound much nicer than having to rush in for one. :hugs:

I am trying to take it easy. Next week I am booked for 3 days so far but they will be 3 easy days so it will be good. :)

Quick question, it is normal for my tummy to be achy/tender now, right?

I hope you are all well.

I am having a quick break now and then going to make supper. Our friend is coming over with her little girl. I am making homemade (gluten free) Chinese food :) Yum!

Have a great Friday night!
hi ladies hows everyone ive been so busy with work im totally whacked my friends daughter was selling one of her prams shes totally spoilt its only been used once so spotless 120.00 over the moon about this told a friend of mine and she proceeded to tell me it was bad luck to buy a pram before baby was born and it would jinx it she knows what we have been through and this really upset me why do people just come out with such crap!!!!
:hugs: kelly, some people just dont think before they speak, i think everyone has their own opinion on these bad luck things, i dont think theres not one of us who didnt buy their pram before the baby was born at the end of the day your hardly going to wait until you have your baby when you need it to go looking for a pram, i kept my pram at my mams house until a few weeks before i was due both times because i thought it was bad luck bringing them in the house, but it cant be that much bad luck as a few ladies on here did and they still went on with no problems to have their los
ive put it in the spare room xx
how you doing hope hows your little men ??
:hugs: Kelly :hugs:

I think the majority of ladies on this site buy their strollers/prams before the baby comes. We actually bought ours last Wednesday. I didn't ever hear that before. Superstitions are silly.

Sorry you are so busy with work. I am really hoping I can stop working soon. I am finding it really hard to be on my feet all day now. How about you? When can you stop work? I guess it is harder for you since you are self employed. Will your OH take over the responsibilities or will you hire someone?

I wasn't expecting to get our stroller when I did but we were at the store on Wednesday and they had it on clearance for $90! We couldn't pass that up.

I hope you are all well. :flow:
fantastic news mindy on your bargain, oh and i work together so he helps loads but i will try to go on as long as possible im a nitemare i like to do everything myself lol
I'm the same about wanting to do things myself but I am getting to a point now where I am just tired/sore/achy. :( I hate that Shawn is doing so many more things for me but it won't be long and then I will be back to being able to do things again.
Hello ladies I was admitted to the ward on Saturday as my bp was up and ad a trace of protein. Once on the ward my bp came den a little but was still high. Ended up saying overnight and starting on a beta locker. Bp us now more stable. Vbac clinic the morning. I think I M&S have to opt if an elective c section. Trying o get tat in my head so I'm not too disappointed.
:hugs: Debzie :hugs:

I'm so sorry you are having bp issues. I am glad it seems to be under control now with the beta blocker.

I am not sure what M&S means, but I think that you definitely shouldn't be disappointed if you go with an elective c-section. I think the way baby gets here is not important at all as long as baby and mommy are happy and healthy. :hugs:
Debzie - sorry it looks like a elcs but as pichi said she had a fantastic experience with hers.

Kelly - ignore people like that, stupid woman. I know some people believe in those things but I am forever putting shoes and gloves on a table only to get told off my my mother as she thinks it is superstitious. I bought my pram in advance and kept it on my spare room when it got delivered and we are all okay.

ts - glad you got sucha great appointment and got all the things you wanted. I am still surprised gas and air isn't available over there. It did make me feel a bit 'strange' I kept telling OH that the gas made me sound like a man which he though was very funny.

I also am one to do everything but I think it would be good practice just now for both of you to let your OH do more are you really won;t be able to do it all when your LO's arrive and trying (or feeling like you should) make it all the more difficult in the early days and weeks. So if you and OH get used to doing less/more now it will make things easier later. I know it stressed me out watching OH do things or having to ask OH to do things and seeing my house get messier.
I'm hoping that I won't really mind the loopiness while I am having the pain as long as it goes away when I breath fresh air. My friend was able to get gas and air in the hospital she delivered in. I didn't realize that is what she got. She said it didn't help her at all. :( I guess the hospital I am going to deliver in is behind the times! :haha:

I have a bit of a problem, ladies. I was doing ok with the stress of being PAL but I just found out last week that a lady around here lost her little boy. She was full term and in the hospital waiting to deliver. She was there to be induced (I think) because of reduced fetal movement and she lost him. She had to deliver him the next day. :cry: I feel so awful for her and her family. I am so, so sad. I am also so, so scared.

Up until now I have been quite reasonable about fetal movement. I know when I am at work or busy doing something I may not feel him move. But, when I sit and relax I feel wiggles. Now I am worried about things like what if he is in distress and not moving while I am working and I don't notice so he is a few hours not moving by then before I get a chance to sit and notice movement. Or what about overnight. I am able to sleep through him moving around, even when he is having a party in there (I know because I have fallen asleep during more than one of his parties) so what if I sleep for a few hours but he hasn't moved then when I get up to pee and he doesn't move I just assume it is because he is sleeping (he doesn't always move when I get up to pee). I hate that all these stressful thoughts are going around my head.

I am sitting here now feeling him squirming away but still I am stressed out. :(

(sorry for such terrible thoughts. :()
Big :hugs: Kelly, ignore people like that, they aren't worth your time. I bet she was one of these who believed the world was going to end in December too :winkwink:

:hugs: Mindy, don't apologise, I think no matter what stage of pregnancy we are, we will always worry about our baby's until they are in our arms :hugs: x
Kelly were great thanks ryan is still a little tinker :haha: and kieron is great at the min hes having his first night in his own room in his cot tonight im hoping i get some sleep :haha:, we went to put the cot we kept off ryan together and it was so loose and wobbly weve had to throw it out i blame our old place as it was in a damp mouldy room for 2 years before we got moved here so thats probably why and we dont have the money to buy one until after this month, so yesterday afternoon my parents turned up at my door with a brand new cot and mattress from mothercare bless them, so grateful to them, now i cant wait to sort his room properly i thought we had another few months to do it but little man obviously had other ideas :haha: so ive instructed oh were doing it next weekend, just cant believe hes 2 months already

Ts i think we all worry and worried throughout our pregnancies its hard not to sometimes :hugs:
ts -I think we all have those thought, I know I did. Those that it happens is horribly devastating but it is very rare. You hope to get that far and feel everything is okay (and it will be) but something else makes us worry. :hugs:
Mindy I had the thoughts too. Now I worry about SIDS. It's normal but it doesn't make it any easier and it's horrific when we hear of somebody going through it.
I found gas and air to be enormous relief but with both my labours I never got the opportunity to have any pain relief at all until it came to pushing them out, and they both came out with one push so it was nice just to have some relief at the very end. I think if I'd had it earlier in the labour it maybe wouldn't have been as effective. I'm not sure.
Debzie I'm sorry you are going through this but like everyone says a planned section is meant to be so much better than an emergency one.
Kelly I have stupid superstitions as well and I wish I didn't. Nobody ever came to any harm because a pram was in a house. Silly old wives tales.
Thanks ladies :hugs:

I'm trying hard not to stress. That has been my plan this whole pregnancy, not to stress. Sometimes the thoughts just creep in. :(

I think the worry during pregnancy just gets us used to the worry that we will now have for the rest of our lives.

I have an Angel Care monitor with the sensor pad. I hope that it will help a little with the SIDS worrying. I'm not sure how much it will help since I am even paranoid with my friends' kids. I am just a worrier by nature. It really sucks sometimes.
big hugs mindy i get those thoughts i feel like its such a responsibility it really stresses me out
How is everyone this morning?

I've got my liver scan this morning, not looking forward to it :( It's at 11.05am and I can't have anything to eat and only drink water until the scan. I don't normally have breakfast but typically I am starving this morning :hissy:

Caitlin's already gone to school and Thomas is STILL asleep :lol: I'll have to get him up soon as he's at nursery today (they're quite flexible when I take him) If he's not awake in 5 minutes I'll have to go wake him up. Once he's at nursery I'm popping into my friend for a catch up before the hospital and then we may go for lunch after too :thumbup: x

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