Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

Ummi, I'm sorry you encountered ignorance at the hospital because of your veil. Is it something that happens a lot? Do you wear the sort that covers your face? I hope you don't mind me asking, I'm interested in different faiths and cultures. I studied GCSE Religious studies at school (many, many moons ago) and we went on an educational trip to London that included a visit to a Gurdwara, a Serbian Orthadox church, a Hindu and a Krishna temple, a Synagogue and Regents Park mosque. It was great. We were chatting to the ladies in the mosque and they were telling us that although they covered their faces they enjoyed wearing make up underneath. It sounds ridiculous that we were so fascinated by this, but where I live we have no kind of multicultural society at all. More so now as we have Eastern Europeans but when I was at school there were no Asian children there, and just one boy who was mixed race. Very rural and provincial. I moved to Canbridgeshire when I was 19 and made a lot of Muslim friends. I hope you get an early scan, and I'm sure you are right. How far on are you now?
The house was nice, but has a few drawbacks, old draughty windows and the kitchen was a little tatty, BUT it is huge, plenty of room for us, our guests, and all our stuff and two new bathrooms. We need to give it some thought.
Ickle 7 weeks is a good time to have a scan. That's when I had my first one when I was convinced my symptoms had disappeared and the nice doctor took pity on me.
I'm getting to the point now where I'm feeling a bit grotty. Mums, anyone else get to this point at around 6 weeks post birth? I'm sick of looking like crap, my clothes not fitting me, and wearing horrible stuff. I just feel a mess. And fat.
MMM, pregnancy dreams are weird! I'm just glad the paranormal dreams have passed :haha: I didn't like being so scared getting up to pee at night! I still put the light in the hallway on, though :shy: I'm sorry your pelvis is hurting so badly today. :hugs: I hope you are able to get some rest and feel a little better today.

Mrs. M., I have a degree in Religious Studies :) I love learning about religions and other cultures too. My plan for a while was to get my masters and phd in Folklore. One of the best folklore profs works at the university I get my degrees from. I was so looking forward to learning from her. Unfortunately I couldn't justify getting a that education because I had no idea what I would do with it! I just love learning. I taught world religion to a high school class a few years ago. We didn't have the opportunity to visit any places like you went to because there is no cultural diversity in our town. But, the bigger places in Newfoundland is getting much better.

I'm sorry you are feeling so down about yourself. :hugs: I am fully expecting to feel that way for quite a while.

Ickle, 7 weeks sounds like a good time to have a scan. I had my first one at 5 + 4 with this pregnancy because I was having so much one sided cramping. They saw the fetal pole. My next scan was 8 + 1 and it was the best thing ever when I saw the little heart beating away on the screen. I immediately started crying.

I hope you are all having a good day :flow:
I agree with everyone 7-8 weeks good time for a scan. As much as you want an earlier one for reassurance, and believe me I too wanted that and hated the mw for making me wait till 8 week, it was for the best.

Mrsrmig - I think it was about week 7-8 for me. I hated going tin to town trying stuff on, picking the bigger sizes and still looking fat and horrible. I don't wear my maternity jeans anymore but that is only because I dug out my big clothes from the loft. I still hate it but I have relaxed a it and think I will get properly started diet etc once I stop bf (I don't plan on going more than 6 months atm but as I said before Ididn't think I'd get this far)

ummi - sorry for what you encountered at the hospital. Stupid ignorance.

ts - pg can be very vivid and unsettling. I never really had them but then I never remembered my dreams before either.

hi everyone else.
Sorry I meant to reply earlier, but I had a huge nap and didn't realise the time until dh woke me and said "it's nearly 5 o'clock!"

Mrs mig: i am sorry you feel like, but it's prefectly normal. I found that time really hard especially with ds1. As much as I loved my son from the sec i layed etes on him, after the first month, and that many sleepless nights, not to forget a failed breastfeeding, I thought: nappies, bottles, cleaning and that's it? When will I get to enjoy my lil one? Bizarely it was easier second time round, but pls don't feel bad about feeling this way. However, if that feeling starts to sinks in an no matter what it never goes away, then don't hesitate to talk about to you doc, of course your dh and you know you can let go and have a rant here whenever you feel like it. Unfortunately pnd can happen to anyone but I'm sure you'll feel better soon. *hugs*
Don't worry about asking questions! Lol! I have been wearing the full face veil for about 2 years now, but started with a headscarf a year before. I have never better in my life since I do. It does make me feel complete and free. But of course, when you make such a drstic choice, you know that you may get some reactions. On the whole it's ok, london being london usually people just ignore you whatever you are wearing, lol! But I did get a whole spectrum of reactions, from the nicest and cutest to some more frightening. There was a waitress who asked me politely (it was one of the first hot day of the year) " don't you feel hot with that? So I just called her over the counter and made her feel the fabric. On other times I have had people talking to me about islam, asking my kids when ramadan was, if we followed the moon calendar. But twice I felt threatened, I was with my headscarf, had the kids with me in a park and a group of teenagers started playing with my pushchair and sitting in it. When i told them off they started to swear at me and called me "a gypsy". And another time I was called "a paki". But I feel more vulnerable when I am with the children. (You know just like before having kids we could cross the road when the little man is red, but now we wait until it's really green!). But what I appreciate the most is old ladies talking to me at the bus about... The weather!! Lol!
And to be faire to the hospital staff, the receptionist just treated me normally, I even had a laugh with her when I went to take a follow up appointment for ds. It's just that it was really surprised from that hospital bcause the staff themselves come s from many different backgrounds, and when I had to deal with before (ie: when I did not have a veil) they just treated dh and I equally (I had to take ds1 to the A&E when he knocked his front teeth second day at school).
It's funny cause i used to be so inquisitive about different people as a child and as a teenager. Well even now, but so wrapped up with kids and family life you know!
Before ds2 I used to teach health and social care in a college, and did some units with the students about different religions. They absolutely loved it! They are just so inquisitive and open minded when you give them the opportunity. I gave each group a religion to study and make a prsentation, different from their own religion.

Ts: me too!! I wish I could spend my life learning and learning. I told dh: if only I could b paid to study all my life!!! Lol!!

Sorry for the long post... Guess I got carried away!!

Thanks for that Ummi. I love the analagy about the green man, I do that too! Is your husband Muslim as well?
How interesting that you used to teach health and social care. I intend to take that course when Louis is a little older. My sister is doing it at the moment at level 3 and really enjoying it.
Thank you for the advice about how I'm feeling. I don't think it's PND, I remember feeling like it after Edie. I think like you say it's the feeling after the euphoria settles down and the tiredness of not sleeping through kicks in. I'm expecting to start feeling better when Louis evening routine kicks in and the weather improves and I can start going out running. It's also the early days of breast feeding when you are so tied to the baby. Its not a problem for me I love it. I want to spend every precious moment with him because they are not babies for long, but you start to forget what it's like to look nice and not have to wear pads in your bra and always wear nursing tops. Mentally I feel ok, physically I feel a mess.
Just saw this on bbc news:

** Pandas 'may be ready to mate soon' **
Edinburgh Zoo's most famous residents may be getting ready to mate - a few weeks earlier than last year.
< >

Baby dust for the pandas! I hope they get their :bfp: very soon!
(Well we already have a panda with a :bfp: with us! ;-)
Mrs mig: Yes hubby is muslim too.

remember that your body took 9 months to deliver your handsome Louis, but it's bound to take the same to recover. Just like you said, once you get in a nice routine and warmer days are there, you'll be fine. That also means you'll be able to take more walks outside and shed the fat you don't like. xxx
Thought I'd share my 38 week bump picture. I look like crap as I am suffering with quite the headache again... :wacko: (we really have to get that tv out of the living room!)

I hope you are all well :flower:


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    38 weeks - smaller.jpg
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Lol Ummi. That is exciting. Lets hope they have more luck than last year.

Great bump pic TS :)
Great bump pic mindy xx
haven't been on all weekend as laptop decieded to die on me a lot of my business is online so was quite upset and I am hormonal lol oh surprised me and went out and bought me a new one was a real surprise.
hope your all ok xx
now I have to try and find all the journals again lol as they were all bookmarked on my last pc
Click on user CP Kelly, all the threads your subscribed to should be there if there's any updates to them.

I'm having a bit of a panic today about the baby. I'm 4w6 which is where I was when I lost the last one. Every small cramp seems ominous. Boobs are still sore though and I still got 2-3 weeks on my digi. Hopefully I'll get 3+ in the next day or two.
*hugs* ickle
Easier said than done, but try not to worry. Testing can be reassuring, but try not to overdo it either. I continued testing after I got 3+, and it went bavkwards to 2-3, so as you can imagine I worried myself sick. I'm trying to rationalise now. Once you get passed those few days, you'll feel betterand hopefully not long before you get a scan.
:hugs: ickle we all know how you feel, as difficult as it can be some days keep the pma. As for testing I can't advise I tested everyday with ic! I would caution against the digis though I took me ages to get that 3+ when others were getting them 'sooner' than me and that just got me worried unnecessarily.

Kelly - aww that was so lovely of your OH and glad you are back online.

ts - lovely bump pic, you look wonderful. I can't believe I am missing my bump after all the aches and pains it gave me!!
Thanks Kelly :) I was wondering where you were. I'm glad you're back and what a nice thing for your OH to do! I'm sorry you are feeling so hormonal. :hugs:

Ickle, :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: Us PAL girls have to take it one day at a time. It is so hard to get past these terrible days but you can do it. I remember panicking every "milestone" day. Heck, I still turn on the bathroom light every time I get up to pee because I woke up to blood the day of my first mc and I was in the semi dark and I had to get up to turn on the light. Like somehow me turning the light on so I can see the tissue better will ward off something horrible from happening. I guess we do what we have to, though. Remember, though, that cramps in the first tri are completely normal. Also, like Ummi said, please don't test too much. Testing does nothing but stress you out. Be kind to yourself today and it will pass quickly and then tomorrow is a whole new day to continue on with PMA. :hugs:

How are you today, Ummi?

Thanks Pink! I wonder if I will miss my bump? I'm sure I will but it might be a long time down the road... :haha: How are you doing today?

How are all you ladies today?

I'm sitting here wide awake after barely any sleep at all last night. We slept in too long yesterday so weren't tired last night. We went to bed sometime after 12:30 last night in the middle of a huge blizzard. I woke up around 3:00 to pee and have been mostly awake since. The snow plow started on our street around 4 am and continued back and forth on the roads by our house until sometime after 5:30. The snow is super heavy, it was bordering on rain most of the time. There is more than 3 feet of it piled up at the end of our driveway from the plow. Luckily Shawn doesn't have to work this morning and he can get out there in a little while to use the snowblower on it and not have to feel rushed to get to work. Another reason why I think I didn't sleep well is that our cell phone service is out and we don't have a home phone. I think in the back of my mind I was worried about how we would know if school was cancelled for Shawn. I don't know how much longer we will be without a phone but I think we are looking at at least 2 days. Something happened to one of the towers and it knocked out service to everyone here Saturday afternoon. We don't have a home phone because we never talk on the phone so we didn't see any reason for the added expense. :wacko: This is the only time I ever remember losing cell service and of course it is when I am ready to pop! :haha: But, honsetly, we live so close to the hospital (I can see it from my window) that we can get there quicker than an ambulance could get to us anyway.

Well, that is enough of me babbling. It's quarter after 7 and I am wide awake but I am going to try to get a little more sleep.

I hope you are all having a good day :flow:
Thank you ladies. I knew you'd all understand. I'll stop testing once I get the 3+. I know that after that the levels get too high got the test and you get the hook effect. I don't know how filli coped poas everytime she peed. I'd have been a nervous wreck!
Hugs ickle really understand try not to worry and keep that pma I still check the paper when I pee its a shame really as it takes the joy out of itsometimes. thinking of you and hope today flies by for you. xxxxxxxxxxx
Mindy hope you got some more sleep
well ive been drinking rlt and m now on two cups a day my bh are quite painful at times is this down to the tea or is this normal?
how is everyone today? what a lovely day the sun is shining lovely
ok what do you think of this for hospital bit granny fied I know but is this the type of thing wanted one with buttons so I can feed Daniel

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