Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

ummi so sorry thinking of you xx
mmm read your journal hope you get home soon xx
So sorry ummi :hugs:

Hope you get home soon miss mmm

Well my sister has just sent me a pic with 2 lines eeeekkk!!!! But she had her normal period and it didnt happen after that and then started bleeding sat gone which was 2 weeks later?? So im trying to tell her the bleeding could be anything but shes miscarried before so obv in her mind it can only mean one thing, but shes off to got get herself checked out now so fingers crossed as shes had to go on her own as her oh is watching the kids and i cant go because my oh is at his friends and i cant get hold of him to find out when hell be back gggrrrrrrrrr

Hope everyone is well
I'm so sorry Ummi :hugs:

I am so sorry, I am having such a hard time getting a chance to get on here lately.

MMM, I'm sorry to hear you are (were? I hope!) in the hospital. I hope you and your little man are ok. :hugs:

I REALLY REALLY wish I could have had you ladies on speed dial last night. :( We had a really rough night. Finn threw up so badly it came out his nose and it scared me to death. He was laying down to sleep at the time. We didn't get to sleep after that for a long while. We were using the bassinet part of our playpen in our bedroom. So, 4 am Shawn went into Finn's room and took apart his crib so he could take it into our bedroom. Now his crib is next to our bed and I am feeling a little more relaxed. A little. I am still terrified he is going to stop breathing. At least now I can open my eyes and see him face to face in his crib.

I need some advice on the breast feeding. I am wanting to do demand feeding but so far Finn has not really woken up wanting food. We have been setting the alarm and feeding him every 3 hours. That was the rule in the hospital because of the jaundice and I am scared that it will either not get better or it will get worse. He had his levels checked yesterday and they are still dropping well so I am happy about that. But, it is still nerve wracking to me to leave him until he wants food because jaundice makes babies sleepy. Everyone (family, friends, no advice from dr on it yet) keeps telling me to feed when he wants it but I feel like I just can't leave it because what if he doesn't wake crying to feed?? I am still planning to keep up the 3 hour (or before) thing for a little while. Do you think I am overly worried? At the hospital it was drilled into my head that he had to feed every 3 hours and that it had to be a certain length of time (at least 25 minutes I think) so I was kind of prodding him to eat more. I think that is what caused the issue last night. So, after that I have just fed him what he wanted. I have to use a shield because he won't latch otherwise (but I did get him to latch last night once without it!) so I figure if he is falling asleep and there is still some visible milk in the shield then he must have had his fill, even if it has been only 10 minutes. He is peeing and pooping very well so I have to learn to relax. Since feeding him for 10 minutes, sometimes 15, he has slept well, peed well, pooped well and I am a little more relaxed.

Does this sounds ok? I will demand feed if he wants it before 3 hours but I will feed every 3 hours otherwise? He does start to stir and make sucky motions by 3 hours. Shawn wants to extend the time to 3.5 hours over night. Does that sound alright? He is 8 days old today. Obviously if he wakes before that time I will feed. I don't want a schedule, I just want to make sure he is eating.

Sorry for the novel. I am so stressed. I am trying really hard not to.

I am so sorry I am totally in my own world right now. I feel so selfish coming here to ask this and then not commenting on much. :(

Oh, and I have that lovely hormonal thing where you sweat like crazy but are FREEZING cold at night. It is so gross. Last night there was much less sweating but I am still freezing cold. Not fun! I wish someone would have told me that was a possible symptom. And, I got way more swelling after Finn was born than I ever had before. My whole body swelled and my legs/bum felt like dough. They are still somewhat swollen.

Oh, Kelly, one suggestion that I would make for the hospital bag, a razor! That is one thing I really wished I had because I was wearing strap shirts all the time there since it is easier to nurse in them and I definitely didn't think I would be there for that long. It was a bad scene. :haha:

Time to go see my little man <3 He is actually starting to wake up, right before the 3 hour mark.

I hope you are all well :flower:
Ummi - lots of hugs, so sorry hun xx

TS - I am definitely no expert on breastfeeding - I failed miserably, but I'll tell you my experience with M. M developed jaundice at 3 days, and was also a sleepy baby. I could not get him to stay attached when I tried breastfeeding and it stressed me out sooo much that I changed to exclusively expressing. I probably should have kept persisting, but I felt so relieved with the expressing that I just wanted to do that. I woke M every 3 hours for a feed if he didn't wake himself - but can't remember how long I did this for. I think gradually he started sleeping more during the night and having bigger feeds during the day. I think for the first couple of months he would feed every 2-3 hours during the day, and at 10 weeks he started sleeping during the night so dropped his night feed.

Also, the wet nappies is a huge key. I can't remember the number is it 6-8 wet nappies a day? M was a very, very chucky baby and I was always worried he wasn't getting enough to stay in him, but the midwives kept telling me as long as the spewing isn't upsetting him, he has lots of wet nappies a day and is putting on weight - that means he's getting enough :)

It sounds like you're doing a wonderful job though! It's stressful but the feeding does get easier, it'll just work itself out what right for you guys :) I stress now that M doesn't eat enough veggies!
Poor finn bless him dont apologise for being in your own little world your bound to be youve not long had your gorgeous little man, hope tonight is better for you ryan and kieron both did that and it terrified me, the midwife told me to put a rolled up towel or tea towel underneath the mattress just enough to raise him up a bit which made me feel a lot better and them both :haha: sorry cant give any advice on bf, makes me wish id atleast tried now :haha:
Mindy: not worrying is hard especially at the beginning.
If it was me, what I'd do is feed on demand, especially at night, let him sleep. As for the jaundice, it's true that breastmilk helps. If he is peeing and all his nappies are wet, then he should be fine. Another advice is putting him in front of a window. The sunlight will help too. So even if it's winter but the weather is nice and the sun shines inside then house the just put him in front of the window. It helps a lot. One of my friend had a baby who had bad jaundice, I think it lasted a month or so, but then baby got better. Try not to worry too much about it. But if you are worried then do not hesitate to speak to your health visitor/doctor. At least for reassurance.
Having the crib in your room is a really good idea. In the uk they recommend that baby sleeps in the parents room for at least 6 months. And I think when it's time for him to sleep in his own room, he'll already be used to his crib.
Don't feel selfish. It's perfectly normal. We're always happy to help.
Take care hun.
Ummi I'm so very sorry. I wish with all my heart there had been a different outcome for you. I hope to see you back here soon and will be keeping in touch and cheering you on. Sending lots of love and support.
Mindy I can't offer a lot of advice but if I were you I would do exactly the same. You need to feed him frequently to keep your supply good. Every 3 hours sounds about right to me. When mine were tiny I fed most of the time but I never had a sleepy jaundiced baby. Sorry to hear of the sicky episode. It sounds scary.
Hope, I do hope this is good news for your sister.
I have barely slept for two nights. I am like a zombie. Going home tomorrow.
Hope I hope it was good news for your sister.

Mindy don't worry about not being able to get on here!! :hugs: I can't help with the BFing but I do think your doing brilliantly, Finn is very lucky to have you and Shawn as a mummy and daddy :cloud9:

I'm out of hospital now and will update when I can x
TS I have no advice about BF but the BF section here is really good. I read stuff in there to help prepare me for what's to come.

Glad you're home now MMM.

AFM - had a bit of a wobble last night. I had a sore tummy and a sore back and my symptoms didn't seem as bad. It didn't help that DH was out last night so I didn't have him to reassure me. I know rationally that the placenta will be starting to take over now but it's hard to be rational isn't it? Roll on tomorrow's scan!

One symptom that hasn't changed was the crazy dreams. I woke myself up giving DH a little kick because of what he'd done in my dream lol! Luckily he didn't wake up.
:hugs: ickle it is so hard to think rationally! I hope the scan tomorrow can give you some reassurance. What time is it? X
It's at 10.30 so I'll have a nice long lie beforehand so I'm not worrying about it.
Mindy really hope you had a better night with me sounds to me your doing a grand job I recon I will be exactly like you its only natural, thanks for the tip on the razor x
hope really hope your sister is ok x
miggins so glad you can get back into your normal routine soonx
ickle sorry you had a wobble last night not long to your scan I cant wait x
ummi how are you?
mmm glad you are back home x
pink,pichi,merrie,loz,and everyone else how are you all xxxx
afm I now have a cold cant seem to get better well my parents are coming on sun and my oh happened to mention that sat night was the last night in a very long time it will just be the two of us lol omg scary stuff
Sounds like a plan Ickle, at least you aren't waiting around all day waiting to go, there's nothing worse.

Kely :hugs: for the cold, hope it disappears soon for you hun. Are you and OH going to do something special on Saturday night then? Hope you have a lovely time with your parents too :) x
ickle - those wobbles are horrible and are especially worse when you know you have scan coming up. :hugs:

ts - What you are going through sounds exactly like what we had to do. As i have said before Ben was jaundice but levels just below needing the lights. No one told us jaudice causes sleepyness so when we got home and he slept we thought things were okay, obviously not. I would do as you are doing, waking him every 3 hrs (maybe 4 over night) but let him feed for as long or as little as he needs. I still had to keep prodding Benjamin awake during feeds as he was so sleepy and even strip him down to his vests sometimes. As for the sick, he also did that and still does, sick and milk often come up out of his nose. Occasionally if I was worried at night I would gently tip him on his side so he wasn't completely flat but not totally on his side either with a rolled blanket behind him. The bf will get easier and then you can realx abiot more about when to feed him/demand feeding. Big hugs
Thought I'd do a quick update.

At the weekend I had mentioned to my friend and hubby that I had quite a bit of watery discharge but didn't worry about it too much. When I had my scan on Monday it showed that the fluid around baby was on the low side of normal (last time it was 15cm this time 7.1cm) at the time I didn't think and put 2 and 2 together I was just happy everything was ok. Once I got home and mentioned to my friend, she said I should have mentioned about the watery discharge at the weekend as it could have been my waters. It had more or less stopped on Monday. Anyway I phoned the DAU on Tuesday morning and she asked me to go in. She done a speculum and said my cervix was closed and she couldn't see any liqour but she would need to speak to a doctor.

She phoned me back at lunch time and said they wanted me to go into hospital to be monitored for a few days to see if I have anymore loss. So off I went to the hospital, got admitted to the ward and had another speculum which again showed my cervix was closed and no liqour. Doctor came to see me and gave me steroids in case baby decided to come early and his lungs would be developed. Had my steroids at 9.30pm. I was sick at 10pm but my tummy had been dodgy since around 6pm. I was sick again at midnight and I was given an antisickness drug. Eventually managed to get to sleep but woke almost every half hour with my pelvis :(

Was up for the day at 5.15am and the rest of the ward joined me at 5.30am :lol: Doctor came round again in the morning and he said they were happy there was no more loss and that they would be discharging me. I have a scan and consultant appt on 25th and they will check the fluid again then and go from there. I haven't felt any leaking since Sunday so I think everything's ok now x
Glad everything is ok with lo. But sorry you had such a night. You must be happy to be home now. x.

Kelly: thx for asking I think I'm ok. I had a good night sleep and feel relieved now. I woke with no pain, but started to get bad cramps after preparing breakfast and running up and down the stairs. It went away after I took the painkillers. I plan on taking a break with ttc for 3-6 months (dh would prefer 3 months though, but we'll see when we get there). So next plan of action is change gp, ask the new one for contraception, get checked for breast cancer (i have no symptoms but since it runs in the family and my dad is insisting I get checked and He did not know I was pg, so was difficult to give any excuses), probably concentrate on my driving licence and would love a holiday with the kids! (Sorry just realised it would have been better if I updated on the other thread? I wouldn't want to spoil the pma)
And how are you feeling kelly? Any sign of Daniel dropping?

Mrs mig: hope you can relax at home and louis settles down.

Mindy: hope you're ok and had a better night.

Ickle: will be thinking of u tomo. Hope the wobbles goes away quickly.

Hi everyone else! Pink, pichi, loz, debzie, lora, merri, ginny
It sounds like you've got a good plan there Ummi. I don't blame you for taking a break though. It'll give you time to heal and enjoy your boys and gain the strength to start this all again.

AFM - had a bit of nausea again and been really busy at work so my wobble is fading away. That unsettled feeling really lingers though doesn't it?

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