Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

Here is my 20 week scan pics, if BnB allows the upload this time. Its very fickle!

The first one is cute sea creature impression, then there is the stubborn face hiding butt in the air shot! :haha:


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Wow Loz, what a brilliant shot of the pelvis bone on the second picture!! Thats amazing!!

Was everything else ok then??

So what team are you on??? :pink: :blue: :yellow: xxx
Bump shot! Got bored of waiting for OH to remember to do it so took one myself. :haha:


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We have known since 15 weeks we are having another little man! Checked on his bits at 20 week scan and there they were, but bigger!:haha: All was well with the scan, he was just being awkward because the sono woke him up. I warned her when we went into the room that baby was asleep lol and that was proved right by the scan of him curled up into a tight ball right down low in my pelvis, she got most measurements, then had to jiggle the belly and wake him to check his spine, and that is when the awkward Lil Fella did that face burying butt up move, I was laughing pretty hard and my belly was jiggling all over but the sono was very patient and quite amused herself! :haha: Soon as we left the hospital grounds in the taxi, he woke up and played 'stamp on cervix' for a full half hour. :rofl: What a character!
Love the bump shot Loz! It's so neat!!
Were anyone else's early symptoms not really all that? I have the nausea, I have the sore boobs, I have the irritatingly large amounts of creamy cm.
I don't seem to be exhausted, or have any food cravings or aversions (though I did really fancy a beef sandwich for lunch which isn't something I'd usually choose). I also don't really have that full feeling in my uterus all the time. Oh and I'm absolutely bloody freezing.
I'm 5 weeks today.
My tiredness kicked in quite early- not had any 'true' cravings at all, just things I would like to eat and if I have it in great, and if not, I move onto something else! I put it down to being fully stocked up on vits, so my body doesn't really need to crave anything. You may find its the same for you, just preferences! I have gone off peas, but thats because they bug me :haha: Not had the freezing thing so to speak, but I feel either too hot or too cold depending where I am and what I'm doing, my internal thermostat is annoyingly sensitive!

I think my bump looks quite neat too, as well as big lol I'm carrying this one higher than the others. Ladies on the school run have started expressing sympathy for me when they find out I am not due til september! lol! I don't mind at all, I'll happily be as big as a house I am so amused by them feeling sorry for me! Started getting backache lately, but only if I'm rushing around. Its like a little sign that I need to have a rest. :haha:

5 weeks :hugs: are you going to allow yourself to have a ticker? All I did during week 5 when I wasn't on BnB was stare at what a 5 week bean looks like, as if staring at the images would make it go faster.
No I daren't have a ticker. Not had much in the way of cramps either.
I get more crampy aches now than I did at the start! My corpus luteum gave me some gip in the beginning, but I'm not surprised- it seems to be a crazy one, it was still clearly visible on the gender scan, and I thought they went by around 12 weeks?

Maybe you will have a ticker when Migglet passes some milestones, and you get to the 12 week scan. I had all sorts of twinges early on, but heaviness didn't really kick in til later. I feel very heavy now. I think Lil Fella at his comfiest when he is sleeping on my cervix. :dohh:
Hiya :wave:

Loz, lovely bump, also is that lovely long curly hair you have? Im so jealous!! Ha ha, my monkey is heading towards my ribs so "kick mummy in the ribs" will be mine's new game!! Did i post a bump pic here or did you see it on my journal, cant remember :dohh:

MrsMig, i think all these VERY early symptoms can be quite psychological, they certainly kick in later on and then you really know what these thing feel like, the symptoms are caused by the increased progesterone and as that increases you'll start to feel more. Mind you some people dont get any symptoms at all! Try not to worry though my dear, keep that energy for feeling positive and staying healthy.

Tired now, can feel my bump stretching now and my belly button is gradually popping out which is freaky!!! :sleep: Night all xxx
Spent the afternoon stressing about the lack of cramps.
Spent the evening stressing about the appearance of cramps.
I so need an early scan. And perhaps a shrink.
Spent the afternoon stressing about the lack of cramps.
Spent the evening stressing about the appearance of cramps.
I so need an early scan. And perhaps a shrink.

Mrs Miggins,

Completley normal and if its not we are in the same boat girl. I did the exact same thing. Still at 11 weeks I freak out when I dont have symptoms and then when I do I worry if they are normal. I called my doc three times for reassurance that cramping is normal, and I get yes its normal and the "Remeber every pregnacys diffrent" responses. Dont stress :hugs:
Mrs Mig, why dont you pay for an early one?? I know they are about £100 but its a small price to pay for your sanity, they wont do it till 7 weeks but if you can hold out till 8 you'll see so much more.

Jammers, do you have a 12 week scan soon???

No chance Clobo. Marks out of work at the moment and we have just been shafted by the government with our tax credits as I work 16 hours a week and the threshold has gone up to 24 hours, so they stopped them just like that. Had to borrow the money off my dad to pay the rent this month. If he had a job I would definitely but at the moment it's definitely not an option.
Some of my early cramps were proper gaspers (grabbing belly and gasping) was a bit scary but I held on to knowing its normal. Getting all manner of cramps and pains today, cervix area, but nothing scary is coming out of me, so no cause to worry. Baby is very low down today all his movements have been right down low near pubic line. I expect the rib kicking to start towards the end like with my other boys, I swear they thought my ribs were placed where they are just to act as a foot rest! No belly button pop out here yet, and belly doesn;t seem to be stretching as such, more like its growing. I'm using the mandarin in sweet almond oil stretchmark prevention method every night, and often in the morning my belly feels like it is made out of rubber :haha:

Not quite long curly hair- long very very straight hair with a bit of a perm left in it from 2 years ago! :haha: I'll have it done again after Lil Fella is born.

A friend of mine and OH's is in labour today. Its her first baby, she lost one early last year and had been trying ages. I'm so pleased for her, and can't wait to see baby. She is team yellow! I admire you ladies who can stay team yellow- I just HAVE to know lol

Mrs Miggins, I don't think an early scan will reassure you for long, as your mc's weren't missed, its a lot of money to pay out in one go- I only managed the gender scan because I started saving up for it during the mmc pregnancy. Do you think that an early scan will be able to put your mind at ease? :hugs:
Mrs Mig, why dont you pay for an early one?? I know they are about £100 but its a small price to pay for your sanity, they wont do it till 7 weeks but if you can hold out till 8 you'll see so much more.

Jammers, do you have a 12 week scan soon???



I had one at eight weeks and then another at ten weeks so my next scan wont be till June 21st to find out what this little bean is:happydance:. I go hear the heartbeat again on the 24th of this month.
Yay for another scan Jammers, that will come around quickly!! How are you feeling??

Mrs Mig, aw sorry to hear that although Loz is actually quite right, thats why i kept going back, it reassures you for a while ... will you get a 12 week scan then?? Try to think positively and concentrate on other things in the meantime and the time will go faster :hugs:

Loz, Ive been using the Palmers Cocoa Butter Tummy rub every day and it feels lush!! Nice to give bump a bit of a massage before i go to bed and that usually means i can lie in bed and watch him play a while!! Ive been getting kicks really high up today, feels much different!! Good luck for your friend!!

Ive just found out my friend is 12 weeks preggo after a variety of issues for the last year or so and im so excited for her!!!!

Clobo, I am feeling good exept I have got morning or should I say night sickness the last two nights. I have not had any morning sickness and now it decides to show up when I am going into my second trimester lol. Other than that and tender bbs I am feeling great.
I'm feeling alot of BH contractions today. They haven't been this strong yet! I think I'll take note of when I'm getting them, just incase I scare myself and end up calling the midwife! :wacko::haha:
Jammers, so glad you are feeling great :happydance:

Loz, wow i didnt realise you could get them that early!! Makes sense though i suppose with all the growing that our bellys are doing, bound to be some strange things going on in there!! Yep keep a note but dont let it worry you chick!

Apparently bH begin at around 6 weeks :saywhat: but we don;t feel them til much later. I had a rummage for my cervix and its still too high to find, so not worried, but the BH are quite uncomfortable. Just had a lie down and they have stopped for now. I am not worried about prem labour, but I do think he will be a little early- within the range like my youngest hopefully! He was 2 weeks early and it was a fast labour. Almost didn't make it to the hospital kind of fast!

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