Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

Hiya, don't think like that my dear, this pregnancy is nothing like the last one so don't compare them, you'll be fine! :hugs: Have a good appt tomorrow chick xxx

Loz, excellent news on the movement, mine has been a bit quiet today but usually wriggling all over the place esp when I eat or lie down to go to sleep! :happydance:

You are brave doing the cloth nappies!! Xxx
Thank you, appointment on Monday went ok. 3 weeks and 2 days until my scan. Next week is a crucial horrible week. Trying not to think about it, just pleased that everything is feeling great so far.
My booking appointment for this baby felt weird, I was glad to be there, but also very aware that the time before that, by the time I was at my booking the baby had stopped growing. There was the reassurance of having had a scan just before the booking though, but it as also weird because it was the 'wrong way round' I took my 6 week scan pic and asked the midwife where my ovaries were on it and she was not sure at all! I got the impression she hadn't seen a 6w1d scan pic before, but surely she must have.

I'm a bit worried today, not about baby but about my cat, she didn't seem herself yesterday and did not come home last night. Her grandmother died almost 2 years ago, at age 8 and kitty is almost 8 and very similar in size to her grandmother (small) and I just worry that she has cancer too, so when she comes home, I've been told to keep her in til OH gets back then he'l take her to the vet. Her grandmother did not come home after going to the vet. Kitty was born on the day of my 20 week scan with my oldest. She is the only other female in my house, my ally. She trips me over like nobody's business but always waits patiently outside the bathroom when I am brushing my teeth just before bed, waiting for her supper. It was weird that she wasn't there last night. She has stayed out all night before, but with OH and my oldest's dad concerned, it has me worried. My face keeps leaking, but I am trying not to think the worst.
I hope she is ok. My cat hardly goes outside but she was outside for a while last night too, maybe they wanted to be out because it was a nice warm night?
Hey ladies :wave:

Aw Mrs Mig, just try not to compare this pregnancy with anything else, its a totally new one and everything will be fine! Those days will pass and soon you'll have your scan :hugs:

Loz, how are you chick?? Getting lots of movement?? I cant believe how much mine was wriggling whilst i was away, probably cos i spent a lot of time lying down doing nothing!!

Take care of yourselves xxx
Thanks Clobo. Still feeling pretty positive actually, I feel very different this time round. I feel crap today, which is good.
Yay for feeling crappy, its wierd the things we wish for sometimes isnt it!!! I used to love the days i felt really nauseous!!! :hugs: xxx
Hey ladies!

Once again I have been MIA. I got a nasty respiratory infection for a WHOLE MONTH starting on my birthday. Then my husband caught it and ended up with pneumonia. I lived in the house of germs and coughs, but all is good now. My husband DID buy me a new laptop for my birthday so now I can actually post pictures easily. I will do that soon.

Clobo, so glad things are going so well for you still! I see you're feeling lots of movement. Isn't it so weird? I think my daughter is a ninja. Sometimes she kicks so hard I feel my whole belly jerk. I'm able to see it from the outside now, which is very cool.

Loz, great belly shot! And thank you for the information about gestational measurements! Unfortunately, she is measuring between 2-3 weeks small, so they are keeping a very close eye on her. I've basically lived at the hospital for the past month. Her heart rate is good, no signs of DS, she is quite a mover and shaker, all organs are looking great and formed properly, her spine is covered with skin. No virus, no cyctic fibrosis. She is also symmetrical, so that is a great sign as well. They did give me steroid shots just in case they have to take her early if they do give her the official IUGR diagnosis. This way her lungs will be more mature. I start non-stress tests on Tuesday. but she is still growing at a steady rate, she's just not big.

My whole family is tiny, my husband's family is tiny. I have to just hope and pray that she's just going to be a tiny little thing. If she's 5 lbs. full term, I will be ecstatic.

I think I have a little roid rage because yesterday I could barely sit still, so I washed ALL of my daughter's clothes, blankets, sheets, boppy pillow covers, ect. Put everything in a safe place just in case they take her early. I also have to pack a bag to keep by the door so we can take it to the hospital every time we go just to be on the safe side.

I thank my doctors for being overly cautious, but it's also killing me emotionally. My one doctor said majority of IUGR babies he sees are just small babies. But again, she hasn't been diagnosed yet because she's still growing. So please pray for us!!
I think she will be a tiny little poppet but otherwise fine- some babies are just small, but still perfectly healthy!

Mrs Miggins good on the feeling crappy front! I was so grateful for the ms and exhaustion in those early weeks, I would often grin while throwing up!

The Lil Fella is crazy, he moves so much, not 2 hours will pass where there isn't at least a couple of belly shaking kicks, and I get flutters low down like being tickled from within. He has cut down his cervix kicking activity, thank goodness because that felt very odd indeed.

I'm struggling to maintain PMA, because of Kitty (for those who don't read the other thread, she passed away) DS1's dad is going to fetch her ashes at 3pm, then she can sleep under my bed. Lil Fella is very comforting, I just wish I could have had a happier V day. My face keeps leaking, so I'm drinking extra water because when I get too dehydrated the BH step up and become very uncomfortable.

4 more cloth nappies arrived this morning, I now have 14 of them. Yellow, orange, green, blue and red. SO cute, so so cute. OH is pleased that there won't be any crazy running out of nappies at terrible times moments. At the worst it will be a run out of nappies baby goes bare bum for an hour while we wash some! Bare bum time is good anyway, so all will be well.
Hey ladies!

Once again I have been MIA. I got a nasty respiratory infection for a WHOLE MONTH starting on my birthday. Then my husband caught it and ended up with pneumonia. I lived in the house of germs and coughs, but all is good now. My husband DID buy me a new laptop for my birthday so now I can actually post pictures easily. I will do that soon.

Clobo, so glad things are going so well for you still! I see you're feeling lots of movement. Isn't it so weird? I think my daughter is a ninja. Sometimes she kicks so hard I feel my whole belly jerk. I'm able to see it from the outside now, which is very cool.

Loz, great belly shot! And thank you for the information about gestational measurements! Unfortunately, she is measuring between 2-3 weeks small, so they are keeping a very close eye on her. I've basically lived at the hospital for the past month. Her heart rate is good, no signs of DS, she is quite a mover and shaker, all organs are looking great and formed properly, her spine is covered with skin. No virus, no cyctic fibrosis. She is also symmetrical, so that is a great sign as well. They did give me steroid shots just in case they have to take her early if they do give her the official IUGR diagnosis. This way her lungs will be more mature. I start non-stress tests on Tuesday. but she is still growing at a steady rate, she's just not big.

My whole family is tiny, my husband's family is tiny. I have to just hope and pray that she's just going to be a tiny little thing. If she's 5 lbs. full term, I will be ecstatic.

I think I have a little roid rage because yesterday I could barely sit still, so I washed ALL of my daughter's clothes, blankets, sheets, boppy pillow covers, ect. Put everything in a safe place just in case they take her early. I also have to pack a bag to keep by the door so we can take it to the hospital every time we go just to be on the safe side.

I thank my doctors for being overly cautious, but it's also killing me emotionally. My one doctor said majority of IUGR babies he sees are just small babies. But again, she hasn't been diagnosed yet because she's still growing. So please pray for us!!

My niece was born at 33/34 weeks and was IUGR (she was only measuring in like the 5th percentile for gestational age). She was born via emergency C-Section because my SIL had preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome. She only weighed 3lb 12oz, but was perfectly healthy and only stayed in the hospital longer because her Mom wasn't released to go home yet! She is still kind of petite for her age, but developing normally. All of my SIL's babies were small, between 5 and 6 lbs, so I think she just has small babies.
Hello ladies looks like I may be back with you.:happydance::happydance::happydance:
Yeah hun, was getting evap lines but today definite bfp at 10dpo.
Yeah hun, was getting evap lines but today definite bfp at 10dpo.

That's awesome. CONGRATS to you and :hugs:

Praying for a sticky one for you!!!!!!

When will you go to the doctor for bloodwork? I would schedule it ASAP!!
Crayz it does not work like that in the uk. I have my first appointment in the recurrent miscarriage clinic tomorrow which would have been to start testing. Will just go and ask to ne regerred to early pregnancy unit he is the consultant for that too.
Thanks mrsmigg it feels good to be back.
Crayz it does not work like that in the uk. I have my first appointment in the recurrent miscarriage clinic tomorrow which would have been to start testing. Will just go and ask to ne regerred to early pregnancy unit he is the consultant for that too.

Oh. Hmm. Well nevermnd then!

I guess Americans are impatient, so we just call and say, "I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. Now what?"

And then we go in for bloodwork to check hormone levels and get vitamins and other information.

My situation was similar to yours though. I went to the doctor for a referral for further testing after recurrent MC, and I had just gotten a BFP. So I never needed the testing because here I am, 7 months later!

I can't wait until you're saying the same thing to someone else in the future!!!
Hi All :wave:

Crayz, aw mate what a thing to go through, im sure all will be fine and its a good thing that they are being precautious, means that they will be able to sort anything out early and give you the best possible care. Some babies are just small, some are huge, my friend just had an 11lb 4oz-er!!!

Debzie, welcome back, sending you huge amounts of sticky :dust:

Twinkie, Mrs Mig, Bump, how are all of you doing??

Aw Loz, sad news chick, I did the same with my old pooch, she sleeps under my bed now :hugs:. Yay for cloth nappies and i didnt know they did fancy colours these days, cool!!

AFM, im doing well, got the start of another cold today so am staying home from work to try and nip it in the bud, otherwise lots of lovely kicks and punches in there which is lush!!!

Big hugs all xxx

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