Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

I am glad you all are doing well, I know I mostly just stalk this thread.

I began feeling BH contraction a couple weeks ago and at first they freaked me out because I wasn't expecting them that early! I didn't feel them until late in my third trimester with my first! I get them most days and usually at night (or atleast that is when I notic them). I am going to mention them to my Dr. next Wed, but I already know that he will tell me it is normal as long as they aren't coming too close together or aren't too strong! I am guessing you just notice them sooner the second time around!
ok so far... got my results from last mc and they found "elevated levels of random translocations" whicj basically means that some of the genes were attaching to the chromosomes in the wrong places in higher numbers than usual although they said that it was unclear weather this was the cause of the miscarraige its self and that it was v unlikely to happen again so no further forward but at least thata that! on a more positive note im off to see dr quenby in coventry on friday who is gonna do a biopsy of my womb lining to test for nk cells so lets hope she finds that to be the case and i finally have a little hope!!
hope u are all well xx
I know a lady whose husband carried some sort of "translocation" gene that caused the genes to get all mixed up. It depended on how the chromosomes all lined up as to whether or not the pregnancy would be viable. The Dr. told her that she had up to a 60% chance of MC each time she got pregnant, but she was still able to have healthy children, it just took her getting that right combination of egg/sperm and for the chromosomes to all work out.
We have had our chromosomes tested and they were fine so not sure where it came from x
If your chromosomes are clear yet the last one showed lots of translocations then it was horrible luck, and not something that should repeat. Karotyping is very good and if yours came back clear then your clear of translocations. :hugs:
hello just checking in :) I have not drooped in for a while.
my due date has been moved up by almost a week !!! I am now 12 weeks and 3 days and that makes my due dat nov 20th I think... and that pretty cool because my hubby's bday is nov 19th!!!
the all day nausea is taking its toll on me but I'm hanging in there and by the time I'm done breakfast every morning I'm exhausted , pretty much I need a nap after every meal.. lol
hello just checking in :) I have not drooped in for a while.
my due date has been moved up by almost a week !!! I am now 12 weeks and 3 days and that makes my due dat nov 20th I think... and that pretty cool because my hubby's bday is nov 19th!!!
the all day nausea is taking its toll on me but I'm hanging in there and by the time I'm done breakfast every morning I'm exhausted , pretty much I need a nap after every meal.. lol


That is my due date as well:happydance:
Hi guys so I had my appointment today with dr Quenby and she was lovely.. I finally feel like I have some answers at last!! I had the biopsy and she's told me to go ahead and try again ASAP and she's gonna get me heparin progesterone and the steroids as soon as I email her with a pos test !!! Super excited I know I have a long way to go and actually have the baby but I smiled the whole way home it's finally nice for some one to care as much as she does x
Crystal and Jammers, bump buddies, yay!! Hope you are both feeling well??

Bump, so good to hear some good news and that they are going to look after you as soon as you get your bfp, you can do it, now go catch that egg :dust:

Fili :hugs: I see your ticker! Congratulations! :hugs: I'm getting a 'I'm stubborn and going nowhere' vibe when I look at your ticker....:flower: Must be a sticky one! Whats the plan? When it your first scan?
Bump glad you are getting some help and answers, Im still stalking here.
Hi, just popping in! Managed to get a scan this morning because nerves got the better of me. All well and measuring 7+5, 3 days ahead!!
Yay Mrs Mig, thats brilliant news, do you have piccys??? Dont blame you for wanting the scan at all, it helps put our minds at rest which reduces stress and helps us in the long run!! :happydance:

No they didn't offer me a pic but never mind. I just wish I could have another scan at 10 weeks but nevertheless I feel a hell of a lot better.
Aw well no worries, the most important thing is that everything is going ok my dear!! Time will pass quickly enough, just stay positive now and book in your midwife appt then you'll have your 12 week scan to look forward to!! xxx
Thanks everyone af is just ending so not long till all the fun begins sorry I'm not here much at the mo been sitting uni exams xx
Its a shame they didn't offer you a pic, but you'll get one soon, at your successful 12 week scan! Then Ickle will tell you what team you are on :haha:

I have been getting alot of movement from Lil Fella, he is quite a wriggler- I expect nothing else from one of my boys! :haha: Can't quite believe I am in week 23. Still working on the cloth nappy collection- A friend who recently gave birth is using the same ones and gets on great with them and her baby was a nice little 7 lb 7 ounces. I'm encouraged knowing they are actually good nappies! The cheapest I got one for was 87 pence! :happydance:

Mrs Miggins I know you won;t want to buy anything for Migglet til you are much further along, but maybe you can d what I did after my 12 week scan- got a teddy with the same CRL as baby, and kept it with the pic. :hugs:
That's a nice idea Loz! Got my dating scan booked for June 15th at 3.30pm. Only 3 and a half weeks away, hope it flies by with nothing going wrong Inbetween. Last time I miscarried a week after my booking appointment :cry:

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