Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

11lb 4?? Yowch!! Hope the cold feels better soon.
I'm ok, feeling a bit headachy which worries me as I got a lot of headaches before my last mc, just trying to keep hydrated and not stress too much.
I think I must be insane to say this at 9 weeks but I swear I can feel some movement. I turned over in bed last night and all the right hand side of my stomach bubbled like mad. And I just ate my lunch and it bubbled again in the same place.
Hey clobo I'm good ty hoping to ov in next day or so lol POAS like crazy at the mo lol then a long tww hehe fingers crossed!!
Hey Dodger, congratulations, really pleased for you chick of course you can join us!!

Good luck Bump, hope you are getting lots of lovely :sex:

Mrs Mig, id have thought it was way too early but with all the wierd and wonderful things our body does who knows!!! Enjoy it anyway my dear!! Dont think about what happened last time, headaches are probably due to the weather so stay stressfree :hugs:

Hi ladies had my appointment at the RMC today. As predicted they could not start testing but did prescribe progesterone supositories and have been booked in for an early scan at 6+3 16th June. So the next tww (and a few days) wait begins.

Welcome dodger. So when is you edd????

Mrs migg how you doing I have been thinking of you this week as I know it is a milestone week for you. Hugs.:hugs:

Well Debzie the progesterone is something positive to do so im sure that will help loads, and early scans are a good thing in my opinion, just gotta keep you occupied now till then!!! xxx
OMG 11lb baby?!!?!! That frightens me! My first was almost 9lbs and I am afraid this one will follow suit, LOL.

I have been mostly hanging around stalking, but glad to see some new BFPs!

I have had spotting/bleeding off and on for the past week. My Dr. believes it is from an irritated cervix, but it happens long after we have had sex (the last time was the heaviest the bleeding has got and it had been a weeks since we DTD), so I am scared it could be something worse. Just hoping the bleeding has stopped for good.

I hope everyone else is doing well!
Thank you Debzie. I won't lie, I'm struggling a bit and over analysing everything this week. I'm trying to stay positive but it's very hard not to keep wondering if it is about to end.
How much progesterone are you on? I'm pleased you are ignoring the doctors advice about aspirin and will be taking it straight away.
Thank you everyone for the kind words of encouragement!

Loz, I'm so sorry to hear about your Kitty :( Pets become part of the family and it's so difficult to lose them. I have two little dogs (mini dachshunds) and although the one especially drives me INSANE, I cannot imagine life without her. I mean, she's not even a good dog. She's borderline obnoxious and terrible, but she's my baby. I'm glad you're staying hydrated because I definitely know that feeling that your heart is really working overtime because you're not drinking enough water. Hugs to you and your family. Oh, and I also ordered the covers for the cloth diapers to use when we run out of disposable. I'll give them both a whirl. Maybe I'll like cloth better.

Clobo-11 lbs?!?! If that baby went through the va-jeen, your friend should be given some sort of key to the city. You have definitely put things in perspective for me. I'll be thankful for my tiny baby, because I could not fathom 11 lbs. I'm not even worried that she'll be small, I'm worried about all the ideas they are putting in my head as to WHY she could be small. If she has a disability, I will love her regardless, forever, and do my damnedest to make sure she knows she is loved and that I would give my life for her. Is that ideal? No. Everyone wants a healthy baby. The thought that she may not be healthy is very, very scary because it's very real at this point. Small I can handle no problem.

Twinkie-THANK YOU! You have NO idea how much better that story makes me feel. No matter what, I'm going to create small offspring. It's in Her genes from every possible angle. I know she's always going to be a small person whether she comes out at 11 lbs. (gulp) or if she comes out at 4 lbs. I just want her to be healthy because I don't want her to struggle her whole life with a disability. Nobody wants that for their children. I do however realize that if that is what god intended for me, then he has a very good reason to believe that I can handle this, and that I will be a better, stronger person for it. I'm prepared for whatever it is at this point, just have to wait and see when she gets here!

In my heart, I really do believe she's just small. I don't have any intuition that it's anything other than that. That being said, your mind can definitely trick you into believing something if you over analyze it, so I'm trying not to do that.

Mrs. Miggins-try not to stress. Miracles happen everyday, and this is yours right now. Headaches are common in healthy pregnancies as well, so don't scare yourself yet. It could be a good sign of rising hormones.


Debzie-So good to hear about your early scan! I'm glad they are being very proactive with progesterone too!
Here's a belly pic. Sorry it's sideways. I don't know why my computer does that. You can definitely see why people are constantly surprised that I am 30 weeks along. However, my butt is without a doubt bigger than pre pregnancy, even though my DH lies (and not very well, mind you) :wink wink:


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Welcome dodger. So when is you edd????

Feb 3! Yours? I'm glad they are being proactive with the progesterone. :)

Thank you for the warm welcome ladies!!

Oh Dodger, I see you are in So Cal! I'm so envious of you because

1) You have beautiful weather so hopefully you won't ever have to be uncomfortable in ridiculous heat

2) I just wish I was in the states right now!

I live in Okinawa, Japan. It is a tropical island, and it is HOT AND STICKY in the summer. It's pretty much sticky all year, just not always hot. I have to really stay on top on running the de-humidifier or I'll get mold. We also don't have central air. None of the Japanese style houses do. We have separate units in each room that cost a fortune to run. One room of my house will be comfortable, and the others are so hot you lose 10 lbs. when you walk in until you've waited a necessary 20 minutes to cool down the room.

The worst months are August and September. Guess when I'm due??


I bet I will be swelling quite a bit come the 8th and 9th month.

I know it's a long post, but I guess I'm just trying to convey how envious I am of you at the moment!!
Mrsmigg I hope this week flys by for you. Been prescribed 400mg daily progesterone.

Dodger my edd is 8 th Feb. Not far behind you.

Crayz that is one neat bump. Love it.
Wow Crayz, I think that is the neatest bump I have ever seen- mines huge! Yours looks like mine at 14 weeks! :haha: I always carry right out front though.

A baby over 11lb is a scary thought! My youngest lil brother was almost 11 lb when he was born- he was straight into the clothing for 3-6 month olds! Mum had GD thats why he was so large. My first was 8 lb 12 and that was big enough lol 11 lbs is insane. My second was 7 lb on the dot but 2 weeks early. This one is apparently 'average' size at my 20 week scan, so I guess he will fall between 7-9 lbs depending if he comes a touch early.

Mrs Miggins I had headaches with this pregnancy, but I do not recall having them with my other boys- I did have one headache that was so bad it did me in a few weeks ago but it was clearly a vasodilation thing because a cup of coffee sorted it right out and coffee is a vasoconstrictor- I wouldn't suggest it for you thought as your still in first tri and I never dared touch a drop of caffeine in first tri. I have the occasional cup now though, but half the time its decaff.

Glad your back Debzie :hugs: And glad your hear Dodger! :flower: I can't wait to see who will be coming over next!
Here is my bump today. Mahooosive! The guy in the shop where I went to get more belly oil yesterday presumed I was much further along than 24 weeks and assumed I was there to get raspberry leaf tea! Lol! It says take after 36 weeks on the box! :haha::blush:


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Love the bump pic loz. I can't. Wait to see who is next
Loz I love it! I have MAJOR bump envy! Well the headache seems to have buggered off, think I hydrated myself well yesterday. Just getting the funny twinges which I think are round ligament pain - I hope they are as that is a good sign, and good old nausea. So today is a good day, dare I say it. I feel pregnant.
OMG 11lb baby?!!?!! That frightens me! My first was almost 9lbs and I am afraid this one will follow suit, LOL.

I have been mostly hanging around stalking, but glad to see some new BFPs!

I have had spotting/bleeding off and on for the past week. My Dr. believes it is from an irritated cervix, but it happens long after we have had sex (the last time was the heaviest the bleeding has got and it had been a weeks since we DTD), so I am scared it could be something worse. Just hoping the bleeding has stopped for good.

I hope everyone else is doing well!

I'm a scatter brain I missed this post! The doctor should refer you for a scan asap- not trying to scare you, but a scan should be done to rule out the placenta as being the cause. Lots of ladies have bleeding quite far into pregnancy that never gets explained, but you need a scan to rule out placenta issues and also to give you peace of mind. Did they say to go on bedrest? Over here thats the first thing you would say in response to bleeding this far into the pregnancy- pelvic and/or total bed rest. :hugs:

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