Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

ts - can you tell if he actively sucking? I used a paci from about 4 weeks and never had any nipple confusion. I think some of the thinking now (and with bottle teats) is that it can help them later on if you need to use bottles for going back to work etc. I never really had cluster feeding as such (I think anyway) so can't help there but I could tell when he wasn't feeding, just tickling my nipple with his tongue!
Thanks ladies. :)

In my book it says not to introduce a pacifier before 40 days because baby should be allowed to nurse as much as he wants before that time. It says after 40 days your supply is established and it is ok to pacify baby rather than nurse constantly.

I just wanted to see what mommies here did since everything seems to give different answers no matter where I look. :wacko:

Finn has been cluster feeding for almost a week now. He started last Friday/Saturday. Last night was the worst. I literally couldn't stop nursing him or he would scream. :( Breaks my heart to hear him cry like that. I know my supply is going up because I have been pumping once a day to get a supply of milk in the freezer for anytime we might need it (I am NOT comfortable nursing in public - I have to use a shield and I am very self conscious on top of that) and a few days ago I was able to pump 2 oz and now the past few days I have been getting 3 oz.

Another question for the bf'ing moms - Can anyone give me either encouragement or tips on how to get comfortable while bf'ing? I am having SO much trouble. I have a pillow but I borrowed it and maybe it is squished because it isn't very high. I have just ordered a new one but I am not sure how long it will take to get here. I have also been trying to angle Finn bum down some because I feel that he has a little bit of reflux. I have been having a lot of trouble supporting his head while getting him to the breast. I feel that I really have to arch my back to get my breast close enough to him to get him to latch (still with that darn old shield).

I borrowed some videos from the public health nurse but haven't had a chance to watch them yet. Cluster feeding really keeps you busy! :haha: My book suggests laid back nursing where baby lays on you while you lay back but I haven't gotten that to work yet. Maybe once Finn has more head control?

I also looked up the closest Le Leche League to me and it is over 600 km away :( I think I might see if I can email one of the ladies and see if they would do a phone or email consultation.

How are you doing, Kelly? Still getting period pains? Are they any worse or getting more rhythmic? The pain I had didn't get rhythmic at all, it was just constant when I was standing or walking. Laying down it was definitely coming and going.

I hope you are all having a good day :)
Thank you, Pink :)

Last night he was sort of going back and forth between actively swallowing and just holding me in his mouth.

I am not sure about Finn and nipple confusion. He has had bottles since he was 2 days old because of the jaundice and force feeding. Plus, since I have to use the shield I feel that he doesn't really know what I really feel like, that he always had a "bottle" feeling. :cry: I am still trying to get him to latch without it but it is not going too well.
I had to use a shield for a little while as he really hurt my left breast. I bought a pillow that curves around my body but like you felt I was leaning forward. I have to constantly support my breast (initially to stop him being smothered by my big boob) with my hand so can lift it up a bit so I am not leaning down to much. Now he is bigger is does seem better but I can't do the no handed feeding other ladies do. I also had to 'shape' my boob forming a U shape with my thumb and first finger so I could angle the nipple into his mouth.

I had to use lots of cushions to lift him high enough up till I got the bf pillow as for positions have you tried the rugby hold? His body goes underneath your arm. I sat close to the arm of the settee and kind of position him between the sofa arm and my body. I had to do this position lots on the left side other wise he wouldn't open his mouth wide enough. I did find a site with good diagrams but can't find it atm

did find this though
Thanks for the tips! I have tried the rugby hold (we call it a football hold :)) but I haven't really given it a shot again since I have started angling his body down some. Maybe I will try it again next time.

Finn doesn't open his mouth enough either. I also have to constantly shape my breast to get him to latch without the shield. I can sometimes get him to latch but he hardly sucks and usually slips off easily. Hopefully as he gets bigger every thing will get easier.

Thanks again for your help :)

Oh, I remember you told Mrs. M. where you got the breast feeding icon but I can't remember where you got it. I think I want one too! :) Do you mind posting how to do it again? Thanks!

to get it to work you have to remove the first / in the [/img] as highlighted in red. She had to put that in to stop it 'working' and therefore be able to post out the url.


Aslo I have to raise one leg higher, at niught I prop my foot in his crib to tilt him so his head is higher and help stop all the milk running out of his nose. Can't find a wya to make that super comfy though

Thank you for the tip about propping your leg on the crib. I have been trying to awkwardly hold my leg up. Sometimes I can get a blanket or something under there to help but not always. I find feeding him on the couch so much easier but getting out of bed at night is so hard. :haha:

Oh, you will all be pleased to know that I no longer set my alarm to make sure he eats every so many hours. I know he is gaining weight well so I gave that up. Also, he gets up more often than every 4 hours every night anyway so... :haha:

I am feeling much more relaxed about bf'ing. I just have to find a comfy way to do it and get rid of the darn shield and all will be good! (well, it will be better when the cluster feeding stops! Today has been good so far. Hopefully tonight won't be bad.)

Thank you again for your help!
Ts if your nipple are sore i recomend shea butter to help soothe thrm its wonderful stuff. There are great videos on you tube that show the correct latching method, tip back the head touch nipple on top lip, when he opens up his mouth wide put bottom jaw on first well below nipple, then top jaw over nipple so he gets a big mouthful off boob. Try the different holds, maybe lying down hold if back hurts? And prop him up with cushions so he is level with boob you shouldnt be leaning forward to him. And yes a foot stall is supposed to help too. Hth
Thanks Merri. :)

I have lanolin and it seems to be helping with the dryness. I don't use the shield because of sore nipples, I use it because I have flat nipples and because Finn still doesn't open his mouth wide enough.

I have watched the videos and have tried again and again to get him to latch. If I use the shield for a bit and than take it off and try when he has drawn my nipple out into the shield some then he will almost latch deep enough but then will slip off. We are going to continue to work on it as he gets bigger and opens his mouth more.

I have tried some different holds. I can't seem to find something that works really well yet. I have quite a large chest and I am finding that to be a problem. :(

I have a nursing pillow now but I borrowed it from a friend. It isn't working out for me so I ordered a new pillow yesterday. I tried using just regular pillows but I can't get them to work at all.

I am just hoping that this will all get easier as Finn gets bigger and we both get more practiced at it.

I hope you're all having a good day :flow:
Mindy, when both of mine were tiny I always laid them on a cushion or pillow to feed. Then as they get a little bigger to feed they can have their bum on your lap and still reach the boob. When they are tiny it's nose to nipple, tummy to mummy. This is my bed/night feed arrangement. Louis is in the Moses basket right by my bed. He has a folded small blanket under his matress at the head end to raise it slightly. I sleep with two pillows under my head, and at the side of the bed I have my long maternity pillow and an extra pillow. When he wakes I get the long pillow, fold it in half and throw it behind me in an upside down v shape. This supports my back and allows me to sit up enough to feed but lay back enough so I am comfortable. Then I put the spare pillow under the arm of whichever side I am feeding from, and this both supports Louis and keeps my arm in place in case I doze off (which I do frequently). As you know I have spent many nights sitting up asleep half feeding half sleeping like this. My back does get stiff and I wake up with Russell brands hair but its the most comfortable night feeding position I found. I also had the killer nipple, it stopped hurting after cluster feeding stopped.
Mrs mig: loool at the russel brands hair!!! I always like your way of putting things!!!

Mindy: omg! Finn is already 3 weeks old!!! Hope you find the right position soon. I use to do the same kind of things as mrs mig.

Where is kelly??? Thinking of you hun.

How is everyone else?
Has anyone heard from Kelly?

We're back from holiday now so I'm looing forward to catching up with everyone :) x
Kelly hasn't been online since yesterday at 11.45am. I bet she's in labour!
I've had a text from Kelly, I'll copy it shortly. Just got to read bedtime story! She is in labour but not progressing. Will update in a minute.
Thx for the update mrs mig.
Hope she's ok and she'll get her lil daniel in her arms soon.
So Kelly started with contractions yesterday. They were every 5 minutes and painful but when she went in they said her cervix was still hard and closed.
They told her the pain was due to him trying to drop, gave her some codeine and told her not to come back until she is screaming in pain. That was at midnight, and at 4 she lost some of her plug. The pain is unbearable for her now so she has gone back in and will be demanding drugs! It certainly sounds like things are happening. Hopefully she will be like me, I never dilated really until my waters broke and then both times it was very quick. Lets hope Kelly can be made more comfortable and will be cuddling Daniel very soon.
Ooooh just thought. Would drop by for an update to find the exciting news. Kelly hope all is well and things are progressing well.

Mindy I have large boobs and flat nipples. It was recommended to me to support my boob when feeding and have a really flattened pillow on my lap. I find laying down the best latch position. As for the flat nipples I was told to use my breadtpump to make them stick out or twiddle them a bit. It's been working. Night time feeds I either lie down or sit slightly reclined as I find it easier to latch. You will find what is most comfortable for you don't worry. Xx
Yay for the awesome update about Kelly! I really hope she is snuggling Daniel right now. I hope it is like you Mrs. M, super fast :)

Thanks for the description on how you feed Louis at night. I have a big maternity pillow too, maybe I will have to dig it out again. I was SO happy to get it out of the bed after Finn was born. :haha: I really have to work on the laid back nursing.

My laptop is about to die so I have to go, but I hope you are all well.

MMM, I hope your vacation was good.

Ummi, I can't believe Finn is 3 weeks old already either!

Hi to everyone!!

Good luck Kelly! I can't wait to see pictures! <3

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