Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

OMG 11lb baby?!!?!! That frightens me! My first was almost 9lbs and I am afraid this one will follow suit, LOL.

I have been mostly hanging around stalking, but glad to see some new BFPs!

I have had spotting/bleeding off and on for the past week. My Dr. believes it is from an irritated cervix, but it happens long after we have had sex (the last time was the heaviest the bleeding has got and it had been a weeks since we DTD), so I am scared it could be something worse. Just hoping the bleeding has stopped for good.

I hope everyone else is doing well!

I'm a scatter brain I missed this post! The doctor should refer you for a scan asap- not trying to scare you, but a scan should be done to rule out the placenta as being the cause. Lots of ladies have bleeding quite far into pregnancy that never gets explained, but you need a scan to rule out placenta issues and also to give you peace of mind. Did they say to go on bedrest? Over here thats the first thing you would say in response to bleeding this far into the pregnancy- pelvic and/or total bed rest. :hugs:

No big deal about the post, LOL. I have not been prescribed bedrest because my Dr. still thinks it is all caused from an irritated cervix, but I am trying to take things easy. I have already had my big ultrasound, so I know that my placenta is not low-lying (It is litterally as high as it possibly can get). I think the reason they didn't give me another ultasound is because I had one the week before and the my cervix was closed and the baby's heart rate was good, so he didn't think one was necessary. So far everything has been fine since Sunday/Monday morning. I feel like I am worrying excessively, but I am so scared of premature labor. I am not sure why because I don't have any majorly concerning symtpoms.
Debz-i'm happy you are feeling pregnant.

Loz-I do have bump envy. It's so perfect and pretty. Not even one little stretch mark. What kind of oil do you use? I've been using emu oil, though I don't have much to put it on as you can

Twinkie- Do you know what your blood type is? You may be due for a shot. That Rhogam shot and I have become very, very close over the last few years! Once I got mine, bleeding stopped, and I was bleeding all through the first trimester. It's worth it just to ask if you don't know.
Debz-i'm happy you are feeling pregnant.

Loz-I do have bump envy. It's so perfect and pretty. Not even one little stretch mark. What kind of oil do you use? I've been using emu oil, though I don't have much to put it on as you can

Twinkie- Do you know what your blood type is? You may be due for a shot. That Rhogam shot and I have become very, very close over the last few years! Once I got mine, bleeding stopped, and I was bleeding all through the first trimester. It's worth it just to ask if you don't know.

I know I am A+, so no shot needed.
Well that's lucky for you because that shot is no joke!

When I got it after my last MC and DH was with me, his eyes got really wide and he said, "Did you SEE the size of that shot?!?"

He's military so he gets shots for EVERYTHING. If he commented on the size, I know it must have been bad. Shots don't bother me, I just don't look at them.

I forgot, how far along are you Twinkie? Sorry. So many ladies to keep track of, which is a really great thing!!
Well that's lucky for you because that shot is no joke!

When I got it after my last MC and DH was with me, his eyes got really wide and he said, "Did you SEE the size of that shot?!?"

He's military so he gets shots for EVERYTHING. If he commented on the size, I know it must have been bad. Shots don't bother me, I just don't look at them.

I forgot, how far along are you Twinkie? Sorry. So many ladies to keep track of, which is a really great thing!!

Shots don't bother me either, but I think DH gets squimish at some of the stuff that comes along with pregnancy/birthing babies (guess that is why women get the honors LOL). Honestly not much phases me, I probably should have been a nurse, but I don't like dealing with sick/crabby people!

I am 22 weeks today (that is why I have a ticker, I know how hard it is to keep track of how far along people are ;)) . I hope the next couple weeks fly by so I can officially have a viable baby!
A question for Loz. I remember you were taking the Boots pregnancy supplement but stopped as it made you sick. How far on were you when this happened and were you able to start taking it again? I have had to stop taking it as about ten minutes after it hits my stomach I either gag and retch for about 5 minutes or properly vomit. I'm not massively concerned about not taking it as I have high dose folic acid from the doc, it was just an extra. But once I stop taking the high dose folic acid I would like to start taking it again if I can.
Oh. You do haves ticker down there, don't you? Silly me, I always forget to look. I'll have to be more conscious of those in the future.

Yes. Same here. Not much phases me, except maybe other things that come out of your body during childbirth, if you know what I mean.

I've also heard that the placenta looks like a rump roast? Yeah. That should be interesting.

My DH says he doesn't care what happens because i'll be having his baby, but I still want to make sure he is overly prepared for what is going to happen down there so he's not surprised. And about the slicing and dicing that may be necessary. Oh, and there's just so much more! I also will not be asking to see a mirror. I want to remember my va-jeen the way it was.... ::sighs::

So I guess I lied then. It all sounds like it's going to phase me. Except needles.
Once you are in the swing of it you honestly do not care. I was really hung up on not wanting to poo while I was in labour. Guess what? I pood. The midwife just sweeps it away quickly, they must do it all the time. I thought the placenta looked like a brain :haha:
Loz-I do have bump envy. It's so perfect and pretty. Not even one little stretch mark. What kind of oil do you use? I've been using emu oil, though I don't have much to put it on as you can

OMG! Me too! Loz you have one perfect bump there! I have a feeling that mine will be line ridden allllllll over. lol

Oh Dodger, I see you are in So Cal! I'm so envious of you because

1) You have beautiful weather so hopefully you won't ever have to be uncomfortable in ridiculous heat

2) I just wish I was in the states right now!

I live in Okinawa, Japan. It is a tropical island, and it is HOT AND STICKY in the summer. It's pretty much sticky all year, just not always hot. I have to really stay on top on running the de-humidifier or I'll get mold. We also don't have central air. None of the Japanese style houses do. We have separate units in each room that cost a fortune to run. One room of my house will be comfortable, and the others are so hot you lose 10 lbs. when you walk in until you've waited a necessary 20 minutes to cool down the room.

The worst months are August and September. Guess when I'm due??


I bet I will be swelling quite a bit come the 8th and 9th month.

I know it's a long post, but I guess I'm just trying to convey how envious I am of you at the moment!!

Oh boy! Well I'd love to visit Japan one day, but I am with you on not dealing well with humidity! (well you live there, so you deal a LOT better then me. lol) I've been to places in the middle and eastern parts of the USA in the summer and it's basically what you are talking about. You walk out the door and are taking an immediate unplanned shower. lol BUT! I would love to visit Japan some day still. :)

It's beautiful here right now! I wish you could be here enjoying as well! I have to admit though, that while we don't get the humidity as much as you do, we DO get VERY hot weather during the summer. My mom likes to tell my brother and I how hot and uncomfortable it was for her with both of us (both born in August and both FOUR WEEKS overdue!) just to get her way on something at times. lol

Mrsmigg I hope this week flys by for you. Been prescribed 400mg daily progesterone.

Dodger my edd is 8 th Feb. Not far behind you.

Crayz that is one neat bump. Love it.

Yay!! Who knows anyway, we might end up giving birth on the same day by me being a bit late and you being early! :D I'm hoping that this baby sticks with it's due date... we don't have a Feb birthday in the immediate family, but we have lots of January birthdays.
LOL, I was worried about pooing too, but after 2.5hrs pushing with DS that was the least of my concerns! DH was like seriously, it was disgusting, LOL. I litterally emptied everything in my digestive tract in those couple hours. I didn't have to poop again for like 4 days! Honestly I am sure my nurse got the worst of it, because my Dr. doesn't walk in until right before delivery.

I do not remember delivering the placenta at all. Most of DS's delivery is a blur. I am going to try hard to remember everything this time around, especially since if DH gets his way this will be my last :(

I might actually look in the mirror this time around. I didn't want to with DS, but it might be kind of neat to see this little man being born (I guess that will depend on how the delivery goes and how big he is! I had a forcep delivery with DS, so no mirror was offered when he was actually delivered, plus with the episiotomy and the tearing, I am sure it wasn't a pretty sight!)
Loz-I do have bump envy. It's so perfect and pretty. Not even one little stretch mark. What kind of oil do you use? I've been using emu oil, though I don't have much to put it on as you can

OMG! Me too! Loz you have one perfect bump there! I have a feeling that mine will be line ridden allllllll over. lol

Oh Dodger, I see you are in So Cal! I'm so envious of you because

1) You have beautiful weather so hopefully you won't ever have to be uncomfortable in ridiculous heat

2) I just wish I was in the states right now!

I live in Okinawa, Japan. It is a tropical island, and it is HOT AND STICKY in the summer. It's pretty much sticky all year, just not always hot. I have to really stay on top on running the de-humidifier or I'll get mold. We also don't have central air. None of the Japanese style houses do. We have separate units in each room that cost a fortune to run. One room of my house will be comfortable, and the others are so hot you lose 10 lbs. when you walk in until you've waited a necessary 20 minutes to cool down the room.

The worst months are August and September. Guess when I'm due??


I bet I will be swelling quite a bit come the 8th and 9th month.

I know it's a long post, but I guess I'm just trying to convey how envious I am of you at the moment!!

Oh boy! Well I'd love to visit Japan one day, but I am with you on not dealing well with humidity! (well you live there, so you deal a LOT better then me. lol) I've been to places in the middle and eastern parts of the USA in the summer and it's basically what you are talking about. You walk out the door and are taking an immediate unplanned shower. lol BUT! I would love to visit Japan some day still. :)

It's beautiful here right now! I wish you could be here enjoying as well! I have to admit though, that while we don't get the humidity as much as you do, we DO get VERY hot weather during the summer. My mom likes to tell my brother and I how hot and uncomfortable it was for her with both of us (both born in August and both FOUR WEEKS overdue!) just to get her way on something at times. lol

Mrsmigg I hope this week flys by for you. Been prescribed 400mg daily progesterone.

Dodger my edd is 8 th Feb. Not far behind you.

Crayz that is one neat bump. Love it.

Yay!! Who knows anyway, we might end up giving birth on the same day by me being a bit late and you being early! :D I'm hoping that this baby sticks with it's due date... we don't have a Feb birthday in the immediate family, but we have lots of January birthdays.

My grandmother and great grandmothers birthdays were febuary but the back end (both have passed now) Emily's is the 26th January so not too far apart. Would be nice to be bump buddies to the end.

As for the pooing in childbirth, when I was a student nurse I spent 15 weeks in midwifery and saw around 10 births and all of them when push comes to shove poo. If you know you are going to do it it takes the embarrassment out of it. I never experienced it as Emily was born by emergency c section.
Just got my BFP almost 2weeks ago now. I lost my son at 21wks just over a year ago. I am scared to get excited and have my heart broken all over again. i am just happy that this time i got a wonderful man in my life who wanted this as well. I am uncertain but praying that all goes well and we have a happy healthy baby. it took a while to sink in that it was really happening once i got my BFP but i am happy. just trying not to be more happy then needed. does that make any sense? I guess in a way i fear i wont really be able to love this baby(while inside me) like i did my son when he was in me. maybe just a fear of getting to attached when the future is so unsure. Anyways Thanks for starting this thread. needed to get that off my chest. Wishing you all a happy and healthy 9months xoxoxox
Morm - I know how you feel. I made a decision to believe that this is going to be a baby that I keep and for me that works, but I can totally understand protecting yourself. *hugs* I'm praying that this is your rainbow baby!
Hi all

Wow loads of posts on here to catch up on!!

Crayz, id love to visit Japan too one day!! Your bump is a tinky winky one, but yep i agree some people are small and have small babies, other are bigger and have bigger babies, im sure everything is ok my dear, try not to worry about it and just know that it wont be too long untill you will be holding that LO in your arms :hugs:

Twinkie, so sorry to hear about the bleeding that must have been very scary, just keep an eye on whats going on and go to the doctors if you start to worry more chick, you dont need any stress. Look after yourself xxx

Loz, lovely bump, ill post my pic later on ... every says its really neat, it just looks like a football shoved up my top i think :ball:

Morm, congratulations. I agree with Dodger Ill say what I always say to ladies that join us and thats to not compare this pregnancy to your last one and just to think positive and look after yourself. Thats all you can do my dear :hugs:

Debzie, how are you doing chick?? Good advice, embrace the poop!!! :rofl:

Mrs Mig, aw mate try not to obsess too much and stay away from google too! It wont be long before your 12 week scan and that will give you some reassurance, i understand how you feel though just try and concentrate on other things. :hugs:

AFM, getting LOADS of wriggles and kicks, monkey likes to kick my ribs on the right hand side, it doesnt hurt, just feels like my ribs are moving whch is gross!!!! Think im getting a cold but im ignoring it in the hope it goes away, do NOT want sinusitus again!!! Looking forward to the long weekend, might have some soggy BBQs though!!

thanks ladies.. i m feeling much better today. My Ms is pretty bad still and i don't think my gag reflex is helping at all. Always trying to look to the positive. SO and I choose out a couple names so far.(I guess you can't help but be excited in some ways) I wanted some opinions, also the names are kinda French as I live in Quebec and my SO is french. For a boy we are thinking either William (not so french) or Francois . And for a girl we were thinking Arianne or Isabelle . Had some blood work done a few days ago and my numbers were good. now just waiting for that first apt with my ob/gyn. which I don't even have yet because her office is on vacation until Monday. But looking forward to what this pregnancy has to offer :)
Hey Morm, yay for being positive!! I found it really helped me this time around!!

Love the names, i like William too. Our names were going to be Poppy and George but a few friends have stolen George already (without knowing) and so we are trying to think of other boy names and not getting very far!! If anyone steals Poppy from me I will be very unamused!!!! Hee hee (not you guys obviously!!) xxx
Welcome morm. Glad you are feeling positive and good news on your bloods.

Clobo I'm good thanks 14 dpo finally drs like a lifetime ago i saw those first faint lines. I feel pretty normal today but not stressing as it is so early days. Have a headache which will not budge I am well hydratedso its not that. I am sooo tired though.
Here is my bump as promised, taken on Monday at 26 weeks!! Feeling huge today though!!! xxx


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Well I've entered the tww everyone cross everything for June 13th so I get my Bfp x x
Good luck Bump :dust: i have everything crossed for you xxx

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