Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

Welcome Usamom :hugs:

How is everyone today? Any plans?

I'm just getting ready for my hospital appointment, having an internal to see if they can break my waters on Friday if not I have to go into hospital on Thursday for induction!! Will update when I can x
Fingers crossed MMM everything is ready for breaking your waters.

Hi and welcome usamom - as TS said take it one day at a time!!

afm - I need to pop to Debenhams to get MIL a scarf and slippers for her birthday on Wednesday. The weather here is glorious but a bit windy so trying to do some wahing too - exciting stuff!
The weather is lovely in Aberdeen too pink. I hope it stays.

I've got my workplace risk assessment this afternoon. Can't think there's musth to check given that I sit at a desk.

Good luck MMM
Welcome to the group usamom xx
Mmm hope youre ready and raring and body says all systems go for you xxx
Happy shopping pink x
Ickle watch out for papercuts!

Afm bubs has had a quiet few days so rocked out the doppler fo9r the first time in ages, found heart beat it was funny because bubs must have been above my phemeral arturey because i picked up both of our hb at same time! He/She was swooshing about merrily and dh was chatting to it through my belly and it gave him a wollop! Its pretty laid back though only really notice it when im still of after eating.
Still early days Merri - movement will get more and more regular :) I didn't even start feel M until I was over 19 weeks!
I agree with Ginny Merri, I didn't really get a definite movement pattern till around 24 weeks?

How are you Ginny?

Ickle hope the risk assessment goes well ... they may well talk about getting you a pillow to make you comfortable and supports for your wrists too!

Happy birthday to your MIL for Wednesday Pink, it's my FIL's birthday on Wednesday too :lol:

Hospital went ok, I'm not favourable at all so I need to go into hospital at 10.30am on Thursday for prostin so hopefully by Friday evening we will have little man here :D X
You never know, you might be favourable by then or you might go into labour yourself. Sorry for asking again but what's the reason for them inducing you before your due date again?

I didn't get my risk assessment, the QHSE advisor has a cold and didn't want to pass it on so it's getting done tomorrow morning instead. Not sure I'll get wrist supports - I don't really need them and I already have some at home because of my arthritis. I think I might ask for a back support though.
I doubt I will be by then the ME said my cervix is hard and closed she couldn't get any fingers at all in. They're inducing me because of the obstetric cholestasis they aim to have obs chole babies delivered by 38 weeks as there's an increased risk of stillborn after 38 weeks apparently.

Definitely ask about the back support tomorrow hope it goes well x
Welcome usamom. Congrats on your pregnancy and well done for reading through the thread! Hope you'll find yourself comfy in here.

Merri: glad everything is ok. Maybe you're a bit busy to notice some if the movements.

ickle: for my risk assessment they did offer me the first aid room if I needed a rest (never dared to use it though) and I could have a trolley to carry my teacher's stuff around. They might offer you the same kind if support, depending in your needs.

Sorry if I missed anyone. I'm exhausted. we are moving today. I'm in the new house with the kids waiting for DJ to come with our stuff. I'm trying to imagine how I can make it my little nest. It's nice and big enough for the moment even if I get pg, so we can hope to stay longer in this one.
Sounds lovely Ummi, hope it goes well :hugs: It's great being able to make your house a home :) x
We don't have anywhere I could go for a rest but I'll see what they say.

Glad to hear you're getting settled into your new home :)

Glad to hear they're being cautious then MMM. Can't wait to see pics of your little bundle.
hi ladies :)

Sorry I haven't really been on here much lately. Busy with a sick little boy. So much worry. Finn has a viral infection in his lung and congested sinuses. Poor little guy. He had another chest x-ray today and the dr seems happy with it. He seems more himself the past few days except for his stuffy nose. His lungs have sounded clear the whole time and he hasn't had a fever so hopefully everything will continue to get better.

Even with this cold he is still eating like a champ and was weighed today... ready for this... he is 10 lb 2 oz!! Our little chunker! Haha!

Oh, I have also started a parenting journal. I am not sure how often I will be able to update it but I will try. My birth story is there, it is a super long read, I don't blame you for not reading it! :haha: The link is in my signature. :)

I hope you are all well! :flow:
I hope Finn gets better very quickly poor little chappie and yay for his weight gain! Super mums milk is doing him the world of good!!

Ummi - hope you are settling in okay to you new home.

MMM - 1 more day to go!! I still hope they manage to break your waters. You'll be a new bigger family by the weekend - exciting.

ickle - when is your next scan?

hi everyone else.

afm - taking B to the Drs this morning. His skin keep flaring up especially on his cheeks. The HV yesterday though he had grazed himself it was that bad. How she thought he would get a graze on his face I'll never know! I had been using oilatum from the hv but it wasn't helping much and bought burts bees baby bee cream from amazon that has helped on his body but with the cough and cold this weekend I think it has made it flare up again.
10lb 2oz?! OMG wtg Finn, that's some amazing feeding he's doing there Mindy :lol:

I've signed up to your journal I will read the birth story when I have more time as I'm just quickly catching up with everyone before taking Thomas to nursery and my friend coming :lol:

Thank you Pink :) The prostin will hopefully help me dialate enough to be able to break my waters on Friday :thumbup: I can't believe our journey to meet our little man starts tomorrow and by the weekend we'll be a family of 5 :wacko: :cloud9:

Oh no poor B :( Do you think it could be eczema? I know Caitlin's is really bad when it flares up :( Hope the doctors can help.

How's everyone else? x
I had my scan yesterday pink. Forgot to update here. All went well except she couldn't get a good enough picture for the NT test. The midwife wasn't great, she barely spoke to us and was all business. Glad that wasn't our first time seeing the baby. Babies measured 13w3 yesterday which is 4 days behind the last scan but the scan had a higher frequency and the pics are much clearer so I assume its more accurate. There's a pic in my journal along with a gender poll :)

Next scan now is in 7 weeks.
Glad everything went well ickle. Did you mention to the MW about the pains you've been having? Sorry she didn't seem very interested :( X
No I didn't. My hip's eased off quite a bit and she wasn't that nice so just left it. I might mention it next week when I get my bloods done. They couldn't do them yesterday because I have to be at least 14+1.
I got bloods done at my 12 weeks scan (I was 13+2 I think) Shame the mw was not nice, miserable woman, she should know how important people find the scans are.
MMM - my sister is a skin cancer nurse specialist/derm. I only mentioned it to her this week and she said it was eczema, clsssic signs especially on the cheeks. Just watched a video on baby centre which suggested bathing baby in diluted bleach - argh!
diluted bleach! geez that sounds harsh!!

goodluck with the next couple of days MMM :)

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