Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

Mmm he is just lushious xxxx

Positive thought for baby amie glad her opmwent well love to Danni
Ickle i would buy full briefs from m&s or similar, i dont see the sense in forking out for pants!
Pink im glad ben is getting better so difficult when eczema flares up. Also im sure you will be fine when dh goes away but it must be daunting :(

Hi all hope your all enjoying this great bit of weather! I have been sunbathing in my garden for two days im sun burnt! Sucks being ginger! Xxx
Hi ladies

Happy second tri Ickle! Yay!!!!
I never bought maternity nickers. Just did like mrs mig (it seems mrs mig and do lots of things the same way!)

Pink: i was about to suggest oat bath too for little Ben, but I'm a bit late! Lol! I think you got perfect advice here. I don't know if this product exists here, but in France they sell some soap and shampoo with oat. It's an excellent product for eczema sufferers, including babies. It's really soothing (even used it for ds1 chicken pox). It's called "avoine realba". So if you know someone going there, ask them to bring you some from the chemist. (I don't when I'll go there otherwise I'd have offered to bring you some)

Kelly: hope the gaviscon does the trick!

Merri: sorry for the sunburn, however ginger is gorgeous!
Hi ladies!

Some of you already know it.
I have just updated my journal with...

Awesome news Ummi!! Praying this is your rainbow, lots of PMA for you.
Wow congrats Ummi that's brilliant news!! I really hope this is your rainbow :cloud9: x
Hello ladies. How's everyone doing?

I'm still feeling tired bit the midwife I saw yesterday for the second tri screening blood test said my iron levels are normal so it's probably just normal tiredness for this stage. I'm going to keep taking one sachet of spatone a day since I'm not eating brilliantly and it seems to have made a difference. I get to start aqua natal this Monday. Very excited but I'll need to find a swimming costume.

I had to follow DH to the garage last night while he dropped off his car to have some work done to it and we'd seen a car that's just what I'm looking for so we spoke to the salesman (who is the brother of one of Kev's mates and Kev has also been dealing with to get quotes for a big order of brand new vehicles at work). He gave us a value we're happy with for trading in both of our cars and the remaining amount we could pay off in 2 or 3 months. Definitely don't want to take on more expenses just now! We'll be better off since DH won't be paying for his car anymore and the insurance is half what I'm paying now. Just need to test drive it now. It was in the garage having work done last night but it'll be ready tonight. Excited!

I went shopping at the weekend and got fitted for some bras, I'm up from an E or and F to a G cup lol! I'm so much more comfortable now. And I bought huge big granny knickers which again are so comfy. I've bought some clothes too but I'm struggling to find trousers that fit my shape. I think I'll just stick to leggings and long tops/little dresses.

Oh and we've bought a single bed for the babies room. It's one of the ones that has a fold out bed underneath so it can be two singles or a double. Think it'll be handy for if Kev ever needs a break from being disturbed or if I want a nap during the day with the baby, as well as giving us options if people come to stay.

My dad finally has a date for getting his knee replaced. He's been waiting for months, even though they'd done his pre-assessment checks etc. He tried phoning the number on his letter from the clinic but it'd either ring and ring or someone would pick up and then hang up. In the end he had to write to his MSP, who just so happens to be the first minister for Scotland.

Right I've written a novel. I'd better out this in my journal too lol!
That's good Ickle. I'm pleased you got the car sorted. I struggled with trousers in pregnancy too, though I tend to struggle with them normally. I got a pair of lovely soft stretchy maternity jeans from H&M that I wore mainly with the two tops I sent you, or I wore them with leggings. I wore those jeans until Louis was about 9 weeks old when they sort of disintegrated :haha:
I had the same thing with the exhaustion I thought I had low iron and I didn't. I just think its normal, pregnancy exhaustion is like nothing on earth. People say pregnancy isn't an illness but for most of the first tri, some of the second, and late third it bloody well feels like it is. At least later on you look different so people sympathise and usually you are on maternity leave so you get to rest (well you do if you haven't got any other children), in first tri you just have to get on with it. You should start to feel better soon.
I find trousers hard to wear too. I worked in an office when I was pg with M. I wore either the leggings/dress combo or leggins and stretchy skirts. I also found a lot of those oversize/long white shirts were in trend so I just wore them as maternity shirts - they were great.

Usually I have my weekly scan on a Thursday, but today's a public holiday so the clinic is shut. Feeling so nervous about everything now and won't get my next scan til next Thursday when I'll be 12 weeks. My morning sickness overall has gotten a bit better - still there but not as bad. Besides that though I don't feel pregnant - like I don't really very anything that unusual in my uterus area. That's normal though yeah?
I felt like that too Ginny. You are starting to get to that weird phase before you feel any movement. Hope the next few weeks fly for you.
Yeah I'm chuffed I'm getting a car with a lot less miles and now we can start picking a pram and car seat etc.

Thanks. It really is like nothing I've experienced before. I've been fatigued with arthritis but this is more like someone's been slipping me sedatives.

I'm actually wearing the white and red stripy top today. It's so comfy and flattering.
I don't feel much at the moment Ginny. Just the occasional stretching feeling but that's it. Apart from the tiredness I'd forget I was pregnant.
Cor ickle you have been busy! Im sorry youre still fatigued it must be sooo annoying to feel like that still i think by 15wks my tieredness was gone, its back again now though!
Ginny im sure youre ok like mmig said its wierd until you feel deffinate movements
I discovered by accident that if i wear my regular legging back to front they are like maternity ones, result!!

I had a wobbly week, my sister had a siezure on monday first time ever, it really scared us all because she drives for a living thankfully it happened before she set off to work. Shes being referred to a neurologist and is signed off work for a month. She is totally wiped out by it, headaches still and lack lustre. Very scary.
I dont know if its related to feeling stressed but baby has been very active, its lovely feeling daily bumps, dh had a good kicking the otherday too when we were reading a bedtime story to skippy, so happy he finally felt it!
I've been busy stripping my old cot ready for an upcycle, it is taking me ages but i hope it will be worth it. I found some lovely purple butterflys i want to paste onto it but do you guys think its wrong for boys to have butterflys?! I cant decide if i should wait and see what we have!
Merri - I thought about butterflies too for B's room. When he is under his play gym he loves looking at the butterflies hanging and now gets really frustrated that he can;t reach them. You are the ones seeing the cot so you put what you want on it! :hugs: I hope your sister is okay and they get to the bottom of the seizure.

Ginny - :hugs: I hope next week hurries along so can get your reassurance again seeing bean on the screen. There were times when I wouldn't have realised I was pregnant in early 2nd tri - I know its difficult but keep the pma.

ickle - When I first read your post I thought you bought your baby a single bed!! Major forward planning - lol! So glad you got a new car, we did that too and its a great feeling now you can look at seats etc. I also thought you had bitten the midwife!! clearly reading the post first thing this morning after a poor sleep isn't the right thing for me to do!

Hi everyone!

afm- B seems a bit better today with his bad cough, weepy eyes and blocked nose with a snot moustache. I am just going to book for the waterbabies course starting next week, however I will miss the first one which is a bummer as we are heading down to my dad for a long weekend. We are going to see my brother before he heads off to Florida for his wedding. We decided not to go, although now its closer to the time it maybe that we could have gone but when I had to make the decision early on I wasn't in a place with myself or looking after B to think it would be okay.
LMAO @ biting the midwife! This might end up being the baby's first single bed but it's mostly for us and guests at the moment.

I've had someone ask me if I want to go and see a show at the theatre in January and I couldn't commit to even that, let along a transatlantic trip so I think I'd have been the same.
Totally normal Ginny :hugs:

:hugs: for your sister Merri that must have been so scary! I don't think it's wrong to have butterfly's it's whatever you feel comfortable with. I seen a baby girl (6 months) in the supermarket the other day dressed all in blue :D

Hope that Ben's cold starts to go soon Pink. I'd have been the same with the trip too. When is the wedding? Could you maybe see about getting a last minute flight if you really want to go.

How's everyone else?

Noah was weighed yesterday and he's gone from 6lb 12oz to 6lb 4oz. It is within the 10% weight loss but I need to try and get more milk into him. He's just not fussed on it at all :lol: He's such a laid back baby he had his heal prick yesterday and didn't even flinch never mind cry :lol: I've managed to get 4.5oz in him since 9am this morning so far. Going to try him with another couple of ounces around 3.30/4pm. I'm having to wake him for bottles as he's just not waking. He's going around 6 hours on a night but I'm sure that will all change soon! x

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