Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

I hope Dodger won't mind me letting you all know it has been very bad news this weekend :cry:
Aw Dodger, my thoughts are with you and massive hugs being sent to you :hugs: xxx
Agh dodger so sorry xxx

Afm, I'm on cd17 and yesterday and today felt sickly with heartburn too is it poss to get symptoms so early if I was preg?? I can't be lol I only ov on cd15 hmmz :/
Hey Bump

Im sorry to say those wont be proper preggo symptoms yet even if you were, it take a few days at least for the HCG to get high enough to cause anything .... what you are probably experiencing is the effects of increased progesterone after ovulation, these are the same whether you are preggo or not but if you are getting them then it probably means you have a good high progesterone level which is of course a very good thing and a good start to the TWW!! Good luck chick, keep up the PMA and try to concentrate on other things for the next two weeks ..... the cycle i got my BFP was when i had so many other things to think about for once i wasnt stressing about TTC and managed to fall preggo naturally!!

Massive hugs my dear, try and enjoy your bank holiday weekend!! :hugs: xxx
Welcome morm! So nice to see a new face here!

Clobo-I love your bump! And the shorts!

BTW-You all are more than welcome to visit Japan. It's quite an experience, and I'm very thankful I am lucky enough to be able to live in a foreign country and witness other cultures, but I'm ready to go back to the states. I WILL miss how friendly Japanese people are. Once you live outside the states, you tend to start disliking Americans a lot. I love America, but let's be honest, the people are real jerks (the majority anyways).

Bump-Good luck TTC and I hope you get that BFP soon!

Debzie-It looks like you are experiencing some really good signs of pregnancy! Big hugs to you!!

Oh Dodger-I'm so sorry. News like that makes my heart break. My eyes watered when I read it. Just know that you always have support here no matter what!

This weekend my husband and I put together baby furniture. A glider, a pack-n-play (I cannot believe how difficult it is to put one of these things together-I was thinking I needed an engineering degree), and a baby swing. We also got some other things we have been waiting on that require no assembly, like the monitor, the bottle sanitizer (as I cannot physically BF), a bottle warmer, and my husband's very own manly diaper bag. I guess they call this "nesting." Little miss will be here before we know it, so I feel more prepared. All I REALLY need now is the bassinet (on it's way) and then it's just little things.

I have another non-stress test tomorrow, another on Thursday, and an US on Thursday as well where they will do another growth scan. Please pray for us!
Bump I agree with clobo its way early. Really hope you get your bfp this cycle.

Crayz wow looks like you are getting organised. So excited for you. I will be praying for you this week.

Afm. Pms slipped a little but I'm trying to rescue it today.
Yer I thought as much I'm on day 18 now and still feeling sick and really tired so let's hope it stays that way and thanks for the encouragement :) I was told after my biopsy that I'd be slightly more fertile this month so fingers crossed!!
Yes Debzie! I'm at 30 weeks now so I need to get the ball rolling. Everything that's been put together has been tested on my Mini Dachshund. She approves, so we're good. I'm still a child at heart, even at 32.

We chose the name Yeardley (YARD-LEE) Ray (my DH's middle name is "Raymond")

Since this will be our only child I figured she should have a part of his name.

I'm hoping with a name like that she's predestined to end up at an Ivy League university.

Although mine is Alexandria Frances, and I became a hair stylist, so you just never know! But I love my job, that's all that matters.

Thank you for the prayers as it means so much to us!!
think i finally got my pos opk what do u all think?

random question.... how do u get a ticker on???

the top test was last months opk just to compare but had 3 as dark as bottom one today


  • opk cd18 cycle 7.png
    opk cd18 cycle 7.png
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Bumpy I think that it is all but positive hun but some women they dont get any darker than that.

For a Ticker you have to go into your control panel and copy and past the link into the attach link part at the top control panel in your edit signature. If you hover over all the symbols up there at the top of the text box it will tell which one. Good luck hun. x
how do u mean all but pos??? and ill have a go at the ticker ty xx

Bump, mine were like that when they were positive, mine never got quite as dark as the control line. It all depends on wee strength, timing etc so id say get :sex:

Crayz, you really have been nesting havent you!! Its good to get all these things done a bit early though, especially if the weather is hot and im planning on doing things before my bump gets too big, also what if the baby does come a little early, we need to be prepared!!

Happy Jubilee Weekend everyone, we are off to a party in a bit, I just feel like going back to :sleep: though!! Tired this weekend!! xxx
Lol clobo we have done that every night for last 8 nights so I think I'm covered lol I still feel nauseous and tired tho :/
A question for Loz. I remember you were taking the Boots pregnancy supplement but stopped as it made you sick. How far on were you when this happened and were you able to start taking it again? I have had to stop taking it as about ten minutes after it hits my stomach I either gag and retch for about 5 minutes or properly vomit. I'm not massively concerned about not taking it as I have high dose folic acid from the doc, it was just an extra. But once I stop taking the high dose folic acid I would like to start taking it again if I can.

It wasn't me who it made sick, I can't remember who didn't get on with it- my sickness is kind of random, some mornings I get it some I don't but that was the case with my other boys also and I wasn't on any pregnancy vits except the folic with them. I still occasionally take a boots vit, but only if I'm feeling a bit run down. I always take my asprin, and vit if I have one, literally just before I go to bed. Taking such things just before bed should prevent them from making you feel ill, and I have never noticed any multivit remnants in my morning um, offerings to the porcelain goddess. :haha:

Crayz my magic belly oil is simply sweet almond massage base oil, with a considerable amount of pure mandarin essential oil added to it (citrus reticulata) Its vitamin C straight to my skin and muscles and I'm very proud to still have abdominal wall muscle control. I can lift my bump with my muscles much the same way as a strongman lifts pecks! :haha: I'm very big on structural integrity, and those big muscles in the tummy are a big part of that.

Placentas look weird lol, like a big round flying saucer of muscle and blood vessels! My oldest's dad cooked and attempted to eat the placenta...with my youngest the placenta was forgotten about once out of me because the labour was so rapid it was a bit of a shocker- still leaning towards a lotus birth for this one! Though may end up cutting cord when it stops pulsating but would still bring the placenta home to dehydrate shrink and keep.

I think I would like a mirror when crowing to see whats going on, but it will depend entirely on baby's MPH upon entering the world. Youngest was a 60mph arrival, shot out and had to be caught. I was totally upright on my feet- mirror was not practical at all! The midwives never even got chance to see how much I was dilated. Episiotomy scares the living daylights out of me- literally. Almost had to have one with first born, soon as I got the jist of what was on the cards I pushed him out sheer force of will NO BODY is cutting my twinkle! :nope::nope::nope::nope::nope::nope::nope::nope::nope:

Hi Morm :hugs: I'm so sorry you lost your son, I can't imagine what it must feel like to get so far and then have to say goodbye :cry: Its totally understandable that you are feeling the way you feel right now- its early days and you are still getting used to it. One day at a time is the only way to go, and unfortunately for you, you have longer to wait til you pass a point where you can feel safe and imagine bringing home a baby, but that time will come. :hugs: Congratulations on this new pregnancy. :flower:

Neat bump Clobo! Bit smaller than mine it appears- why do I get so huge? I'm sure its twins but one is invisible! OH is shocked at how big I am, and people assume I either have my EDD wrong, or I'm going to have a massive baby. He was average in size at 20 week scan!

Fingers and eyes crossed for you Bump :hugs: That + opk looks like mine did, and behold, that was a good O! Hopefully that OPK is the start of your Good O and sticky baby! :hugs:

Dodger :cry::hugs::hugs::hugs:So sorry.

I hope I didn't miss anyone, sorry if I did- I'm rushing because oldest's dad is having a BBQ over the road as I type this, and some chicken has my name written all over it! :munch:
I got my :bfp: yesterday! I suffered a blighted ovum in August and I am very nervous!
Loz loving your birth stories so positive. Enjoy your bbq.

Roma welcome to the pma thread. Congratulations when are you due

I'm feeling really achey today. First thing it was the midde of my back radiating down my left leg could hardley walk. This afternoon its my abdominal muscles. I know its way early but they feel like they did when I was 12 weeks with dd and the midwife just told me they were separating. Worst bit is I'm on night shift tonight. Roll on tomorrow 3 days off.
BBQ was fun, the neighbours were out having a picnic also so my youngest befriended them and got alot of sweets out of them lol(drunk students, he took advantage!) OH was drinking my favourite beer so there was an element of torture, but I had a smell of it and satisfied the craving. I know technically I could have a beer, I would just prefer not to, alcohol has always affected me quite alot even a small amount so I gather baby would not thank me for having a sip!

Sitting in the sun has done me in somewhat! Time to put the achey feet up and doze awhile.

Roma I'm sorry for your loss, and congratulations on this new pregnancy :hugs: One day at a time is the only way to take it- being so early on you must feel an eternity stretching out before you can feel comfortable about how its going, but trust me, that time comes round and you can begin to enjoy it. I love your avatar pic- makes me hungry (I love tomatoes at the moment, they are just so juicy and yummy like little savoury balls of juice!)

On that note, I'm going to raid the fridge because OH has picked up on my tomato love and keeps buying punnets of cherry tomatoes!
Loz loving your birth stories so positive. Enjoy your bbq.

Roma welcome to the pma thread. Congratulations when are you due

I'm feeling really achey today. First thing it was the midde of my back radiating down my left leg could hardley walk. This afternoon its my abdominal muscles. I know its way early but they feel like they did when I was 12 weeks with dd and the midwife just told me they were separating. Worst bit is I'm on night shift tonight. Roll on tomorrow 3 days off.

I have check several different EDD calculators and I have gotten Feb 12, Feb 14, Feb 15 and Feb 16. I'm going with February 14 until my midwife tells me otherwise!
BBQ was fun, the neighbours were out having a picnic also so my youngest befriended them and got alot of sweets out of them lol(drunk students, he took advantage!) OH was drinking my favourite beer so there was an element of torture, but I had a smell of it and satisfied the craving. I know technically I could have a beer, I would just prefer not to, alcohol has always affected me quite alot even a small amount so I gather baby would not thank me for having a sip!

Sitting in the sun has done me in somewhat! Time to put the achey feet up and doze awhile.

Roma I'm sorry for your loss, and congratulations on this new pregnancy :hugs: One day at a time is the only way to take it- being so early on you must feel an eternity stretching out before you can feel comfortable about how its going, but trust me, that time comes round and you can begin to enjoy it. I love your avatar pic- makes me hungry (I love tomatoes at the moment, they are just so juicy and yummy like little savoury balls of juice!)

On that note, I'm going to raid the fridge because OH has picked up on my tomato love and keeps buying punnets of cherry tomatoes!

Yes being not even 4w yet, it feels pretty surreal and most certainly like 'an eternity stretching out before me'. AF isn't actually due until tomorrow so I'm still a bit paranoid that maybe I have just imagined the whole thing! I did a IC yesterday morning and saw the faintest pink line, so I did a FRER when I got to work and got a faint positive! I did a digi and got a :bfp: and also another FRER this morning, the lines were pretty much the same as yesterday.

I don't know whether I should go to the doc to get blood work done?

I feel very positive about things but I'm still afraid to get excited. I'm sure I don't have to explain how devastating it was to lose our pregnancy at 11 weeks - well, at least I thought I was 11 weeks (blighted ovum). I just don't want it to happen again :(
BBQ was fun, the neighbours were out having a picnic also so my youngest befriended them and got alot of sweets out of them lol(drunk students, he took advantage!) OH was drinking my favourite beer so there was an element of torture, but I had a smell of it and satisfied the craving. I know technically I could have a beer, I would just prefer not to, alcohol has always affected me quite alot even a small amount so I gather baby would not thank me for having a sip!

Sitting in the sun has done me in somewhat! Time to put the achey feet up and doze awhile.

Roma I'm sorry for your loss, and congratulations on this new pregnancy :hugs: One day at a time is the only way to take it- being so early on you must feel an eternity stretching out before you can feel comfortable about how its going, but trust me, that time comes round and you can begin to enjoy it. I love your avatar pic- makes me hungry (I love tomatoes at the moment, they are just so juicy and yummy like little savoury balls of juice!)

On that note, I'm going to raid the fridge because OH has picked up on my tomato love and keeps buying punnets of cherry tomatoes!

Yes being not even 4w yet, it feels pretty surreal and most certainly like 'an eternity stretching out before me'. AF isn't actually due until tomorrow so I'm still a bit paranoid that maybe I have just imagined the whole thing! I did a IC yesterday morning and saw the faintest pink line, so I did a FRER when I got to work and got a faint positive! I did a digi and got a :bfp: and also another FRER this morning, the lines were pretty much the same as yesterday.

I don't know whether I should go to the doc to get blood work done?

I feel very positive about things but I'm still afraid to get excited. I'm sure I don't have to explain how devastating it was to lose our pregnancy at 11 weeks - well, at least I thought I was 11 weeks (blighted ovum). I just don't want it to happen again :(

I had a BO in August too (although they caught mine earlier and I had a D&C at 8 weeks). I decided to go and have blood work done right away this time around and it was really reassuring to see good numbers early. Plus my Dr. let me come in for an early ultrasound at 7 weeks, to confirm viability. I don't think I could mentally handle waiting until 12 weeks to find out if I had a heartbeat this time around.

Good Luck and congrats on your new pregnancy!

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