Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

I know crazy isnt it!! Well as long as your little one is hapy and healthy it doesnt matter how big they are!


oh these little rainbow babies seem to be growing like weeds :haha:
I just phoned the EPAU. I've got my early scan on 22nd May.
I think I should be around 8 weeks by then. Will not book mw appt until after the scan.
Praying those 3 weeks will fly by!!
Glad you got a scan Ummi. Great to see you Clo! Wow Danny and Daniel are growing well! Louis is Mr Average, he has followed the 50th centile since birth and nicely fitting 3-6 month clothes. Still in some 0-3 vests, his length is in his legs.
Pink, good to hear B is recovering.
Great that you got an appt, Ummi. I'm sure the time will fly and then you will see your little gummy bear perfectly snug in there.

Sorry I am MIA lately, ladies. I try to read and keep up but it is so hard to get a chance to get on my laptop. I have such a hard time typing on my phone. Finn is not really liking to be put down lately... :wacko: I LOVE cuddles with him and usually do nothing but snuggle on the couch when he is sleepy and walk around the house showing him things when he is awake. He is not content to be just up with me, he needs to be on the move looking at everything. We went for the first family walk yesterday. I put him in his stroller and Shawn took the dogs. He slept the whole way! :haha: The weather is beautiful today. I went out on the deck with him for a little while this morning but he just snuggled in and fell asleep again. He had a not so good night last night so I guess he is sleepy today. He is napping (well, waking now) in his bouncy chair right now. I had a chance to get breakfast and a tea :)

I hope you are all well. :flow:
That's just lovely mindy! How are your nights now?

Mrs mig: the appointment part is going much more smoothly this time around. It does take a bit of stress out of things.
Glad to gear Louis is growing nicely too. My ds1 was a little shrimp with chubby cheeks lol! He always wore his vests much longer than their actual size. And ds2 was more on the chubby side and I needed to up his vest size more regularly.
Has louis settled down nicely again?
I hope the appointment comes round quickly Ummi :hugs:

It's so hard to keep up when LO's here isn't it Mindy! I'm like you I tend to read alot but by the time I come to reply I have forgotten what I've read :dohh: :lol:

Noah is doing well, he's feeding much better although we had a bad night last night. He's taking around 2ozs every 3/4 hours now. He's put a little weight back on and is now 6lb 6oz so he's slowly getting there x
Well done for the weight gain!! He'll catch in no time! sorry for the bad night though.
Ahh so lovely to hear Noah is doing well sounds like he's been fitting in nicely too, how are the other kiddies coping?
TS that sounds like a lovely day you had there. Must be great to get out and about with Finn at last! And two square meals!! careful you might get used to it ;) xxx
MrsM nowt wrong with being avererage!!

I started filling in my MA forms today, i find official documents scary and stressful :( I hope i dont make any silly mistakes that cause a delay. those of you that have done these forms, will they contact me near due date to find out when i want to begin being paid my MA? I want to claim before lo arrrives as we are totally broke at the mo what with house rennovations:wacko:
They will Merri. I sent the wrong payslips with mine and they wrote to me saying I wasn't entitled to it, so make sure you send the right stuff. Stupid me I never got round to reapplying and I have been getting nothing and now we are broke so I need to do it all again. It's hideous.
Ummi, thanks. Louis is sort of settled. I wrote a bit in my journal, I shall copy it.
Mindy, good to see you. I haven't used my laptop much since Edie was born, I am an expert at typing one handed on my phone.
Copied from journal - I need to look at Louis' feeding routine. I have always had a very casual approach to feeding and just give them a feed whenever they want it, but Louis seems to want to settle into more of a routine with it. He won't feed when he isn't hungry, so I can't feed him too close to bedtime as I need to give him his last feed at around 6. A couple of times this week, today included he has been hungry from about 5. I've tried to put off feeding him as I don't want to fill him up at 5 as it will be harder to settle him for bed, also he will wake earlier in the night. Trouble is I can't remember when I gave him a feed this afternoon. Anyway I had to feed him at 5.30 as he was getting beside himself and he guzzled it down, then when I took him to bed at 6 he had a bit more. Mark and I were just about to sit down and eat our dinner at 7.30 when he started screaming. He was in real pain and all stiff, and I had to give him colic drops for the first time in ages and ages. We managed between us to settle him, but it was horrible. I have been looking at well known book written by somebody we are not allowed to mention on here, and I think Louis is the sort of baby who would prefer this kind of routine and set feeding times.
Also copied from journal -. We seem to have good nights and bad nights. The last few nights he seems to have got into a pattern of waking for feeds at 11/12ish and 4. I can handle that but sometimes I can't get him back to sleep again. Last night I put a hot water bottle in his crib (took it out when i put him in) and today I have put my nighty that I've had on a few nights in there too. I saw on a Facebook page where people were discussing how they get their babies to sleep that quite a few people recommended a thing from Mamas and Papas called Ewan the dream sheep, that plays different tunes/white noise, and they raved about it so I've ordered one of those bad boys!!
He had a good night last night though, took a little bit of rocking back to sleep after the 11pm feed but went straight back over after the 4am one, I was only awake with him about 15 minutes. Then he woke at 7 all smiles. Happy Mummy. Dropped Edie off at Playgroup and took him along to the salon and he sat with me while I had a pedicure. I went out for a run last night, and Friday night, and the decent nights sleep, the pedi and the exercise have made me feel pretty good today. He is napping on me now but who cares! I'm happy! I'm sure it won't last and I'll have a terrible night tonight so I'm making the most of it. Looking forward to Ewan arriving.
Sorry for the spam. Also been guiltily looking at dummys/pacifiers.
i hope you get Louis into some sort of routine that he is happy with soon :) i swear by EASY but it doesn't work for everyone
I used it with Edie and it was fab. If Louis starts to nap a little longer, and not on me, I will use it again.
The other kiddies love him, Thomas always wants to help feed him and Caitlin is always wanting to take him out for walks :lol:

Merri I think you need to say on the MA forms when you would like to start claiming from if I remember rightly. I wish I'd handed my notice in and tried to claim MA instead as I'd be around £100 better off each month :grr:

Mrs M I think trying to get him into a routine is a great idea, what works for one baby doesn't work for another, it's all trial and error x
I agree that's it's all trial and error :)

I just looked up EASY as I hadn't heard of it and that's what I did with M :) I just referred to it as eat, play, sleep. We naturally just fell into this anyway as he was such a spewy baby until he started on solids that we couldn't feed him and then put him straight down otherwise his bassinet/cot would be covered and I got sick of changing so many sheets. Plus I found it helps with keeping gassyness down to a minimum too.

I'm not sure which book you're referring to, but I borrowed one out from the library that really promoted strict routines and it made me feel like a complete failure. Not my cup of tea at all and I find it crazy to think that she actually thinks every baby will be doing the exact same thing. I do think there were a couple of OK tips that you could adapt to yourself.

Oh and we used a dummy and M still has one for naps/sleep/when he's upset/long car rides.
Thanks mrs m, mmm :) i will check the forms a few more times incase i missed something.

I dont have much experience with babies and routine (yet), but my bf had twins in december and she is swearing by routine now having tried the try everything route and failing! She uses EASY too from baby whisperer and shes got the boys into napping alot more regularly now one of them gets it the other hates sleeping in the day sooo hard! Im sure Louis will settle soon probably having a develpomental leap! Dont dispair xxxx

Mmm sooo sweet that Thomas and Caitlin love Noah bless them for being helpful xxx

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