Woop for a long nap and a hair appointment monday Mindy! My brain is mush now too! Hope the jabs are ok for Finn xx
Hugs ummi positive vibes coming your way i really hope its just spotting xxx
Ginny im glad you have a lovely doctor, makes all the difference, and its great you get those extra scans it will really help you to relax woop on seeing lo xxx
I had a crappy night sleep, seems to be a pattern im in to now, it took me ages to get to sleep then woke up at one needing loo, then woke up at four needing loo, but then was wide awake listening to birds and planning my day! Then skippy woke up and was kicking like mad for about an hour, eventually got to sleep at 5.45, and then alarm went off at 6am for dh and so im awake again now!!