Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

As I said in your journal Ummi, I'm bitterly sorry for you. You sound so incredibly strong.
Oh ummi im sorry you are going through this big hugs i really hope you get your answers soon xxxxx
Debzie - Isla is such a cutie!

Ummi - I'm so sorry to hear your news :cry: I so wish no one ever had to go through it x I've had every test under the planet it feels like, so if you have any questions I'd be more than happy to help xx

About the slings, I have an ergo, but don't have the newborn insert, although a friend has offered to lend it to me if I ever want. I really like the look of the hug a bubs, but this bub will be (hopefully) born almost at the end of spring, so a bit worried I'd get really hot if it was a warm day.


Had my 12 week scan today - everything looked great. Baby measured 13 weeks! So that was nice, still keeping EDD the same though

Here are some pics - not the best quality though!
I was absolutely crappy myself before hand! It feels like such a bit milestone to get past. I know I still have some more to go, but feel extremely happy today :)
Great news Ginny. When is your next scan?

Can't remember if I said here or not but my 20 week scan is on the 5th of June. I also got my Downs syndrome results and I'm low risk.
How exciting Ickle - not far away at all.

My 20 week scan is booked in for 26th June - I wish I could fast forward to then! That's the next detailed scan I'll have, although I'm seeing the obstetrician again next Thursday and she'll give me a quick scan.
excellent news ginny love the pics
ickle cant wait to see your next pics
ok for all the ladies that have the angel care monitor I have a problem oooo thanks mindy for emailing the instructions my monitor keeps doing a continuous bleep and driving me mad im not having the sensor pad on at the min just want the sound but im finding this so bloody difficult to sus out was I the only pleb that couldn't work theres?????
Oh Ginny! Nice pics, and yay for measuring ahead!
I can't imagine how stressed you must have been beforehand. Glad everything is ok.

Kelly: thx, I'm doung rather good this morning. Physically I feel better. Preparing myself to go to hospital and see what they're going to tell me.
Sorry I'm no help for the monitor thingy.
Hope your doing OK Ummi x

Sorry I can;t help Kelly with the monitor either. We never used one with M - I might get one this time around though.
Kelly it took a while to get mine sorted as well, still can't get the mat to work. Basically make sure everything that should be on is on. The parent unit has a round button in the middle. Make sure that is on. The baby unit has 2 switches, one under the round night light thing. Press it down and hold it in until it beeps. Also there are 2 switch things on the side of the baby monitor, that move up and down. One switches on the night light, the other switches the unit on so make sure that's on too.
if the unit in the room is switched off the parent unit will beep - also if you have the metronome on the sensor with pad it'll beep; but it won't be that as you said your not using the sensor :)

mrs miggins whats up with the sensor pad? :(
That is a great picture, Pichi :) Is that Pixie or Xavier? Super cute <3

How are you doing today MMM?

Mrs. M., making a woven wrap literally only takes cutting a straight line and sewing a straight hem. Do you have a sewing machine or know someone who has one who can sew the hem for you? Basically you buy a piece of fabric (non stretchy) that is at least 40 inches wide and 5 or so metres long. Then you cut the fabric in half along the fold so that you have 2 pieces of fabric that are at least 20 inches wide and 5 m long. Then you have to hem the raw edges so they don't fray. That will be 3 hems, 2 short ones and one long one. It is super easy to sew the hem if you iron it first. Here is the link if you want to give it a shot

About your sensor pad, do you have it in the centre of the crib? (I think you guys call what we call a crib a cot?? Our crib is his big bed, the mattress will be lowered when he can move around/stand and usually you can take the side off to make a toddler bed.) Also, you need to have sensor pad on a hard surface. Our friends didn't have a board base in her crib and she would constantly have false alarms and it didn't work right. She had to put a piece of board under the mattress to put the pad on top of it. Also, you can try checking/changing the sensitivity of the sensor pad. It is supposed to work best at 2.5-3 but you never know. I hope you are able to work it out soon. I would not be able to sleep at all without the sensor pad.

Ickle, I have a Moby and a Boba 3G. I haven't been able to work out the Boba yet as Finn seems to be in a weird in between size and not really fitting it either way, the newborn way or the regular way. I can't wait to use it! It is the Tweet design if anyone is looking at them. I LOVE how colourful it it. Shawn wanted a more plain one since Finn is a boy but I said no way! I love colour and the brighter the better. I want Finn not to follow the gender stereotypes like that. Shawn generally doesn't care, maybe he wanted a plainer one so he wouldn't feel so silly wearing it? :haha: I am getting to the end of the Moby wearing time. It says you can wear baby until 35 lb in it but since it is stretchy it isn't really safe to wear baby once they are strong enough to push themselves away from you in it. They could push themselves out that way. I think I would be able to use it for at least another month with Finn but it is also SUPER hot. I am making a woven wrap in lighter fabric using the pattern I linked above. :)

That is really great news about your Down's risk. I remember waiting on those results and how stressful it was for us. I can't believe your 20 week scan is so soon! Nearly 1/2 way there!! :happydance: How are you doing?

That is great news Ginny!! :cloud9: Cute pictures <3

Kelly, I have read the manual again and the only think I can think of is maybe you have the "tic" function on. I am not sure how to turn it off. :wacko: I have the symbol for it (the metronome thing that Pichi was talking about) showing on my Parental unit but I don't think that goes away. The instructions for that part are on the bottom of page 10. It says that you have to decide whether or not you want each function on. I hope you are able to turn it off. (But, saying that, like Pichi said, if you aren't using your sensor pad then it shouldn't be detecting movement.) Sorry I am not much help. :dohh: Can you try calling the company to see if they can help you out? I only have the number for Canada but here is the website I have I hope you get it worked out soon. How are you doing today? Did you get anymore sleep? Finn started giving me one stretch of 5 hours around Daniel's age. It was so nice (but so painful when I woke up!).

Ummi, I hope your appt at the hospital isn't too stressful :hugs:

AFM: I am beat. SO tired. I think Finn is going through another growth spurt. From what I can tell it is possible for babies to have them around 8-9 weeks. He has been going only 3-1.5 hours between feeding overnight for the past 2 nights. I think I slept about 3.5 hours total last night, one 2 hour stretch and one 1.5 hour stretch. I tried to put him down for a little longer after Shawn went to work and I laid in bed, not sleeping, for 40 minutes until he decided he was too hungry to sleep any longer again... :wacko: I really hope this doesn't last too long! He is also fighting sleep after he eats. It doesn't help that he has been pooping in the night so I have to change his diaper each time he wakes up. He barely pooped yesterday, but pooped 2 times overnight in a 6 hour stretch! He is sleeping away in his bouncy chair now (and has been for the past 1.5 hours) but I can't go to sleep when he is in that. It makes me too paranoid with his head squished to his chest like that. At least I got some breakfast, coffee (with caffeine! Woo! I am still avoiding it as much as I can but today I just had to have some!), and the diapers are in the wash.

For you ladies using (or planning to use) cloth diapers (Lozdi and Ickle :)) I just bought some Mother Ease fitteds and covers. I got them pre-loved and they are at the post office now! :happydance: I'm going to pick them up on the way to my hair appt. I can't wait to start using them. I am using pocket diapers now but I think they might be too hot for the summer since they aren't breathable. I am planning to knit up some wool soakers and I can't wait. I have been looking at yarn online and planning out soakers and "longies" and I think he is going to look SO cute in them. I only have 12 fitteds right now but plan to get more (shhhh, don't tell Shawn) so he can be in them exclusively in the summer. If I had've done more research before getting the pocket diapers I think I would have went with all fitteds and covers. Oh well, you learn as you go :)

I have to go now to turn on the washing machine again (washing diapers is a long process... :haha:) and Finn is starting to stir. Right on time for his 2 hour feeding schedule. Silly boy. I noticed last night he is too long for his 0-3 month sleepers now. Growing like a weed!! :cloud9:

I hope you are all having a good day. :flower:

Oh, here are some pictures of my 2 month old big boy <3


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Wow. That was long. At least I had time to go back and respond to all the posts I had planned to. :)
Thx mindy. I updated my journal. It went ok. I was in and out the hospital in just a bit more than 2 hours! had blood test and scan done. Need to go back on wednesday. I'm pretty sure though that the pregnancy is over now.
That exactly what I thought when you typed a long post. I thought: " yeah! Lil Finn Is sleeping and he's giving some time to talk to us!" Lol!
he is so cute T_S :D its Xavier in the sling :) he was so tiny!
miny lil man is super cute xx
ummi thinking of you x
ladies whedo I start putting Daniel ohis tummy?

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