Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

I had a MMC, 7 week baby with no HB at 12 week scan. When I went in to the epau for my medical management I extracted promises of an early scan when I next got pregnant then called them up and held them to that promise when I got this bfp! NO WAY, could I have waited til 12 weeks. BO/MMC rob us of time, time we spend bonding when there is no baby to bond with. In the UK its not standard at all to get blood work done in early pregnancy, they only check hcg levels after a loss to make sure the levels drop.

Lil Fella is extra wiggly today! Belly is getting rocked regularly! :haha:

He needs a name, but we are stumped. Only managing joke suggestions at the moment, OH said no to Emperor Spiderman Gandalf! :haha:
They wouldn't let me have an early scan this time round, even though my last two pregnancies ended in loss. I got to 7 weeks and had a bit of a meltdown. I went to the doctor in tears, convinced my symptoms had all gone and this was to be my third miscarriage. He wasn't that helpful but I convinced him to ring the EPAU to ask if I could have a scan. They will only see you if you have bleeding or cramps, so the doc and EPAU kind of pretended I had cramps to get me in. I had the scan the next day. That was 3 weeks ago and my dating scan is a week on Friday. No way on gods earth could I have waited that long.
Hi Roma, congratulations on your BFP, you have got the fist step out of the way now so just take it one day at a time, take it easy and try not to worry or compare to your last pregnancy. Thats my advice anyway. Id have gone with the 14th Feb too, Valentines baby!!!

Loz, yay for baby wrigging, mine is too, especially when i eat or lie down!! Ive tried so hard not to put any weight on but think my secret was having a puppy early on and basically not having sat down for more than 5 minutes at a time since!!!! :rofl: Names ..... how about "Imp" like in your status??

Mrs Mig, its such a shame we have to go to these lengths to get an early scan, we only need 10 minutes just to find out and reassure ourselves, there should actually be a whole department dedicated to just that i think!! I was lucky i was seeing the specialist and they did my early scans there, ill be eternally grateful to them for that.

Debzie, how are you?? Ooh those muscles are getting themselves ready for that bump to atart appearing, i remember getting lots of twinges and aches early on, there is so much going on in there in the first 12 weeks!!

Bump, blimey thats a lot of :sex: well done you!!

Hope everyone else is all doing ok?? :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Woohooo...more cloth nappies arrived today, my count is up to 21- just a few more then I'm done! :happydance:
hi girls i have a huge favour to ask of u all!!
i contacted my local radio station regarding the trouble i have had having a baby and the tests that i have found that may help alot of women and how they should be routine on the nhs... anyway they got back to me and are going to make a story out of it and it would be great if you coula all go on my fb page about it and like the page and comment.. ty xxxx
heres the link
ok so i think im 2-3 dpo but not sure could have been earlier and missed it with the opks even though i got 2 days worth of pos opks on the 3rd and 4th but i caved today and did a first response... dont congrats or anything cause it might get my hopes up just incase but im sure i see a line????photo (5).jpg
I've liked your page, I do see a line but if that is a line and not an evap (and I'm not saying its an evap, I know you shouldn't get an evap on an frer) you must be more than 2-3 dpo!
i tested again and i think its just the line where the dye lays when its pos.. ah well ill test again i a few days and thanks for the likes xx
Hey Bump, ive liked too .... wish these things werent so "taboo" normally .... after my MC i told everyone and talked about it openly and its amazing how much it helped me and also amazing how many other people have been affected by it :hugs:

I do see a very faint line but give it a few more days my dear and see what happens

I'm the same Clobo. I've talked about my losses openly, and on Facebook. Why the f*ck should it be taboo? People would understand a hell of a lot more about it if people talked about it more. Like you I found loads of support by talking about it and I found out lots of my friends had had losses that I never knew about. I want to be open about mine so if anybody close to me goes through it they know I have been there and could give support or advice should they choose to ask me.
i learmt very quickly ppl didnt like to hear about it so i only talk about my losses on here or to ppl i know i can trust 100% ive lost friends and family over it and im wary who i open up to now.. my cousin decided she was sick of seeing my statuses on fb and left a nasty comment which lead to her and her mates harrassing me for a year and its still going on!! one of my so called best mates bitched about me to my oldest friend who told me what she said and she was sick of hearing about it too so now i know who i can trust and rely on them.. but no matter what has happened to me im determined to try and help other ppl even if i never have a baby i feel like it helps me cope.. and ill test again in 8 days xx
That's so unfair. I have decided its part of who I am now and anybody who cares about me should know that. I'm sorry you have had to go through that.
I hope you get a bfp before 8 days time.
Bumpy I really do hope that you get a bfp this cycle. I will see if I can find my first frer pic, the one than looked like an evap the day before my frer bfp. think it was 8dpo. Found it its below. I have liked your page too hun.

Loz looks like youi are getting well stocked up.

Clobo thanks for the PMA hun I need it right now.


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yer thats just what this one looked like but when i looked later it just looked like the line where the dye would sit if you get what i mean... i have allsorts of disgusting things said to me like my babies are better off dead if i loose weight ill be able to carry a child and to top my self!! even had jibes about my son they are pathetic and must have nothing better to do so i just let them get on with it it bothered me to start with but its got to the point where i dont care what they say now! thanks for all the likes btw xx
Bumpy how awful I really hope those comments come back to bite them on the arse. Glad you can rise above it now I do not know if I could. You are one strong lady.
Seriously what is wrong with some people. Its hard but you are definitely better off without those people, suround yourself with the people that love you and care for you and your life will be good and the others will lead sad meaningless lives :hugs:

Yup everyone has to have PMA on this thread or I will tell you off, hee hee!!!

Clobo my pma has returned I promise. It came in the form of a 3+ digi and a lack of backache and cramps today. Boobs are sore and I feels wiped out. Today i feel pregnant with my rainbow.
I'm really pleased to hear that Debzie. Funnily enough, my nausea has vanished. The night before last it was the worst it's ever been, and yesterday and today it seems to have buggered off. I still feel like I have other symptoms but I can do without disappearing symptoms at this point.
Debzie, just to show that symptoms are wierd things that make no sense at all ill tell you that my nausea has recently come back, even now and 27 weeks!!!! Great fun!!

Dont pay too much attention to symptoms coming and going, each person, pregnancy and day is different so keep up that PMA!!

Bump, I know, they will certainly know what hit them if it did. I wouldnt wish it on anyone either but why is it always good people that the bad things happen to?? Massive hugs chick, you WILL get your rainbow baby soon xxx

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