Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

Aww ladies never say never but ikwym! im thinking one for now and just see how we go, its hard for us financially i know that is a rubbish reason but we dont want to be hard up because we have a massive brood, also we have a 2bed cottage which we love at the mo and i dont want to move out too soon despite craving a big garden for lo to run around in. I dont know ive had it in my head id prefer a 3 to four year gap if i did have more but then who knows! We were slow starters having been together 9yrs in jan! Rah rah!
Hope youre all well today xxxx
Had mw this week bubs is growing well and currently head down stay there baby i want that home birth!
Glad bibs is behaving merri let's hope he stays,that way for your water birth.

As for more I feel the same as ts. I sometimes think I want another but not sure I could do 2 as the stress,with one is enough! It would have to be an accident. But as I come from a family of 3 I worry he might miss out as an only child.

Hope you get that journal started Kelly would love to see pics of Daniel and know more of how things are.

How is,everyone else
Happy days here today. Edie back at playgroup, reasonable nights sleep last night, and picking up my ironing from a woman who is doing it all for £6.
Kelly I agree get that journal started! As for weaning - two words! Annabel Karmel! I have two of her books, I will send you one as a thank you for the nappies, which incidentally I have used and they are just gorgeous.
£6 is amazing! I think I might look into getting someone to do the bedsheets. I can't fold them by myself so I have to wait for DH to be there and he has such a carry on about having to do that. He'd happily sleep on crumpled sheets but I hate it.
good morning ladies :)

Shawn and I are super late starters too, Merri. We have been together 13 years, married for 7. I just wasn't ready. I always said NO KIDS. But, eventually I came around. :haha:

Finn's congestion seems to be getting better, I think. It is very loose today. It is still running down the back of his throat but it is not thick and sticky anymore. I am hoping that is a good sign.

I don't iron anything at all. :haha: :shy: That is great that you guys can send it out. I totally would too if I ironed. :haha: Shawn and I always talk about how we would love to get someone in a few times a week to help with the housework. We can't afford to do that and plus, in our tiny town I don't think I would want someone coming into my house to clean it. Oh the gossip!

I hope you are all having a great day :flower:
no ironing besides shirts and sewing projects in this house haha! wish i could get a cleaner in! would be so much less stress! find myself running around trying to make the house decent while trying to entertain 2 is tough! Fingers crossed for these jobs i'm applying for!
Pink, do you work at Ninewells? ( i think i remember you saying this, am i right?) I've applied for 3 jobs there O__O!

How are all the babies and mums this afternoon? we've been out for a walk but Xavier is now down for a nap and Pixie wanted to watch the Lorax lol
Picked up my ironing, such a relief to have it all done. I gave her £7.50 because I thought £6 was too cheap for the amount of stuff I gave her. I will use her again in a couple of weeks if I can afford it. It just takes the pressure off.
As I mentioned in my journal, we have my stepson for 2 weeks from tonight as his mum and stepdad are on holiday. As much as I like him I'm not over the moon about having another person to cook for and run around after. He does NOT sort himself out. He gets up at around noon, waits for me or his dad to bring him tea and food, has a shower, he used to drench the bathroom and leave the towel on the floor until I had words, then plugs in his laptop or PS2 and puts his headphones on and sits on his arse until somebody cooks tea for him. Then the headphones go back on again and that's it until he goes to bed. When Edie was a baby he would play with her but not so much now. She asks him and he says no, or plays for 5 minutes and then the headphones go back on. If Louis is crying and I am busy he either just ignores him or picks him up and puts him over his shoulder while playing his game. He was a lovely child and he will be a sound bloke when he grows up, but this middle bit is not so great. He never sees his friends at all, so I will literally have him under my feet for 2 weeks. He won't leave the house. Mark is way too soft with him and wouldn't dream of getting him to clear the dishes or make a drink and I don't want to be the evil stepmother.
Sorry for the selfish moany post. I should have put this in my journal.
i don't think you'd be considered evil if you have 2 other younger ones to look after. how old is he? if he is old enough to do these things for himself then he should be helping you a little
I agree with Pichi, he really should be doing these things for himself. I'm sorry that he doesn't.

It seems to me that those years are not the best no matter what the kid is like. They all end up like that to a certain extent.

Have you talked to Mark and asked him to ask Joe to help out a little more since you are so busy now with Edie and Louis? Even getting his own breakfast would be a huge help. I can't believe a boy his age isn't getting his own breakfast!

Good luck with the job applications Pichi! That would be pretty neat if you and Pink worked together :)

Sorry I forgot to mention earlier, Merri, that is great news about your mw appt :) Awesome growth and great news that baby is head down!

Finn is napping on my lap right now. I want to get up to get things done but I can't bring myself to move him. Sometimes he will be moved ok to the bouncy chair (where he naps in the daytime thanks to his stuffy nose) but sometimes he will wake as soon as I lift him. He slept pretty well last night but I still feel bad waking him because I know sleeping will help heal him up faster.

I want so badly to get a little time to sew a hem on the fabric my sister sent down to me. I want to try out my woven wrap! I haven't had any time at all lately. I have been watching videos for different carries and am so excited to try them out. There is a double hammock back hold that looks awesome! That is very advanced, though, so that will not be just yet. Also my sister sent me a link to a video for a hip carry that looks good too. I can't wait to give them all a try :)

Also, I think I have decided that I am going to keep bed sharing even after Finn is better. I love it so much! I love snuggling with my little boy in bed. I am not sure how much of a fan of it Shawn is but I think he will agree to it.

Finn has been SO smiley today. My heart aches I love him so! <3

How are all of you today?
Hiya alls well here ive been busy crafting today things for the nursery :)


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Not working for me either. Those animals are gorgeous Merri. I wish I had imagination...and talent. All is well here. Louis is having some better nights now, we are nowhere near him sleeping through and we still have bad nights but more better nights are sneaking in. And when he is awake he is a joy. He's the most content and happy baby. We had my mum and her partner here last night and that was nice. We had a picnic in the garden at lunchtime and mum did a load more ironing for me. I think I will take Louis to be weighed tomorrow as I haven't taken him for ages.
Beautiful Merri!! Love it!

Mrs. M. you are talented! You have such a way with words! I saw your picnic picture on FB. It looked like you guys had a great time. It was nice that you had a good visit with your mom and her partner. Nice of your mom to do some ironing for you :) That is really, REALLY wonderful that Louis is starting to sleep better. I bet it feels so good. I think the Finn and Louis have very similar temperaments, happy and smiley and content.

AFM: I have an appt this afternoon to get my hair done, then tomorrow afternoon Finn is going back to the doctor for his check up, and on Wednesday we have baby group. I am going to get Finn weighed at baby group (unless he is weighed at the doctor tomorrow) because he hasn't been weighed forever either. Not since 8 weeks and he is 15 weeks tomorrow!
I just got images off google and trace them onto paper! Not that fancy!
Mrs m im sure you have tons of talents im just killing time but its hard to do anything when you have babbas! Im please louis is sleeping better now, what a nice thing for your mum to do re ironing! ;)
Ts how did finn get to 15wks so fast!! I bet he's a little biggun! Xxx
That's lovely Merri.

I've just finished a knitting project and now I'm looking for something else to do. I made a hat, cardigan, mittens and bootees set for a friend who's due in 2 weeks. I made a girly set but I don't know what she's having so maybe I should do a boy set too just in case. I've got a cloth nappy set to do. Need to get my mum to help with that though.
Kelly you're missing a bit of the link. Add "-all-rolled-into-onee.html" (without the quote marks" after the word parenting in the link in your signature.
lmao I did that I probs did it wrong as its still not working I really am a dizzy blonde lol oh and didn't check before I pt it on asmade mega amounts of spellying mess uptyping way too fast lol

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