I agree with Pichi, he really should be doing these things for himself. I'm sorry that he doesn't.
It seems to me that those years are not the best no matter what the kid is like. They all end up like that to a certain extent.
Have you talked to Mark and asked him to ask Joe to help out a little more since you are so busy now with Edie and Louis? Even getting his own breakfast would be a huge help. I can't believe a boy his age isn't getting his own breakfast!
Good luck with the job applications Pichi! That would be pretty neat if you and Pink worked together
Sorry I forgot to mention earlier, Merri, that is great news about your mw appt

Awesome growth and great news that baby is head down!
Finn is napping on my lap right now. I want to get up to get things done but I can't bring myself to move him. Sometimes he will be moved ok to the bouncy chair (where he naps in the daytime thanks to his stuffy nose) but sometimes he will wake as soon as I lift him. He slept pretty well last night but I still feel bad waking him because I know sleeping will help heal him up faster.
I want so badly to get a little time to sew a hem on the fabric my sister sent down to me. I want to try out my woven wrap! I haven't had any time at all lately. I have been watching videos for different carries and am so excited to try them out. There is a double hammock back hold that looks awesome! That is very advanced, though, so that will not be just yet. Also my sister sent me a link to a video for a hip carry that looks good too. I can't wait to give them all a try
Also, I think I have decided that I am going to keep bed sharing even after Finn is better. I love it so much! I love snuggling with my little boy in bed. I am not sure how much of a fan of it Shawn is but I think he will agree to it.
Finn has been SO smiley today. My heart aches I love him so!
How are all of you today?