Hi Ladies,
Can I join you here, Ickle recommended I look you up. Just a little on my story ...
We've been trying to fall pregnant forever, I had a BFP whilst on clomid after 3 years of trying in 2011 and lost that baby at 8 weeks. It totally floored me and I never really recovered, I never for a second thought it would happen and was totally ready for our baby.
I have just fallen pregnant after a very long and difficult ICSI cycle, I was absolutely convinced it hadn't worked so was stunned when I got the BFP last week. Since then I am obsessing looking up everything that could go wrong, not sure why i am torturing myself really ;0( Blighted ovum seems to be my latest fear as I had 2 early blastocysts transferred.
Looking forward to week 7 so I can see if it is a viable pregnancy, I pray it is xxx