Debzie if Chris is so adamant he doesn't want another will he get the snip? I know it's really final, but it's our only option really as I don't want anything hormonal, truth be told I want another baby but Mark is certain he doesn't so I think that's where we are headed.
Mindy, I wouldn't dare cut Edie's hair. I'm good at styling hair in terms of plaiting and stuff but I wouldn't know how to cut and she has such a lot of beautiful hair I would hate to make a mess of it. Louis needs his cutting too, so I think I will have to take the pair of them soon. Mine can wait longer. Like you Mindy I feel haggard. I look awful. You expect to feel and look exhausted in the early days but for me I think it's worse several months or a year on, when you still haven't had a lie in, you still haven't had a pedicure or a bikini wax or a colour cut and blow dry, you still haven't dropped that dress size and still slobbing about in comfy clothes and slippers and have grey in your hair, and can't wear decent clothes anyway because you are still nursing so never go anywhere alone and your wardrobe is still limited and nobody expects you to be nursing at 12 months so they don't understand. And you just get used to feeling and looking drab.
God. Sorry, for you new mums among us I'm sure it doesn't happen to everyone. I think I maybe need to get a part time job.