Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

Yay hey! Congrats to you!!! H&H 9 months!!
Clo, yes midwife at 16 weeks. I'm 12 weeks today. Symptoms have eased off lots. I'm absolutely full of cold I feel horrible. Baby was fast asleep at the scan, very different from my first sight of my daughter who's arms and legs were going like billy-0. She still never stays still. I'm Claire btw. Mrs Miggins was a nickname we gave DD when she was a baby.
I'm here! I just had a transitional period between computers- got a nice shiny new laptop now...and no cash stash left, so feeling a bit vulnerable for the next few weeks until its replenished!

I'm Laura, but Loz is what people call me anyway :haha:

Crayz I LOVE your PMA, its brilliant! Your little girly will be perfect, just tiny and scaring doctors before she is even born...she will be a tiny but gorgeous handful! Watch out boys when she hits the teen years and starts giving them hell!

Bump! Congratulations! :happydance::flower:

I am a little concerned, my BH are crazy intense and today I have had some gasp worthy sharp pains low down on the right. I already think Lil Fella will come early but he does NOT have my permission to arrive before 34 weeks! Bump is huge, and a lady at the post office did a double take when she asked my my EDD and I said september. :haha:

The tiredness of impending third try has me in its sleepy grip, and I still have my bedroom to completely overhaul. :dohh:

Movements are getting really really strong now, wopping great belly shaker kicks, then smaller cuter movements which feel like hands flexing. I have decided not to go for the GTT, they make anyone with a mention of it in family history have one- but my family history of it is my mum had gestational diabetes with my youngest brother.....but she was 40, and I am 28, and she never developed diabetes after, and my bro is 18 now. I think I am only high risk 'on paper' and the thought of not being able to eat from 10pm then needing to arrive at the hospital across town at 8:30 is horrid, I have the most awful carsickness, which is worse when my belly is empty, so I'm just not having the GTT! I would if I had any dubious symptoms, or if Lil Fella had measured bigger than average at 20 weeks, but everything is good. Uggg the thought of travelling in a car after not being allowed to eat just fills me with dread. :nope:

I had 2 'BH' contractions just writing this post. Stay put Lil Fella, get no ideas of appearing this early! Or your grounded! :haha:
Bumpy big congrats wishing you a happy and healthy nine months, and we are both due in feb whoo hooo.

Loz awww Braxton Hicks are never good I had loads with Emily she would get really grumpy too after them and start kicking hell out of me like it was my fault. Hope you can get some rest.

Mrsmigg (claire) happy 12 weeks a milestone in itself yeah. x

My scan is in the morning. So nervous and a little excited, really hope I am not going to fall flat on my arse with this one. Really trying to visualise that Heartbeat tomorrow. Hope I do not get the same tech I got who confirmed my last mmc as she had to dig around for ages with that probe.
Yay Bump, how exciting ... Im sending you loads of PMA and sticky :dust:, stay positive chick, we are all here to help if you feel a wobble!!!

Claire, aw no really hope the cold leaves the building soon chick, not nice when you cant take anything for it .... i found that drinking juice mixed with hot water (esp something like apple and ginger, tescos long life juice section) tasted like it was working and helped clear my nose ... also the Boots cold nasal spray in a blue and silver box CAN be used when preggo so get that quick and it might kill some germs faster!! :hugs:

Debs, good luck for your scan in the morning, we'll be waiting for your update ... positive thinking i like it ... aw we could be due some Valentines babies then!!!

Loz, hey you!! :wave: Yay for all those wriggles, sometimes those strong kicks are a bit of a surprise arent they!! Sorry your BH are so uncomfortable, have you told your MW about it?? Show us another bump pic, this is mine from last week!!

We have done our nursery now, cot and stickers are up, here is a sneaky peeky!! Making it seem very real now!!!

Massive hugs to all :hug: xxx


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Its from Etsy, the website is brilliant for home things, the sticker came from America and was £60 including shipping and I LOVE it, would deffo recommend it! xxx
ahh ok im sure you can get one like it from b and q as its on their ad
Hello ladies

Scan went well measuring 6 weeks (-3days) and lovely heartbeat seen. Only concern is an area of blleding around one side of the sac measuring 18mm. Consultant not concerned about it though he advised me to come off the aspirin, no sex and take things easy. Loz was it you who had a similar bleed???? cannot remember. Anyway looks like I am one step closer to my rainbow. Further scan in three weeks today. x
Hey Loz! If you are not going to have the GTT test, then maybe just try following the diet just incase? I failed the one hour test with DS, then had to take the 3 hr test. I passed that one, but DS was a large baby and I am wondering if I really had a mild case. I was induced at 38.5 weeks and he was almost 9lbs. The nurses told me if I would have went to my due date he could have been close to 10lbs! I had a very difficult delivery with him and hoping this little guy is a bit smaller and things go smoother with him.
Hey Twinkie, how are you doing??

Bump, there are loads on Etsy if you cant find one elsewhere chick, they have such pretty things on there!! Yep thats where i got the idea from, the B&Q advert!! How are you doing today??

Debs, excellent news, as I put on your journal try not to worry and just follow the docs advice, rest and relaxation chick and hopefully those three weeks will pass quickly for you and you get another peek at your growing beany :hugs:

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clobo im great ty just been to docs and got it confirmed :) hes done a beta hcg aswell with it being faint but tbh the lines getting darker and he didnt wait very long lol as it got darker over the time i was in there lol i had to steal it out the bin when he went to get the tube for bloods lol he has also prescribed the progesterone for me so i start that tonight :) lets hope its sticky!! hope everyone is ok xx
:yipee: fantastic news my dear, im so happy for you and that progesterone should help. Brilliant that you have a good doctor and :rofl: at stealing things out of the bin, thats something i would do too!!

well if it works out then i want it for its baby box i have aidens lol its still got a line on 5 almost 5 years after x
just got back from my first apt. doc wanted to check for a heartbeat and was like dont freak if we dont hear it because your still early. she found it right away. a fast one(unfortuately its an older machine that doesnt count the bpm). im sure i was right and it will be a girl :D cervix is long and closed.. she said that was good news.. :D excited
I LOVE that you stole the test out of the bin! Apart from ic's I have every positive pregnancy test I've ever done. I know which pregnancy they are all from as well. They aren't even labelled, I just know :wacko:
Big congrats.
I did indeed have a SCH, I wasn't told to stop asprin and honestly if I had been told to stop it I wouldn't have- I'd have just halfed the dose as I am convinced thick blood is what caused my MMC. They said I may see some bleeding or I may not, and I didn't- it reabsorbed. I don't know what size it was, but didn't look very big compared to the sac. Great scan Debz! I bet sooo many pregnancies have those small areas of bleeding but most have gone by 12 weeks when most ladies get their first scan. :hugs:

Twinkie I will look into the GTT diet- I'm eating pretty healthily at the moment, lots of fruit- I have developed a hankering for peaches! My first baby was 8lb 12, quite a big one, but I ate so much chicken I'm not surprised he had some mass lol apparently chicken is good if your trying to gain some mass! I look huge, but thats just how I carry- I looked huge with my 7 pounder. I would do the GTT if they would do it at my local gp's..but I will not make myself ill fasting all night then having to subject myself to a vehicle ride, though I would if I was having any symptoms. Were you induced because of the size of your DS? Even my almost nine pounder was not a difficult delivery when compared to most women's first births, the hard part was going over night because he chose to begin his entrance at my bedtime, and made his appearance round about when I should have been waking up from a good nights sleep. I'm convinced this one will be a week or two early at least, I'd hate having to be induced, I hear labour is harder that way. I would like a repeat of my last birth, the Entering The World As If On A Water Slide Method!

Bump I so would have nabbed the test out of the bin also, I've got this hilarious image of you checking he was gone then grabbing it! :haha: I still have all my tests too, the first +'s not the subsequent bunch!

Morm thats great news, baby showing off his or her heartbeat like that! I wasn't told the bpm at my early scans but it looked fast so I was pleased.

Clo look at your neat bump....I am massive lol not so when I'm laying down, but standing up I'm huge. Your nursery looks lovely.

Lil Fella objects to me sleeping on my left side, by way of swift kicks and punches whenever I try to turn onto my left. :dohh: No strong BH yet today, maybe I just didn't drink enough water yesterday. I tried to find my cervix but its still to high to reach, and the whole cervix end of my twinkle is tender. I must have looked hilarious with my massive belly and one leg up on the bathroom stool searching for my cervix :blush:

OH has started calling me Planet :rofl: We had a conversation and interaction in the kitchen yesterday that still has me giggling. I have a narrow kitchen and was making myself a tea and OH a coffee, the conversation went like this:

OH: Can I get by you please, planet?
Me: *moves* Can you pass me the milk please, and theres your coffee.
OH: Did you make my coffee then put the milk back without putting any in your tea?
Me: Um....yes.
OH: You must be one of those really dense planets.
Me: :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Here, is me as a planet!


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:rofl: Loz you do make me laugh!!! Love than convo ..... I think you look like a very neat lovely planet personally!!! Now im hoping for the Water Slide Method of birth too!!

Morm, excellent news, thats really early for the hb so brilliant that she found it!! So are they sending you off for a scan next then?? :happydance:

Bump, ah i see, good thinking, I havent kept mine but i have pictures of them all with the dates and dpo etc on!! Hope all ok with you today?? :dust:

AFM, im in a very good mood this week, think its from having a bit of a rest and ticking the nursery cot and stickers off the list in my head!


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