Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

Hi ladies!

Thanks everyone for your support and well wishes!! :hugs:

I'm still pregnant so YAY!

The scan was just okay I guess. Hard to get a straight answer from my doctor sometimes.

So LO grew, but only .25 oz. in two weeks. So she's up to 2.12 (1.25 kg for you UK ladies!) at 33 weeks. Still a tiny, tiny little thing. The flow to the brain and heart look great, as does the heart rate, and the fluid, so she said as long as she's growing we'll keep her in there to "bake" a little longer.

What confused me was when I asked her if she would have to come early, the doctor said, "Well next week you will be 34 weeks and anything after that the baby has just as good of a chance as a full term baby."

Would you ladies be confused by that answer?

I think what she meant was if she needs to come out early, her chances are really good at this point, but she didn't want to give me a definite answer because at this point, she doesn't have one.

Sarah-Anne-nice to have you back! Don't worry about your bump, sometimes. Still wear my pre-pregnancy jeans. You'll either be very lucky and stay tiny, or pop out eventually! Woo hoo for 29 weeks!

So how is everyone feeling?
Yay Lexi, good news that your LO is growing! I think you are right about your doctor and they are just trying to put your mind at rest about worrying it is too early. If she does need to make an early appearance then they are all ready for her!

I'm awake far too early :nope: boo!! Xxx
Lexi so pleased your little girl is growing and she is getting baked a little longer.

I agree with clobo your docs just trying to put your mind at rest.

Clobo feel your pain at being up early. I am finding it so hard to sleep and I'm wide awake from 4.30. I have had an ease up in symptoms since turning 7 weeks. Not feeling as sick. I'm am so bloated I'm allteady in my maternity jeans. Still feeling good about this one.
Go Debs, love the PMA :happydance: I was in maternity stuff really early too, gotta make yourself comfy!!

Yep i really found what they say true, tired and uncomfy first Tri, energetic in the second Tri and now tired and uncomfy again third Tri!! Still loving it though!!

Thanks Clobo and Debs! :hugs:

I'm okay with her staying in there longer, just wish she would GROW. I would be happy with a 4 pounder at this point. One more pound to go and i'll be satisfied.

I don't sleep very well either, but I think the last time I got a good nights sleep I was 21. So that was like 11 years ago. HA. Never been a great sleeper however, I can nap better than the rest!

What I lack in sleep at night I make up for in naps during the day.

I usually wake up every hour to pee, then by like 3 am, I am awake for the rest of the night. Thank god for my iPad and kindle, otherwise I would stare at the ceiling for a long, long time.

I have heard it is okay to take Benadryl while pregnant. Don't quote me on that. I'd ask your doctor. I know my sister took it during her pregnancies. Those things don't work for me as my mind is still racing but my body is asleep. I know I've told you ladies about me anxiety, so over the counter meds are like eating a tic tac to me.
Bump .... and what did the digi say chick??? :dust:

Lexi, aw chick, im sure your little girl is slowly fattening up for you! Rubbish about your lack of sleep, wish i could nap in the day!! :sleep:


Bump, Yay thats right on track then chick, brilliant news!!

Loz, i can see you!!

Woohooo Bump! :thumbup:

Glad that little princes sis still in t'oven Crayz, its excellent that they are monitoring you so closely.

I was wondering where you had gotten to Sarah :haha:

I've been pretty awol myself, cant stop gaming on this new laptop! Got midwife appointment tomorrow, going to ask her about a home birth. :happydance:
Damn I must have unsubscribed to this thread!! How is everyone? X
Hi Pichi, how are you doing?? 19 weeks, wow, have you got a 20 week scan soon?? :hugs:

Loz, are you addicted?? I love games too and can lose hours sometimes just playing away!!! Home birth, very brave lady!! Can see why you'd want it though! Ive changed from going to the big hospital to one of the community ones near me so who knows ....!!!!

Congrats on the digi bumpy

clobo I hope I follow in your footsteps and have a great second tri.

loz I agree your one brave lady to.have a home birth something that I will.never do unfortunately I'm too high risk so it will be hospital for me.

I dared get on the scales and have put on 2 kg in four weeks. I can tell on my face and its worrying me. any advice ladies on not piling on the pounds. problem is I feel so nausious the only thing that stops me feeling eating. I am eating fruit, granola bars etc, but clearly too many calories at the monent. with having the bleeding around the sac I have been bared off all.exercise too which is not helping.
Argh, just did a whole big post and lot it, here is the jist:

- Gentle walking, just 20 mins around the block or are you not allowed to do that either??
- Eat little and often, tummy better able to digest it and hopefully you are still staving off the sickness
- Maybe try carrot or celery sticks and hummus etc rather than fruit which is higher in calories

However try not to worry, we have to put on some weight when we are el preggo so that our bodies can cope with the extra work it has to do, once you get past the first tri things should hopefully become so much easier for you.

:hugs: xxx
Thanks clobo I am walking but no even allowed t go swimming hopefully I will be able to start again in second tri. Just hope I do not balloon until then.
Im doing aqua natal and NCT yoga too, both are really gentle and run by qualified people so might be worth looking into in a few weeks time, usually you can go from 14 weeks but often there is a waitiing list to join. Id deffo recommend both.

My midwife, when I told her my history, actually said this : 'Given your history, I think a home birth is the best option for you!'

Yes gaming is addictive...but tis a sad day in my faction today, because one of my gaming friends just told me that a friend of hers, only 18 years old, lost her baby today to sudden onset pre-E and she was 30 weeks. She was checking her own blood pressure and got a high reading so went to the doctor, it just turned out really badly. I can't imagine how she is feeling. I am going to go and get a bp machine tomorrow. The baby was a little girl...she was team yellow. :cry:

Last night I had bad BH's again, along with period type pains, it eased off, but I had done alot of running around yesterday. That and my friend's news has me completely on edge. Lil Fella is being his usually active self.

At my appointment, urine sample showed high glucose...but I had been eating large freeze pops, so the midwife said she will see how it is next time, and banned me from ice lollies and anything else sugary for the 24 hours before my next visit. I am switching my foods to only be consuming things with a low G I, so at least my next sample will be honest. No more freeze pops! Ill just freeze water, its not the freeze pops I crave, its ice chewing.
i ended up being sent for a GTT after my bloods came back a little higher than they'd like - they didn't tell me i was getting my blood taken so before i'd gone on at 27 weeks id had a bowl of frosties and some OJ :dohh: no wonder it was high! needless to say my GTT came back fabulous!

that's so sad to hear about your friend and her little one lozdi :(

as for exercise - i'm doing swimming, walking and i have a Gazelle-thing haha. you can do some really good workouts on it :)

scan a week tomorrow - ARGH!
I was told I can demand my gp do the GTT, because I can't get to the hospital comfortably after fasting from 10pm the night before- pregnancy makes me horribly car sick, and its worse if my tummy is empty.
ours are just done at our local health center :) glad you can go get it done at the GPs though. not everyone gets the GTT though so you might be lucky not to need it :)

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