Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

The Waterslide method involves being completely upright on your feet with a chest high bed to hold onto, and someone on the other side of said bed holding onto you! I think the baby being just 7lbs helped, and he must have been in the absolute optimum position to shoot out as fast as he did!

By the way Mrs Miggins, I saw your facebook announcement post on the other thread- and it made me cry with happiness! :flower:
Ah Loz that's lovely! Thank you. Just put another post thanking all my friends for picking me up and putting me back together again.
Twinkie I will look into the GTT diet- I'm eating pretty healthily at the moment, lots of fruit- I have developed a hankering for peaches! My first baby was 8lb 12, quite a big one, but I ate so much chicken I'm not surprised he had some mass lol apparently chicken is good if your trying to gain some mass! I look huge, but thats just how I carry- I looked huge with my 7 pounder. I would do the GTT if they would do it at my local gp's..but I will not make myself ill fasting all night then having to subject myself to a vehicle ride, though I would if I was having any symptoms. Were you induced because of the size of your DS? Even my almost nine pounder was not a difficult delivery when compared to most women's first births, the hard part was going over night because he chose to begin his entrance at my bedtime, and made his appearance round about when I should have been waking up from a good nights sleep. I'm convinced this one will be a week or two early at least, I'd hate having to be induced, I hear labour is harder that way. I would like a repeat of my last birth, the Entering The World As If On A Water Slide Method!

I was not induced because of his size (although at 8lb 14oz I am glad he didn't stay in there a minute longer!). I don't remember the whole reason, that day is a bit of a blur to me, but my BP was up at my regular appt and I might have had protein in my urine (don't really remember), I was sent for a non stress test and blood work and something came back high on my blood work so my Dr. decided to induce that day rather than wait. I am guessing I had started developing preeclampsia, but no one ever actually said for sure. It makes me paranoid this time around. My SIL had PreE with all of her pregnancies and each time it started earlier and earlier and she developed HELLP with the last. DH wants me to ask at my next appt the exact reason I was induced, so when I find out whether it was preE or not I will let you know!

I at a ton of chicken with DS too, so maybe it does bulk up the baby LOL. At my appt yesterday his HR was down to 140 bpm, so I think he may be starting to fatten up already. Plus I gained 7lbs in a month I didn't eat great the week before my Dr. appt (I was on vacay, so who can blame me, right?? LOL). He also measured my belly and I think he said 26cm which would make me measuring a week ahead, but I was always measuring right on schedule by my U/S, so I guess I just have a big ole belly!
It does sound like they worried about pre eclampsia, when they suspect its on the cards, they act very quickly because once it takes hold it can get bad fast. When I spoke to a consultant with this pregnancy she told me that low dose asprin is excellent at preventing pre eclampsia. Just googled and found this, really does sound like they spotted something that led them to think you may have been about to develop it.
It does sound like they worried about pre eclampsia, when they suspect its on the cards, they act very quickly because once it takes hold it can get bad fast. When I spoke to a consultant with this pregnancy she told me that low dose asprin is excellent at preventing pre eclampsia. Just googled and found this, really does sound like they spotted something that led them to think you may have been about to develop it.

I have read most of the websites and know all the symptoms. I am hoping that I can avoid getting it. Although I think I am a bit of a worrier this pregnancy, just because now I know that not all pregnancies have a happy ending. When I was pregnant with DS, it never crossed my mind that I could miscarry. I always just assumed that I would come home from the hospital with a healthy baby. So many things could have went wrong with his pregnancy and I was oblivious. I could have had complications from PreE, my temperature spiked and they thought I was getting an infection during labor, his heartrate was dropping during contractions so he had to be delivered immediately, he was stuck so I had to have a forcep delivery (not fun), his cord was really long and was wrapped around his neck multiple times, and he had some breathing problems and jaundice and had to be under oxygen and then readmitted when he was a few days old to be put under lights to help his jaundice. Granted I was only 20 at the time and none the wiser, but I look back now and I am amazed that everything worked out as well as it did. It scares me to death that I could repeat any of these scenarios this time around, but I trust my Dr. and try to watch out for any troubling symptoms. Other than that it is out of my hands.
how is everyone?

im exhauseted been at work 12-9 was meant to be till 6 but as loads of ppl called in sick i offered to stay till 9 which makes me crazy as i work in a bar and the match was on :/ dead on my feet now lol oh making me a cuppa!! the doc rang and my beta hcg was positive not that i didnt already know that lol and i have a scan at 6 weeks on the 2nd july at 11am
Hi ladies!

I know it's been FOREVER since I checked in, but I just wanted to see how everyone is doing!

Congrats to all those who have gotten their BFP during my hiatus!
Sarah Anne!! I've been wondering where you are! How the hell are you?
Sarah, how are you my dear!! Whats going on with you?? Lots of kicks and wriggles?? Loevly big bump??

Bump, excellent news re the scan, how is the progesterone treating you?? Dont overdo things will you, make sure you get plenty of rest in this first 12 weeks chick :sleep:

Oh yes im deffo up for an active birth, dont want to be stuck on my back if i can help it!!

Twinkie, yes i think you have the right attitude, think positively about this birth and listen to the professionals and you will be fine, no point in worrying it will only stress you out and as we know stress does us no good at all.

Claire, going through what we have makes us really appreciate our friends and find out who our real friends are doesnt it :friends:

Sunny today, yay xxx
Hi everyone!

Glad to see everyone is well.

Loz-Yay for new computer, boo for BH. Hopefully little man stays in as long as possible to "bake." Your belly is perfection.

Clo-LOVE the new belly shot and your nursery looks exquisite! We will be moving in 6 months, so no point in doing anything fancy. Plus, we have hideous wood paneled walls in our Japanese house. It's like being in someone's basement in the 80's. I'm jealous!

Debs-I hope you are well!

Claire-12 weeks! Woot Woot!!!

Bump-congrats FINALLY on your BFP! So funny that you stole the test out of the garbage. I am totally not above that!

I had a Doppler and NST test on Monday. Everything went beautifully. The doctor was really happy with everything. Now for the growth scan on Friday. FX'd for me please as if she has not grown enough, Yeardley will be making her appearance that day. Eeeeeek! We will be touring the NICU, so that's good!

We had to stay at the hospital on Monday night due to the typhoon, which was a TOTAL bust. They were predicting a cat 5 (SUPER typhoon). It was more like a little wind and light rain from 11:00-2:30. So I slept for a little, and then we busted out of there and came home! It wasn't that bad, just a bunch of seriously pregnant women on a bunch of cots watching movies and hanging out. Like a preggo slumber party, lol. Hubs was with me, which was nice of him.

One woman was due THAT day, another was at 41 weeks, and another was scheduled for a c-section the next day. They're all looking at my little bump and I'm sure wondering why I was there!
Clobo chance would be a fine thing lol progesterone isn't too bad not noticed any side effects as yet lol but I'm exhausted all the time :/
Bump, i know people have been telling me to slow down and i think in July ill finally not have any plans!!! Take care of yourself though!!

Lexi, good news on the test and im wishing you all the luck for friday, will they do a c section then if she hasnt grown much?? How many weeks are you now??

Big hugs ladies :hugs: xxx
the only symptom i really have is tiredness and the occasional sickly feeling though ms has never started till i was about 5-6 weeks and i never had it at all with aiden was just tired alot like i am now went to sleep around 12am and woke up at 10am and im still shattered!! the 9 hr shift yesterday didnt help lol
Bump, i know people have been telling me to slow down and i think in July ill finally not have any plans!!! Take care of yourself though!!

Lexi, good news on the test and im wishing you all the luck for friday, will they do a c section then if she hasnt grown much?? How many weeks are you now??

Big hugs ladies :hugs: xxx

Clo-Yes, if she hasn't grown much I will have a c-section on Friday. That is not the desired outcome of Friday's appointment, but if it must be, then it must be. She is breech still (butt first) so a c-section is inevitable. We had planned for a c-section anyways (the doctors) because she is so small, they don't want her to get stressed during a vaginal delivery. The doctor said on Monday that her fluid is so good, she COULD turn, but it's unlikely as LO seems to be just as stubborn as her mother! I will be 33 weeks on Friday.

It's hard to take it easy when there is SO much to do when your LO is getting closer and closer to their arrival, isn't it?
Sarah, how are you my dear!! Whats going on with you?? Lots of kicks and wriggles?? Loevly big bump??

Bump, excellent news re the scan, how is the progesterone treating you?? Dont overdo things will you, make sure you get plenty of rest in this first 12 weeks chick :sleep:

Oh yes im deffo up for an active birth, dont want to be stuck on my back if i can help it!!

Twinkie, yes i think you have the right attitude, think positively about this birth and listen to the professionals and you will be fine, no point in worrying it will only stress you out and as we know stress does us no good at all.

Claire, going through what we have makes us really appreciate our friends and find out who our real friends are doesnt it :friends:

Sunny today, yay xxx

I'm good! 29 weeks today! On my way in for my RH shot and my glucose test (yuck!). Baby is good. Right on track. Lots of kicks and wiggles. I've still barely got a bump though! My bump is smaller than my friend who is only 14 weeks! It's crazy! And we found out that we're having a girl! :happydance:

How are you doing????
A girl, congratulations! How fabulous! Don't worry about not having much of a bump, it'll pop out before you know it.
photo (21).jpg

decided to see if a opk would go pos lol and it did and the middle test is a hcg i did before it this afternoon the top test is from this mornings fmu so its got darker since this morning :0):cloud9::cloud9::happydance::happydance::wohoo:
Aw Bump im so pleased for you chick, loads of :sticky: dust to you every second of the day!! I remember that tiredness well, sleep when you can and let hubby look after you!!

Lexi, Good Luck today my dear, ill be thinking of you and baby!!

Sarah, yay for tea :pink: and yes dont worry about that bump, im worried that mine will get so big that im going to tip over soon!!! :rofl: Size of bump doesnt matter i bet you look beautiful and glowing anyway!!

AFM, i got a day off today, typical its peeing it down :rain: but hey ho, booked myself in for a Mummy to Be leg and foot treatment later on, £35 well spent i hope!!!

Crazy - is it today you are due to have a section if she hadn't grown? Lots and lots of good wishes to you. Xx

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