Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

I figure if I am already on the proper diet, then I can trust the result of the initial test. Not eating after 10 will be hard though! I also hope I can get an early appointment because frankly my GP is rubbish and I am not going a whole day not eating! If I have it done at the hospital, its an 8;30 am appointment...but it isn't in walking distance. :dohh:
The GTT is a standard test here in the U.S! I take mine on July 16th :( Really hoping to pass it the first time, I had to retake it with DS and had to do the 3 hr test. Our first test is non fasting though, but I think that is why I fail.

That is so sad about your friend's baby. That is my worst fear. I monitor my own BP since I had problems with BP when I was pregnant with my son (only at the end though).
I really hope the diet will mean I pass the finger prick test. I am quite sick of having bloods drawn, midwife wanted some at appointment, but she could only get one and a half tubes of it because my vein was being difficult, and my arm started going dead while she was trying to fill the second tube so I demanded she stop. I used to be so good with needles, but I have a phobia forming that started with the constant hcg tests after the mmc. Found myself in tears when I read that the GTT involves 2 lots of bloods. They can't get it out of my arm anymore. I hate that I am becoming afraid of needles, I never used to bother about it at all.

Its tragic what 30 weeks too, when you think even an early baby will survive. I have passed on a recommendation of this website for when she is feeling up to it. I don't know the woman directly, she is a friend of a friend. I think after the initial shock, BnB will be a good place for her to see she is not alone. First thing tomorrow I'm getting a BP monitor.
Aw Loz, im so sorry to hear about your friend, I really feel for her it must be a hideous time :hugs:

Ive been craving cold lollies and ice in drinks too, wonder what we will be like when the weather is actually hot!! :lolly:

I havent had a GTT blood test, wonder if I will have to have one, ill ask next week xxx
That's so scary she picked it up at home too! I am a bit thick and am not actually sure how to read blood pressure if im totally honest. My dad has one so I could maybe borrow that. I think you can hire them can you not?

Needles arnt nice - especially if you have veins that don't co-operate!

clobo gtt is usually done at 28 weeks I think :) x
GTT in the uk is generally only offered if you have a family history of diabetes, high glucose in your sample, or really obvious symptoms like extreme thirst or a massive baby at a growth scan. In my case the family history is my mum had GD when she was pregnant with my youngest brother...she was 40, and has not developed it in the 18 years since, so to me, I'm not actually 'high risk' being 28. But I have had high glucose in the only 2 urine tests I have been asked to do during this pregnancy- however, the first time I ate a bag of rum balls just before bed then took them a sample of FMU :dohh: and the second time I had a sugary tea before I went and some large ice lollies on the way to, in the waiting room of, and in the actual appointment with the midwife. :blush: So, that could have caused it. I'm giving myself 2 weeks on the GD diet, then will book the GTT at my local surgery, and see what the pin prick test says. If it comes up high after following the diet, I shall submit to more vein torture. I just hope it doesn't come to that because I wanted to run away screaming after my last bloods and that feeling is growing. Surely its not right for one's arm to go numb and weird in the middle of a blood draw?
I'm not going to hire one, just going to buy one outright from boots, they do one thats clinically validated for 51 quid, and my whole family can use it if they like...after I have had the baby and no longer feel an urge to use it twice a day. I hope its not too hot tomorrow, I hate going to town in the heat. Some light rain and a subtle breeze is my preference.
Hello ladies!

Pichi-Welcome back!

Bump-You really are a POAS addict, huh? :winkwink:

Clo-so glad to see you doing well as always.

Loz-I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's friend. It must have been scary for you to hear. Poor thing is so young too. Not that it's easy at any age, I'm sure, but she's still a baby herself.

I hope your GD test goes well and I hope you're right about the sugary goodness you eat before your tests that are causing the spike in your urine. I did the 28 week test, and it was fine, so I didn't have to do the 3 hour test. Obviously they weren't concerned because it's not like I'm carrying around a HUGE baby or anything. It was just standard procedure.

I'm not bothered by needles physically, but I can't actually WATCH them put needles in my body. I've had so much blood drawn during this pregnancy and shots, I can't even remember anymore how many holes they have poked in my body. The funny thing is that I have quite a few tattoos, and big ones at that, two of them on my ribs (OUCH) and I never watched one second of any of them being done. I just turn my head and let them do their thing. So I get it.

Isn't there anywhere else they could take the blood from, like your hand?
Ooh needles, yuk!! Yep im the same, its more the thought of it that worried me and I deffo cant watch it being done!! I just talk rubbish the whole time to distrct my mind from thinking about what they are doing!!

Ah thanks Loz, thats probably why i dont have to have one. Im guessing my iron is ok too since i havent heard back in over two weeks!!

Yup, we could deffo do with some rain here to clear the air and then some nice sunshine i think!!

Having bloods taken from my hand after the mmc is what started the growing aversion to needles unfortunately. There is just no way they can take my blood now without it being upsetting. Got my bp and glucose monitors today, so I can see for myself what my sugars are doing and act accordingly while hopefully avoiding a full blood draw.

The bp machine is great- did it wrong at first and got a massively high reading, but then I read the instructions (or destructions as my mum says) and did it properly and my bp was happliy in the normal range. Will check it once or twice a day form now on, and randomly if I get any headaches or vision issues. My next plan is to get some of the urine strips off homehealthUK so I can check my own samples.....and recommence some POAS, because I haven't POAS for ages!

With all these gadgets and whatnots, I swear I'll be midwifing myself if I have another after Lil Fella. He kicked me so hard in the cervix while I was at the till in boots I involuntarily said 'OUCH my cervix!' The woman at the till thought it was amusing. :dohh: Its amusing at the moment, but if he is kicking me there then he is head up and butt down...that better change by 36 weeks or I'll probably be refused a home birth.
Loz- My little man likes to kick me in the cervix too. I am convinced he is trying to stick a foot out! LOL It is really early for your guy to be head down anyway. I am sure that by 36 weeks he will be locked and loaded in the proper position!

I check my BP every afternoon I am at work. I found mine is higher in the afternoon than in the morning, which also coincides with the timing of more of my BH contractions. My next Dr. appt is in the afternoon so I hope he notices the slight increase as well. I will bring it up, but I would rather have some proof from his office than just telling him I am looney and monitor my own BP everyday!

Is anyone's belly measuring ahead? I was 3 days shy of 25 weeks and I swear my Dr. said my belly was 26cm... I am hoping this just means my belly is big and not necessarily the baby is big. He was measuring exactly average at 20 weeks and I am hoping he stays that way!
Apparently as of monday I am measuring spot on for my weeks...I just look plain huge because I carry all out front :haha: Lil Fella also measured spot on average at 20 weeks.

My BP thingy came with a diary, so writing mine down incase any midwives or doctors want to see it. I'll be very interested to see if my bp range changes after I stop the low dose asprin, which is meant to prevent things like pre-E by way of keeping bp down.

Your right it really does feel like he is trying to stick his foot out :haha:
Sorry Loz. Thought I was a GENIUS and had a good solution to your blood draw troubles.

You have so many gadgets now, you should just BECOME a midwife, lol. But I'm glad you are being proactive and taking good care of yourself. How are the BH?

I'm sure LO will move by 36 weeks. Mine was butt down until Monday. Dr. Was sure she was going to be breech (sp. ?). See? Doctors don't always know what they are talking about!

Twinkie-You know me, never measuring ahead! So can't help you there! But I say better ahead than behind! I wouldn't worry too much unless your doctor worries.

Bump- You must have a whole drawer full of positive tests by now! You crack me up lady! I'm so happy for you. You are obviously SUPER excited, as you should be!

Clo-when they gave me the steroid shot in my bum, I have never been more scared of a needle. So weird. I have a pretty high tolerance to pain, hence the body artwork, but for some reason, that one made me really anxious. It didn't hurt either, but the steroids themselves BURN.

I really want to buy some pregnancy tests now for the hell of it! How funny would it be to see an obviously pregnant lady buying tests? I would just Look at the cashier and go, "Oh gosh. I really hope I'm NOT pregnant."

Hahahahahahahahahaha. I love messing with people.
lol im starting to get bored now crazy lol i just wanted to see a ic get dark lol ive never had a ic so dark before tho so maybe thats a good sign! xx
I would say that is a good sign Bump!

Mine before a MC were always very light. This last one was really dark, so when I text the news to my DH (I was too excited, I couldn't wait) I said, "The force is strong with this one!"

Here I am, 34 weeks later!

Didn't your midwife put you on progesterone? How s that going so far?
i went to see a specilist in reproduction medcine 300 miles away for a womb biopsy to check for natural killer cells and she said that as soon as i got preg she would put me on it so sent a letter to my gp and he prescribed it till im 18 weeks she also said that the biopsy helps baby stick somehow im ringing her later with a few questions so ill know more later but so far so good although i havnt had my progesterone levels checked so am gonna aske her if i should get my specialist here to check them.. i have a scan on monday too at 6 weeks then one every 2 weeks after that x

Aw Loz, needles are no fun are they, hope you get to avoid them as much as possible!!

Twinkie, I was measuring 29cm at 28 weeks, I wouldn’t worry about your 1cm difference at all, the measurement is subjective anyway as they round it to the nearest cm and it depends exactly where they measure it from. Its more about the growth from one appt to the next I think.

Crayz, that’s really funny, Im quite tempted to do that in Boots!!! :rofl:

My little monkey seems to be head down facing to my right and I can always seem to feel what I think is a hip/knee on my side and the feet are kicking my ribs, quite uncomfortable sometimes!!

Bump, so glad they are monitoring you, we want this one to be a sticky little bean!!

It was a pretty genius suggestion...I am just weird and a bit squeamish about hands- having that butterfly needle thingy dangling from mine made me feel quite faint!

Bump I remember the early days- you just want it to hurry up and suddenly be 2nd tri! :hugs: I'm looking forward to seeing a scan pic on monday- got a very good feeling about this one!

I vote we all go out and get pregnancy tests :haha::haha::haha: As I look like I am about to drop, I would get some amazed looks. Could say something really daft like 'I thought I was just putting on weight, but my boobs have started to leak and I swear I felt something kick me in my cervix...'

I braved the glucose machine today, got it a little wrong because I should have done it before I ate not 2 minutes after a bowl of all-bran...but the reading came up 5.6, which is fine. Tomorrow I'll do it before I eat. Got a great BP reading too, slap bang in the middle of the 'desired' range of BP according to wikipedia. Feeling pretty healthy! I swear I am noticing a difference after just 2 days of not eating white bread. Gotta dig out some ice lolly molds so I can chew water ice, not flavoured sugary thingies. Water ice is the tastiest anyway in my opinion. :happydance: I just love the way it crunches mmmmmmmmmm.

BH have calmed right down, which is good because some of them were a little too strong for my liking and Lil Fella does not have permission to make his appearance for at least another 9 weeks.

Twinkie I checked my notes and my 28 week measurement was 26cm...but I expect there is an acceptable variation, plus how baby is positioned can make a difference.

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