Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

Ts love the scan pics.

Jelly cramps are scary but normal. I still have them now. I know now cramps = growing Lo not anything sinister as I did think.

As for labours I was induced due to pre eclampsia with emily my bp went through the roof on labour so they gave me an epidural as this can lower bp. I was stuck in bed failed to progress them Emily became distressed. After 3 failed attempts of trying to obtain a fetal blood sample I was given an emergency c section under general as they trued to top up my epidural with a spiban block but it did not work. The surgeon did not believe that it was not working and cut me with me shouting I can feel that. So my birth experience was rubbish but I finally met my little girl....made it all worth it.
This time I want a vaginal birth so have some debating to do with the consultant he us all for vbac but wants a monitored labour. I don't want to be stuck in bed this time.
Can't they monitor you without you having to stay in the bed? Or maybe do non constant monitoring? I don't know how things are usually done with a VBAC, but there must be some sort of compromise available so that you can move around. :hugs:
My second stage was just under 10 minutes. I literally pushed twice, once for head, once for the rest of her. Loz, tbh my childcare plan is unknown yet! I'm hoping baby obligingly turns up just after Christmas as mum may be here, she lives in Chester, other side of the Pennines, and my dad lives about 40 minutes drive away. It may be a case of leaving her with a neighbour or Marks brother and sister in law, and hope its not the middle of the night as I don't want to wait too long. I can't expect my dad to stay sober enough to drive over the whole of Christmas and new year!
Hello Ladies,

Thought I'd check in and see who all had joined us here! I'm so happy for everyone!

As for me, I'm still doing well. Baby is a bit ahead of schedule, but otherwise healthy. I can't help but feel sad today though because it would have been my due date had I not lost my first baby. I am so grateful that my little girl is healthy and will be here before I know it, but I can't seem to stop grieving for my first little bundle. I feel like no one understands. My friend recently had a miscarriage, but we can't talk about it. My family doesn't understand how I can be upset when I have another one growing in my belly.
Got the results from the hcg test I did on Monday and it was 2900, which gives me a doubling time of 37.4hours - yay.
Debzie ill be a vbac too and they also want to monitor but apparently you can have active labour as well as being monitored :flower:

Great numbers ginny :)
I had a look at my maternity notes in DS's health record today... Apparently I was in labour for 1hr 38mins and pushing for 6 mins! Felt much longer than that lol!
ladies got docs at 10.30 ive been having bad cramps not sure what they can do but have wored myself up into a bit of a frenzy
Sarah Anne, I messaged you on the other thread. I hope yesterday wasn't too painful.
Kelly, they will probably send you for a scan, hopefully they will be able to pick up a heartbeat. Don't worry if not though it's still early. Hopefully the pains are just stretching. Going swimming but will be checking on you ASAP.
At the hospital I deliever at, they don't have remote monitoring, so if you have to be monitored then you have to physically have a wire attached to the fetal monitor, but the wire is like 20 feet long, so you can get up to go to the bathroom, sit in a rocking chair, use a birthing ball, you just can't walk the halls :(

I am completely jealous of your short labors! Overall DS's labor wasn't long for a first baby 10-12 hrs (I was induced due the PIH), but I pushed for over 2 hrs and the little stinker went backwards! I ended up with a forcep delivery since both me and him were showing signs of distress and had a bunch of stitches from my episiotomy/tearing. I am hoping NOT to repeat this the second time around!
Twinkie - I was induced because of PIH and he was vacuumed out!

Do you have any signs of PIH again with this pregnancy? I really want to avoid ever being induced again if I can help it, but for some reason I feel as if I'm am going to get PIH with any future pregnancies now.
the salad tongs scare the life out of me hah so does the plunger but! if it is needed in order to get baby here safely i'll grin n bare it.

twinkle i hope you have a nice quick labour this time a round :)
Kelly, hope you get to have a scan and feel reassured :)
Sending lots of good vibes Kelly's way. I hope you are seeing your little beany on a scan right now and everything is perfect.

What is PIH? (I have so much to learn!!)
hope everything is ok Kelly :flower: hopefully they will scan to put your mind at ease
Hello Ladies,

Thought I'd check in and see who all had joined us here! I'm so happy for everyone!

As for me, I'm still doing well. Baby is a bit ahead of schedule, but otherwise healthy. I can't help but feel sad today though because it would have been my due date had I not lost my first baby. I am so grateful that my little girl is healthy and will be here before I know it, but I can't seem to stop grieving for my first little bundle. I feel like no one understands. My friend recently had a miscarriage, but we can't talk about it. My family doesn't understand how I can be upset when I have another one growing in my belly.

Just because you have one in your belly right now, doesn't mean the one you lost didn't matter- When I got to my EDD of the mmc pregnancy, I felt sad, but then it occurred to me that if that baby had lived, the one in me now wouldn't exist....its a strange logic but I did find it helpful. I also think that maybe its the same soul, who just needed to wait for a healthy body to live in. Does your friend want to talk about her loss? Maybe she does but doesn't want to talk about it to a pregnant lady for fear of freaking you out. Everybody is different- after my loss I really liked to see heavily pregnant women, a woman who lives on my street was pregnant at the same time and she had a lot of complications and was in hospital for weeks and her son had to come out at 32 weeks.....I never knew til someone said her baby was finally home- my mum kept it from me because of my loss and I felt really left out, it was strange. :hugs:

Kelly we await your return! I think its way too early for a scan, in the UK they really do not like to scan us before we hit 7 weeks. Cramps can come really badly the uterus has to flex its awesome stretching muscles!:hugs:

Pichi those things scare the pants offa me too...with my first I got sooooo tired at the end I was flagging and the midwives said baby was getting a little distressed, they used the phrase 'lets get the doctor in to look at you' and I knew what that meant! He was out with the very next push, by sheer force of will. :haha:
Had a busy day cleaning for my Dad, stepmum and niece and nephew arriving tomorrow so just catching up now.

:Hugs: Kelly, hope you are okay and waiting for a scan. It is very early for a scan as Loz says but maybe they will for peace of mind.

Sarah-anne - glad to see you and know you are doing well. The DD is never easy whether your are pg or not. I was only a few weeks pg when I had my first DD. Only I remembered it too, everyone else in RL had forgotten (inc OH) and that was hard. We will never forget our lost babies. I hope your friend will be able to talk to you soon, maybe things are just to difficult for her to talk to anyone just now.

All this labour talk is very interesting but also a little scary!! I came across a thread on here with labour/birthing pictures on which initially before looking thought was a bit strange but was really quite nice to see. I don't know what PIH is either.
Did anyone see that midwives program last night?

Pink don't be scared! Our bodies are made to do it! That being said, you'd be crazy not to be a little scared of your first labour experience. Its like period pains but more intense, its basically the same action, just on a larger scale. I'm quite lucky I have pretty high pain threshold for abdominal stuff, I'll be doing it without pain relief like last time. :coolio:

I need to go clean stuff, but struggling to move away from the comp til Kelly is back :dohh: I'll do it in short bursts.

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