Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

Kelly the corpus luteum cyst pain is a really good sign! I had it with Edie and again with this one. I ovulated from my right ovary both times, I think that's my good side!
Well my latest attractive pregnancy side effect is the stunningly beautiful coat of blonde downy hair I appear to be growing on my tummy. By the time I'm 30 weeks I will have a pelt. Everything makes me cry. Medal ceremonies at the Olympics - tears. It doesn't even have to be a GB medal. Sad films - tears. Happy films - tears. Documentary about Amy Winehouse - tears. Volkswagen advert - tears. I'm an emotional wreck.
haha the hairy belly - it's sexy isn't it? ;) i like to call it my fuzzy tum :haha:
whats it feel like loz?

You know when you get a muscle spasm in your leg or just under your eye? (I get them randomly so just presume others do too) its kind of like that, but in your belly! Then when baby gets bigger its easier to imagine what they are doing because the movements get so big and obvious, like poking their bums out and stretching their legs and hiccuping.

Its a new midwife program Debzie, its not as fairy tail at OBEM, I found it gripping viewing, its available on the bbc iplayer at the moment if you want to check it out.
Hee hee i have a fuzzy tum too!!

Baby movements are amazing, you will feel them soon enough!! Its really wierd to describe, like something rolling around in there and these days I can see baby moving from side to side too!!

5+4 is really early to see a heartbeat, most places wont scan you untill 7 weeks as you dont really see much before that, glad they did with you though, it puts your mind at rest with other things so its all good.

:hugs: xxx
yay Kelly!! Glad it all went well and you get another scan in 10 days time. I had a large corpus luteum cyst on my right ovary that gave me so much pain, but at the time I just thought it was normal stretching pains we read about. They did keep a check on it in case it got too large. Baby movements are a very strange feeling and tbh I find it a little disconcerting and weird sometimes. It started out like bubbles or fingers drumming but now its little kicks and punches. It when you least expect it, relaxing in the evening they sometimes take you off guard, or between 4-5 am when he goes a bit mental!

Going to look up this midwives program I didn't know anything about it.

Mrsmig your belly pelt comment made me laugh, had to go have a look at mine but mine still same as before but maybe I am already hairy!
hell im useless im worried as there was no fetal pole as yet there should of been right? measured 5+5 why am i doing this to myself they did say everything looked fine i think i like to torture myself
Kelly the corpus luteum cyst pain is a really good sign! I had it with Edie and again with this one. I ovulated from my right ovary both times, I think that's my good side!
Well my latest attractive pregnancy side effect is the stunningly beautiful coat of blonde downy hair I appear to be growing on my tummy. By the time I'm 30 weeks I will have a pelt. Everything makes me cry. Medal ceremonies at the Olympics - tears. It doesn't even have to be a GB medal. Sad films - tears. Happy films - tears. Documentary about Amy Winehouse - tears. Volkswagen advert - tears. I'm an emotional wreck.

Never mind pregnancy brain I've got pregnancy blindness didn't even see this post then was wondering where the fuzzy tum talk came from!

I have a belly pelt forming! Except I'm dark and the hairs are dark its not attractive lol but just going to ignore it, it will go after I have baby- the worst thing to do would be to remove it, because then it will keep coming back afterwards :wacko:

I have had tears today too...because my bathroom roof leaks and just keeps getting worse and worse and my mum is my landlord and she has no income at the moment, non of us can afford to have it fixed and I'm afraid the midwife will come for the homebirth assessment, see it, and be like NO WAY are you having a homebirth with a massive crack in the ceiling above the bath. I have told my mum that she has a month to get it sorted or we will move out and good luck to her trying to get another tenant in with the bathroom roof in that state. I'm bloody serious too...I need 2 baths a day after giving birth, and I would rather not be waiting for the roof to fall in on me! I have been putting off moaning at her about it, but its been assessed now by a builder friend and apparently it simply won't hold up under another wet winter. Theres no way it will be fixed before the home visit, because thats next tuesday, but I'd like to be able to reassure the midwife that it will be sorted before I'm 37 weeks. If I go into labour before 37 weeks it won't matter because I'll have to go to the hospital, but that won't change the fact that I feel its dangerous to have baths in my house at the moment :nope: I can't move fast at the moment, wouldn't even be able to get out of the way if it caved in while I'm in there. Oldest's dad says I can bath and shower at his house whenever I like but I shouldn't have to :nope: This has been doing my head in for ages, but today its really gotten to me because I was in there looking up at it, and the cracks are getting bigger. Wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't quite literally directly over my bath :dohh: I wish we could afford to buy our own house, that would be a dream come true.
I feel for you Loz. we rent and our bathroom is GRIM. I'd love to own as well but can't see it happening.
And you are right, you should never remove pregnancy hair, it will go on its own. I don't know why mine is blonde because I am dark too but I'm not complaining.
Kelly I don't know much about the fetal pole but I'm sure one of the others can help. I'm sure it's all fine though.
hell im useless im worried as there was no fetal pole as yet there should of been right? measured 5+5 why am i doing this to myself they did say everything looked fine i think i like to torture myself

Kelly at 5+5, the fetal pole is soooooo small, sosososo small, it was there, but they wouldn't have been able to see it- its something like 2mm in size at the moment, and unless they were using the most top notch scanner available they would still be hard pressed to see it, it'l be snuggled in right next to your yolk sac hiding. Did they date you to be 5+5 from sac measurement? sac measuring one day larger is not a problem at all, but given the tiny sizes we are dealing with that this stage of pregnancy, a measurement out by a mere millimeter can change your dates by a day or more. I was 32 dpo at my first scan, and it took the tech quite a while to find my beanie who was measuring around 5mm at that point. My sac was massive, she was just about to say not viable when she found the beanie- it was tucked right into my lining and really hard to spot at first- I never even saw my yolk sac!

Your going to be on edge about this pregnancy, because thats how we are when PAL, good job you can come here and let it all out and be reassured because we all know exactly how your feeling. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Kelly - loz has said it perfectly. Although it all looks bigger on the monitor it is magnified SO many times so they can see thing especially as such an early stage. I had to get ruler out to see what the sizes they measure me at for it to sink in. I am sure everything is just fine.

Watched that program, but beginning to wish I hadn't. Glad the visitors are coming to take my mind off things for a while. Why is it I can have good 'excited' days and then have other 'omg - what am I doing'? days. Sometimes I feel bad for not being more excited than I am. And why am I a papaya for a 3rd week?
Kelly - loz has said it perfectly. Although it all looks bigger on the monitor it is magnified SO many times so they can see thing especially as such an early stage. I had to get ruler out to see what the sizes they measure me at for it to sink in. I am sure everything is just fine.

Watched that program, but beginning to wish I hadn't. Glad the visitors are coming to take my mind off things for a while. Why is it I can have good 'excited' days and then have other 'omg - what am I doing'? days. Sometimes I feel bad for not being more excited than I am.

that's only normal. Programs either make you think "oh my god" or they just pass you by if that makes sense? the excitement won't really hit until you are in labour or even more so you're holding your little smartie.

i always thought i should be more excited but i seem to be one of these easy-oasy type people that just goes with the flow - and i'm strange and looking forward to labour :haha:

oh! and happy Vday pink :D
Its normal Pink...hormones mess with us!

I am looking forward to giving birth, so much so I might be disappointed if its not as much fun as last time! :dohh::haha:

I remember with my first though, I was quite disturbed at the thought of pushing a human out of my twinkle, wasn't sure what to expect, but it just kind of stung, and was not as bad as I thought it would be- and his head was 'slightly larger than average'! Got away without stitches too :coolio:the midwife offered me a stitch, because my skin did tear abit, but I declined because she was only offering it for cosmetic purposes- the muscles weren't torn at all, just a little bit of skin. OH said I didn't even tear with 2nd, just stretched a bit, but he was much smaller than the first and his head was nice and small. I have a pic of him just a few hours old I will see if BnB lets me upload it- just took a pic of the pic with my digi camera. He was so small! You can see part of my hand in the pic, and my hands are not large, but baby made them look huge!


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aw - so tiny! how big were your babies (sorry if i've asked already... baby brain)
I've got baby brain too...could have sworn Pink had V-day last week! :dohh:

First baby was 8lb12, and second, the one in that pic, was 7lb on the dot. He did come at 38w though, whereas my first came at 40+4

Happy V-day Pink! :hugs:
i'm kinda scared of having a big beast of a child (like 10lb+):haha: especially attempting a VBAC - but saying that it's just their head that's the main thing lol

Pixie was 7lb 15oz at 40+4 so i'm expecting mr pea here to be at least 8lb 5ish...
My youngest brother was almost 11lbs :wacko: But mum had GD. She gave birth to him normally, but the newborn clothes didn't fit him, he was straight into 3 month stuff! He is now 18 and massive still, really tall and built like a brick outhouse- I guess he was meant to be a giant! :haha:

I think if your set to have a 10 lber, your midwife will notice at checkups, and a plan would be put into place. :hugs:
Come to think of it, my mum has had traumatic and awkward labours! There was me, frank breech (butt first) but vaginal delivery, I was floppy and had to go to the nicu for a bit...,my brother who was a pretty straightforward birth but awkward because he came on xmas day and mum missed xmas dinner! (she has since made up for that by regularly having 2 dinners at xmas by way of one at my auntie's then I always save her some)...then my youngest bro, the mega baby! :haha:
Kelly - so glad that you got a scan and everything looks good. My GP doesn't want me to have a scan until 8 weeks, so I have just under 3 weeks to go. So nervous!

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