Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

I've just been reading on third tri....and there was ALOT of 'this is it' threads....full moon madness! I predict I will go into labour in one month, during the next full moon! (Had to say so, because if I do you won't believe me that I knew it!) and if I don't you may all take the piss out of my prediction skills! :haha::haha::haha:

I wonder if you'll go too during the next full moon Clo...did you happen to notice stronger BH last night? I did, I blame the full moon! If I do go during the full moon I am so going to use howling as pain relief! :haha:
i bet you are right, lozdi! that would be pretty cool if you did just predict your labour!

oh! i just had my first apple juice/water popsicle! thank you so much for the idea. it was super yummy! i bought popsicle molds and filled them with a little juice and water and it was great! i want to go eat them all! i have been eating a lot of apples lately too, so the flavour was perfect.
Makes the nicest ice doesn't it! I'm eating one as I type this hahahaha, but I'm still just using plastic cups for them :blush::haha:
i am eating another one now :blush: i think cups are better, these popsicle molds are too little!
I totally believe in bio rhythms so loz you are probably right. That and increased biometric pressure Luke when we have a storm can set off labour. Not long now then ladies.
I will have to give those ices a whirl finding it so hard to drink anything apart from fizzy Orange nit good. I make it with soda water and cordial but still I am struggling with that now.

Finally feel that I'm getting that second tri lull in symptoms I feel normal again. I can now sleep all night don't feel sick or crabby. I have this mellow feeling which is strange for me. I think it may have a lot to do with coming off the progesterone to. So i am going to try and make the most of it.

On thw bloat front my stomach is massive I look how i did at 20 weeks with Emily. All my maternity trousers are now back in use. I lost weight before I fell pregnant so some of my trousers still fit until this week then bump...or blump it eas there. Its even there when i lie down.
Yay for 2nd tri easing of stuff! I'm weird I have more energy now than I did in 2nd tri :haha:

Definitely give the water-apple ice thingies a try, its like sneaking water into yourself!

Maybe your in line to have a super massive bump like me! I looked 20 weeks at 13 weeks too :haha:

My back is trying to kill me today, not good as I still have alot to do before my home assessment. I don't want to have any of my labour in my bedroom, so thats a tip at the moment while I focus on downstairs- do you think the midwife will mind that my room is not accessible? I really won't want to labour up there as its too hot upstairs and my living room sofa is more than adequate for laying on, kneeling, leaning etc (we know this because thats where we conceived Lil Fella and it was quite a night!) :blush::haha: I told OH the other day exactly when we conceived he was like 'Ahh, I thought so!' :haha::haha::haha:

I'm quite exited at the moment, because well we haven't been DTD for a couple of weeks because my twinkle was sore so I gave in and got some caneston and its no longer sore so as soon as OH's shoulder sorts its self (its hurting him at the moment) I can get me some lovin! We just have to be careful of position because Lil Fella can throw some hefty shapes and OH is a little squeamish about my belly during sex as it is, so he would positively freak out if he got punched during the act, or if he saw one of Lil Fella's big stretching movements. :haha: I can totally understand most ladies not wanting sex while PAL but I have alot of faith in my cervix, apart from a little wobble I had about it at around 20 weeks because I'd been reading the IC thread :dohh:

Have any of you thought ahead about what you will do for contraception after birth? I really don't want to go back on the pill, it messed my moods up something crazy. :wacko:
I was given the all clear to have sex from my 12 weeks scan and typically Chris was away. I cannot wait for some action it feels like an age and I really need some. He is away another two weeks. I was not like this when I was pregnant with Emily I think I can count how many times we dtd. Im sure the midwife wont be snooping about just going where you go. As for the contraception thing I really dont know. If I have to have a c section I may ask for my tubes tied while they are on as I dont want any more kids after this one. I hate the injection and im assuming the implant would be the same. I was ok on the POP. So may just go for that. I keep worrying about IC too some of the threads on here are scary.
The fetal movement guidlines on third tri is a scary thread- but a necessary one. It made me abit into the movement police after I read that, I regularly lecture ladies who post about reduced movements then say they will wait and see. I get all 'GO TO L&D NOWWWW' at them, because its better to feel silly when baby immediately perks up on the monitor than to possibly end up with a tragic outcome.

My friend requested that they tie her tubes after her last baby, its her 5th child and she had viral (i think) meningitis and almost died...they won't tie her tubes because she is under 35. She has PCOS but is lucky and gets pregnant easily, but she can't handle more pregnancies yet they still won't tie her tubes. I think they should do it if thats what she wants, what with her already having 5 children she is unlikely to turn round in a few years and decide she wants more, her family is complete.

I had the injection once, it made me bleed for 10 weeks, I did not go back for a top up! The thought of the implant makes me feel physically sick, and so does the thought of an IUD. Its looking like we will use charting, and condoms during the fertile days, but we will have to use them all month long for the first few cycles because I don't know my normal cycle length- I only ever charted one cycle and O'd on day 20 but that was just a few weeks after the mmc, so really I could even be a day 14 O'er under normal circumstances.
loz - i was only talking about that today :haha: im quite happy with just the two so really dont want to risk anymore, really dont want to go on the pill as im not great at remembering to take it, ive heard to many stories of the marina coil creating very heavy painful periods which i suffer anyways so if its going to make it worse no thanks, the only thing i can think is the implant which i had for nearly 2yrs but i used to spot for weeks on end which got really annoying, dont know what ill do

how is everyone today?
I was excellent at remembering to take the pill- I'd go right back on it if I hadn't seen the difference in myself when not on it. I used to be so mad at everyone for no reason, I was a horror! I was on the pill when I conceived both my boys though, so its not that effective! Oldest was a shock because I hadn't been ill or anything, but youngest I had a crazy night out with OH and was hungover and throwing up the next day so must have thrown my pill up. I don't want to risk becoming evil again just to go on a contraceptive I can't fully trust.

I must make more apple ices! Consumption of them has gone up and I'm not getting them frozen fast enough! :haha:
mmmm these ice lollies sound yum - might go make some myself :haha:

as for reduced movement i went to my midwife straight away when i thought pixie wasn't moving as much and the midwife said i shouldn't feel foolish for coming in (because i did) she said that it's better safe than sorry and a 30min time scale in the grand scheme of things is nothing compared to the safety of your baby.

ah, looking for padding to make my cot bumper but i don't have a clue :dohh: all the tutorials are american and they have pre-made bumper pads but we don't have those here :nope: any crafty girls out there? x

hope everyone is well :)
Loz, ooh yes I think you are right, when I was TTC I quite often ovulated when the full moon was out!! That’s about right for my due date then, maybe we’ll be in labour at the same time!! :baby: :baby:

Debzie, good news the symptoms are getting back to normal now, second tri is deffo the best one!!

Not sure ill bother with the pill again, although it was good at keeping my bad skin in check so ill have to see what happens with that after baby is born, don’t want the spots back!! :nope: Plus my cycles are so long and weird that if I got preggo again without even trying it would be a miracle!!

Hi Hope :wave: my back is killing me, sciatic pain which is only getting worse as the baby gets heavier, so glad it’s the weekend though!!

Pichi, ooh good plan making your own bits and pieces, not sure about padding though, im rubbish with things like that. What about foam padding?? Usually can get from markets maybe?? Good luck!

Pichi where we live you can buy lengths of wadding it looks like really thin quilts that they cut to size and you just sew up the end. You have to be careful with foam as it can contain nasty chemicals. We have a few fabric stores nearby and Boyes that sell it. I only know as the patients at work are making patchwork quilts for their beds.

Clobo hope the pain eases. Chris bought my one of those spa mats to put in the bath when I was pregnant with Emily that really helped.
that's the sort of thing i'm looking for. like little duvets haha! want it quite sturdy in shape but not too thick if that makes sense? just a 'normal' cot bumper. It just seems to be impossible to find what i want >__<
Watch out Clo, I hear pregnancy can sort out wonky cycles you might end up with a surprise not long after you have baby! :haha:
I'm lost regarding stuffing for the cot thingy, but I agree with not using foam, thats not nice stuff!
Ooh Debz do they have Boyes in your neck of the woods? I didn't think they went that far north, they are a very local company to here. They are awesome!
morning ladies im 6 weeks today so very nervous as thats when the last pregnancy stopped. felt totally rough yesterday didnt have that last time so hope thats a good sign and already feeling sick felt ms all day how are you all today
Hi Kelly! This week is a big milestone for you and it's bound to be difficult. Just try to remember this is a different pregnancy and if everything is ok with baby, and let's hope it is there is no reason it should fail. PMA!!
I'm ok, just dtd for the first time in about 17 weeks! Think I'd healed up! I thought it was about time. I went on top as he is big and heavy and I didn't want him squashing me. I know it's not his fave position but beggars can't be choosers! :haha:
Happy 6 weeks Kelly that too was a milestone week for me bit as mrsmig said this is a different pregnancy that will succeed. I had a pic up in symtoms too.

Mrsmigg yeah we have boyes in all of the towns near me its the furthest north they go county Durham. I love it for bargains.
Yeah for Dtd. X

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