Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

Don't worry about your weight at all Debzie. Eat what you need to. I haven't weighed myself since I got pregnant. I don't care. As long as you aren't piling it on uncontrollably (which you aren't) it's fine. In the first tri and the beginning of the second you have to eat as and when you can and you need to. With Edie I lost a bit in the third tri.
Thanks mrsmigg. I was enormous with Emily. Really do not want get that big this time.
You lost it all again though didn't you? Being PAL is hard enough without giving yourself extra stress about weight gain. You look great and just try to enjoy being pregnant with your rainbow as much as its possible, with all the pal worry and try not to give yourself more to worry about. I know it's no fun being massive at the end and if you can avoid it you want to - but this is a different pregnancy. And like you say you are eating really healthily anyway so you are doing all you can. Try not to put extra pressure on. My best friend had this stress as she got pregnant when her baby was around 9 months old, and she had put on a lot of weight during pregnancy and had done really well to lose it. But she has lost it all again (her second baby is 1 now) and she looks great too. But she regrets stressing about the weight.
Ginny - I never had sickness but a constant all day hangover feeling with nausea for weeks, glad it stoped around 10-11 weeks. Feeling a little rough today though, hazy 'not quite with it' head. I just want decent nights sleep.

Mrsmig - I am sure your dream is just your worries coming out and I am sure HE will be perfect. I think its a boy! :hugs: for your wobbles though

Debzie - I understand the worry about weight, I dare not weigh myself and luckily they haven't at any mw appoitmets either since my 12 week scan one. I don't know how people manage to stay so slim without any weight going on. Its all for a good reason and will come off afterwards (so they keep telling me!!)
Can't wait to hear your update after your scan MrsM :)

Debz - I think as long as you're eating a fairly balanced diet it's all good. I think some people just have it preset in them how much they're going to gain.

DF has to work all weekend now so I had to change my scan from Saturday to Monday. This will now make 6+5 when I have the scan - it's nervous to think that there's probably no "maybe" with what you should see at that point
Loz, Monkey Bum Face is my name, how dare you steal it!!!! :rofl:

I was going to be Craig if I was a boy!! I quite like my name, especially as its spelt differently (Cloey)!!

Got to think of initials too, we like William but initials would be WC !!! :loo:

Debzie, George is a gorgeous doggy, how cute!!! Don’t worry about the weight chick, everyone puts it on at different stages, you’ll probably find being in 2nd Tri with a bit more energy means you wont put on as much for a while.

MrsMig, not long now my dear, try not to worry it will be an amazing scan and I cant wait to hear all about it :hugs:

Ginny, I never actually got morning sickness, mine was a constant hangover feeling from weeks 7-12 ish, not the best but I was thankful for not being sick. Its kind of good that you have a few more days till your scan, you should be able to see more …. Don’t worry this weekend, keep yourself busy and put it to the back of your mind and the time will soon be here.

:haha:I'll tell my 4 year old we can't have Monkey Bum Face because its taken!

Mrs Miggins your scan will be this point your likely going in and not reading this but I'm sending you some relax vibes! Hope you remember to tell them your team yellow so they don't blurt out any he's or she's in there!

Pregnancy weight gain :wacko: I have put on 4 stone! I do every pregnancy :haha: It always comes back off quite quickly though, because of breastfeeding. :happydance::holly:
Loz which nappies did you get from ebay? I went to an expectant parents event last night at Mothercare. I was hoping there would be real nappy info but there wasn't. Wasn't that much info for me as I had already bought a pram/car seat and the nursery/nmatress info was a bit biased toward their products. I did get some bits and pieces (free hat and scratch mittens and baby cleaning stuff) and came across a breathing yoga thing called Lazy Daisy which help to relax you during pregnancy so may give those antematal classes a try. Looking at a few nappies on ebay atm.

Yay I am also an aubergine after 3 weeks of being an avacado!
They say 'babyland' on the labels and I bought them from a seller called afumusic based in china- reliable, every single one I bought came within the time stated and each has a liner too. I just hope they will suit my baby because finances went a bit wrong a few weeks ago and now we can't afford sposies even if we wanted to! :haha:
My bump feels so tight and full today.....really hoping to pop at 37 weeks! Won't be 'evicting' though if I don't....I just hope to not go as far as 40 weeks!
*Waits in suspense for newest picture of Migglet!*
I'll post the picture soon! Mark is going to photograph it on his decent camera, then he'll put it on Facebook and I'll rip it off there onto my phone, believe it or not that's the easiest way. Everything was great though, it was the same sonographer that did Edie's 20 week scan, even though it was a different hospital so that was a good omen. I didn't mention gender as at Edie's scan that was the first thing I said, and she replied, a little snippily, that that wasn't what she was concerned with anyway. I imagine they get some people going in and the gender is all they are concerned with. She asked at the end if that was something we wanted her to look at, and Mark said no straight away. I said I had been trying to have a sneaky peak. Migglet hadn't been very cooperative to start with and she couldn't get a couple of the heart/head measurements but she got there in the end. After all the important bits were done she allowed Joe and Edie to come into the room. Edie has been to both the previous scans and obviously she is a bit young to fully understand, but it was nice for Joe to see. At least I think it was, you don't get a lot of enthusiasm from a 15 year old boy!
Migglet was awake, and put his hand in his mouth at one point.
The placenta is posterior, which doesn't surprise me now as I am feeling tonnes of movement. I think I just didn't feel it as much earlier as I'm not as taut as I was with Edie!
It all feels very real now. I can allow myself to get excited, and start my pregnancy journal.
I did try and get a sneaky peak at the bottom region, and I may have seen something there, but I'm really not sure. Head shape looks like boy to me, but I'll post a pic shortly and let you make up your mind!
I'm also going to copy this post to my journal, so apologies stalkery for the repetition.
wahoo wonderful news mrs now you can really start to enjoy yeeeeeeeeeeeeees SHOPPPPPING!!!!!!!!!!

how are all you lovely ladies im feeling a bit down today dont feel as sick and feel kinda ok compared to what i have felt like apart from im so bloated with megs trapped wind i feel that maybe my dream has ended and im not guna get past 6+5
Kelly don't forget what I told you, symptoms drop for a few days around 7 weeks. I'm sure you are fine.
It's not a great photo, I ended up taking it on my phone in the end.
:happydance::happydance::happydance:Migglet is so cute! I think boy too but I'm basing that on purely the vibe I'm getting!

Kelly! It will be because the hcg is now taking longer to double, so your body kind of adapts to it and you feel better for a day or two, then you'll be right back to feeling awful! :hugs:
I already said this on your journal Mrs. M., but wanted to say it here too! Super cute baby you got there!!

:hugs: Kelly. I am sure there is nothing at all to worry about. I remember feeling like that around 7 weeks too. I was so scared but it all turned out fine when I had my scan.

I am feeling a little down today too. :( I am not really feeling all that sick or as exhausted as I was feeling. My bbs don't hurt as bad either :( They have been quite tender the whole time until today. I am 9+4 today. I had cramping off and on all day yesterday and I am nervous about that.

We were at our friend's house last night and I mentioned that my pants aren't fitting anymore due to bloat and she gave me her belly bands to borrow. I feel a little silly wearing them so early. Also, since this is a huge secret and we don't want anyone in town knowing (since we are both teachers here it will spread like wild fire in our tiny town!) I am afraid if I wear them before telling everyone will know anyway... I think I am losing my mind. Haha! I am sure people won't see the band and immediately think "belly band!" I am sure they will think it is just a tank top since I usually wear longer tank tops under my t-shirts. I am just being paranoid and crazy. Is that a symptom??

I wanted to comment on all the posts that I read today but my mind is not focusing at all right now and I can't remember a thing. :dohh: I'm sorry!

I have to go to make supper now. Our friends are coming over and we are making cold spring rolls - just about my most favourite meal ever! Well, besides pizza, and I can't have that anymore :nope:

I hope you are all having a wonderful day!
migglett is adorable i think boy too shape is like aboy that sounds sad doesnt it lol
Yes Mindy paranoid and crazy is a symptom! :haha: After I finally announced to people I was pregnant (at 16 weeks) I got alot of comments like 'ohhh, I did wonder, but wasn't sure whether or not you were just putting a bit of weight on!' LOL charming eh? My default reply was 'bit of both!'
Ohh, and the cramping is still normal at this point, infact, I'm not sure its ever not normal, with all the stretching thats got to happen in there! I wake up to cramping every morning I can't decide if its my actual uterus, or just the muscles and ligaments. Typically the first thing out my mouth upon waking is 'ohhhhh, OUCH ahhhhhh'

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