Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

lozdi, she sounds like an airhead, however i just want to fill you in. i had mine pierced when i was a baby. a lot of mexican or iranian people do. xo ...also, i think it's better than circumcision. lol my OH thinks exactly the opposite. :p
oh don't even get me started on baby piercings.... having numerous body mods' and knowing the in's and out's of methods of piercing etc.... it makes me really sad to see people taking their babies to get their ears pierced - especially with a 'gun' :( that thing was invented to tag cattle NOT pierce ears - and it really gets my back up seeing people get their nose, cartridge etc... done with it too, but we won't go into that :haha:

how is everyone? I've been a bit quiet - i hope everyone is well :flower: i can't believe how quick all these pregnancies are going!!

IR to bump pics i feel like i'm just getting fat ¬____¬ can't seem to stop eating! hungry like ALL the time. i think i'm going to have to start going swimming more than once a week to burn this off :haha:
I can pierce ears, (though I don't) and ages ago someone came into the salon with a baby in a pushchair and asked me to pierce her ears. She seemed surprised when I refused.
Clo, I love your bump pic! I was posting weekly ones in my journal but I've decided to start doing it fortnightly as some weeks they didn't look any different. I did my last at 18 weeks so I'll try to do one over the weekend.
lozdi, she sounds like an airhead, however i just want to fill you in. i had mine pierced when i was a baby. a lot of mexican or iranian people do. xo ...also, i think it's better than circumcision. lol my OH thinks exactly the opposite. :p

But yours is cultural! Hers was truly a case of 'ohh I have a girl now, lets get her ears pierced!' she even made comments about how 'they gotta be divas' :dohh: As for circumcision I can't discuss it because I am against it for my own family, but its a hugely popular thing in some places, and has ties to religions...and I have seen threads get nasty when that is a topic (though those were specific circumcision threads not a thread like this, which is about our journeys rather than a debate on a certain thing)and wouldn't want to offend any of you lovely ladies with my very british and non religious views on it :haha:

Mys Miggins I'm glad to hear you refused-most would just do it anyway.

Pichi indeed those guns are scary! I got my ears pierced when I was 9, after about a year of bugging my mum to let me have it done :haha: it was a little scary! And sore!

I think Lil Fella is trying to tunnel his way out...getting some very odd sensations in the cervix! And some serious BH :wacko: 2 weeks Lil Fella, 2 weeks, then you may come whenever you like after that! (preferably not in the co-op)
I actually brought up the subject of circumcision in the online game I play, in guild chat, and it got very mixed reactions, was pretty funny to be honest :haha: had to perform a swift subject change in the end, because it was going to get a bit fighty in there!
Some numpty pierced my tragus with a gun, years ago. It bruised and swelled and I had to go to a&e with a bag of frozen peas on the side of my head to get it removed. Years later I went to a more reputable place to get it done with a needle and they refused saying it was too small. They couldn't believe someone had done it with a gun.
Circumcision is always an emotive subject. It's being discussed on another PAL thread I post on at the moment. There are a lot of US ladies there and it's common practise in some states and not others. A few of the ladies are feeling compromised as their partners want their sons circumcising and they don't. It's a position I'm glad not to be in.
the piercing guns damage the tissue as they go in. if they are used on cartridge (like your tragus) because of the bluntness of the earring being forced into the cartridge it forces it to shatter. that's how you get collapsed ears :S bleh. lol. i think it feels so much nicer done with a cannula/needle... not to mention it's a hell of a lot more safe! when Pixie asks to get hers done i will let her - because it'd be a bit hypocritical of me saying no when i have 14+ of them and 9+ tattoos :haha:

did your ear heal ok Mrs Mig? seen some nasty aftermath pics of gun tragus'

with circumcision; medical reasons yes, but other than that - i dont' see the need BUT that is just what i think and in no way mean offence in that to any ladies in here who think otherwise :flower:
Yeah it healed fine, this was almost 20 years ago now and because I got it sorted straight away I avoided it being too hideous.
I will allow Edie to get piercings, but not when she is too little. I've had loads but never wear any these days. I took my tongue piercing out in October after my last loss. I had to take it out for the erpc and for some reason I left it out. Occasionally I miss it. Navel came out when I was pregnant with Edie and the 6 I wore in my left ear irritated me like hell when I was pregnant with her as well and I never got round to putting them back in. I will though, they don't close up. Nose closed up years ago.
I'm very glad to not be in a position where OH and I disagree on something as big as circumcision, it must be tremendously difficult to disagree on such a thing.

I think when a girl is old enough to want her ears pierced, and to understand that it will hurt for a few moments, then its ok to get it done. In my opinion, its just completely wrong to do it for non-cultural, cosmetic reasons before the child is even old enough to want it. I had to argue and argue to get mine done, and I was 9 :haha:

I feel the same way about tattoos, I have one, and OH has a few, and if my boys want them when they are old enough (and can pay for them by themselves unless its a birthday pressie) then as long as they give a good amount of thought to what they actually want, then they can go for it.

Guess what....I had to google tragus :haha::haha::haha: I couldn't get my ears done there, I'd be too squeamish! I went with a friend years ago to have her tongue pierced and got a bit squeamish about that too.....yet I can use a speculum to see my own cervix and prefer to give birth without pain relief. Theres no explaining me at all :haha:
I guess I'm you in reverse, I happily let a bloke drive a needle through my tongue but the thought of my own cervix sends me screaming to the hills!
I had my ears pierced when I was around 2 and pierced a second time when I was 11. I don't know why my mom decided to get my ears pierced then. There was definitely no "diva" thing going on. I guess it was just the thing to do then (late 70's). :shrug:

I won't be doing it to my child, if it is a girl. I will allow her/him to get piercings when they are older, though. I am not too sure about tattoos. Not because I have anything against them - I have 7, one being a sleeve - but I want to make sure the child is old enough first. I had a student in 8 grade a few years ago who got a large forearm tattoo for his 14th birthday. I feel like that is too young. Tattoos are just too permanent to get too young. Piercings can easily be taken out if someone were to change their mind.

I have a few piercings as well and Shawn has both ears pierced and stretched to size 0. My last piercing was a conch piercing. It took so long to heal and I ended up taking it out last September because I got really sick and I was paranoid that the fever was coming from an infection from my ear... :oops: It wasn't, my ear wasn't infected at all, it was just still healing. I was just really sick and stayed sick from September until November. :dohh: Maybe one day I will get it done again. I really love that piercing.

I don't plan to circumcise if we have a boy. We are not religious and unless there is a medical need, I don't see any reason to do it.
Lovely bump pic - I can't wait to see more :)

I was a quite girly girl and demanded my ears to be pierced when I was about 5. I remember being upset that I had to have the plain studs and not ones with a gem in them haha. I got my belly button done when I was 15 and had a flat stomach. Took it out when I was about 23 and not quite as flat anymore. I don't have any tattoos and wouldn't encourage a teenager to get one either. They can dye their hair funny colours if they want - that's as wild as I go probably lol

We haven't got M circumcised - to be honest we didn't even discuss it. It's not a common practice over here anymore.

Had the worst morning today. Went to a department store where M was in a foul mood, not happy to stay in him pram. Then I let him play in the little play area where he proceeded to grab at this little girl and then bite her! I was mortified!! I tried my best to get him off her, but they were in the top section of this play frame thing which I didn't realise that I wouldn't be able to get into before I let him go off and play. The mum keep giving me the dirtiest looks and felt like I was the worst mum ever with this wild, uncontrollable child... I burst into tears as soon as we go into the car to go home :( For those you that have had/been around toddlers, please tell me this is normal toddler behaviour.
Oh dear i feel quite boring now, I have ears pierced once in the normal place and no others or tattoos :rofl:

Loz, ive been getting loads of BH too, plus a couple of lower back spasms which i think are just that but everytime i think .... ooh is this the start of something??!! :argh:

Oh dear Ginny. Poor you. This is entirely normal behaviour! How old is M? That woman will get hers, they all do it from time to time.
I fell last night, I fell off the back step putting a plate of food into the fridge in the garage. I twisted awkwardly and landed on my bum. I went to work this morning but rang the midwives in my lunch break as I was feeling very achy and hadn't felt much movement. Not feeling movement in a morning when I'm busy and dashing about is normal, and the midwives weren't worried as I landed on my bum, but they told me to leave work so I could put my feet up and also to go in and they would have a listen in to reassure me. Work were not happy. But tough. So I'm heading there shortly.
Ginny its completely normal toddler behaviour and shame on that women for giving you a dirty look, she'll find herself on the other end of that one day when her kid kicks off!

Mrs Miggins :hugs: I bet your freaked out, I know I would be. I swear most of my energy goes into making sure I don't fall over...not easy in a house of boys, I trip almost every single day but so far haven't fallen. I fell into what would have been a full faceplant when I was heavily pregnant with my last one, but luckily used my arms to take the hit and came to a halt with my massive belly a mere inch away from a table. Scary business that was. The not feeling movement is likely because the fall scared you, so you become tense including your tummy muscles then its harder to feel any movement. A friend of mine felt no movement for 2 weeks because she was stressed and tense. Thats the girl who didn't get any maternity care because she is in the US and had lost her birth certificate. She got her first scan and check up at 8 and a half months gone! I hope you get back soon to let us know all is well. :hugs:
:hugs: Ginny. Sorry that lady was giving you dirty looks. Sorry M was having a bad day.

Lozdi, that fall really does sound scary! I am terrified that I will fall and hurt baby. I know I still have lots of protection for baby since s/he is really deep down still.

Tomorrow is 10 weeks for me. The morning of 10 weeks is when I woke up bleeding with my first mc. I am so scared. I am still having symptoms so I am hoping that is a good sign. I felt quite queasy today for the first time in more than a week. Also, my hips were hurting so badly this morning that I had to get out of bed before I would have liked. Those all seem like good signs. My nose is also gone into overdrive again. 2 weeks and 6 days until my next scan.

I hope you are all doing well.
:hugs: Ginny. Sorry that lady was giving you dirty looks. Sorry M was having a bad day.

Lozdi, that fall really does sound scary! I am terrified that I will fall and hurt baby. I know I still have lots of protection for baby since s/he is really deep down still.

Tomorrow is 10 weeks for me. The morning of 10 weeks is when I woke up bleeding with my first mc. I am so scared. I am still having symptoms so I am hoping that is a good sign. I felt quite queasy today for the first time in more than a week. Also, my hips were hurting so badly this morning that I had to get out of bed before I would have liked. Those all seem like good signs. My nose is also gone into overdrive again. 2 weeks and 6 days until my next scan.

I hope you are all doing well.

Tomorrow you will wake up just fine, but I can completely understand why its nerve-wracking. :hugs: All the aches and pains and such are very good signs, the wait for a scan is a pain though...pregnancy after loss is a series of 2/3/4/5/6+ week waits. :wacko:

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