Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

Aw those are so cute!

Yeah I will post pics of the nursery project when it gets underway :) like many of you ladies in here, we are also waiting for some doing-up in the spare room... Its getting plastered and painted and coving being put up too :)
Loz - that's wonderful news about the go ahead :) and icing on the cake that you have a midwife so close! :happydance:

TS - don't know how you can cope without water in your house! I would be complaining so much by now - my poor DF.. I also feel special that I share the same name as your ferret lol

Clobo - hope you enjoy your last few days at work :)

Kelly - good work on the eating! I think you'd be more worried if you weren't able to eat at all!! We don't have monster munch in Australia - one of the things I miss from living in the UK (bit sad hey! haha). DF (who's British) misses Iron Bru. Last time we went to visit his parents it was fun buying all the junk food you can't get in Australia haha.

Pichi - i would love to be able to sew!

AFM - well it was definitely gastro on Monday. As yesterday I felt soooo much better. Still feel a little be off today - but I'm starting to think that this more morning sickness than gastro. Will find out over the next couple of days I guess. So I booked my dating scan for Saturday - I'll be 6w3d... bit worried it's a bit early, but I'm just so anxious I don't want to wait any longer! I guess I'll see how I feel on Friday morning and if I have the courage I'll cancel it and rebook it for a few days later for when I'm 7 weeks.
I am glad you are feeling better from that awful day on Monday but I am also glad you are still feeling a little sick. I would guess it is probably ms now. I was wondering how you were feeling today.

I love the name Ginny. We had a Harry Potter theme for our ferret names (all our pet names - except one - are from books. we are big readers here :)). We first had Fawkes and then got Fred and George. Then Ginny and, finally, Harry. Our other pets are Blue (non-book related name), Frodo, Iorek, and Brom. I also had a betta fish that was named Dustfinger. I have already decided our next dog will be Tyrion. :)

I hope you are all well!!

(we have a fully working bathroom and kitchen now :happydance:)
yay for water!

I love hearing the stories behind names for pets/children. We don't have any pets - DF is a cat person but where we are building our house you are not allowed to own a cat as we're close to a protected forest. So we'll be getting a dog once our garden is done. I told DF I liked the thought of naming the dog after a historical figure - but he thinks it's a bit strange to give pets "people names".

Then again, when we were trying to figure out a name for M he suggested "Fergie" if M was a girl, because that was his favorite pet cat growing up. I think it's a bit strange naming a baby after a cat! lol

My actual name is Virginia, but a lot of my friends call me Ginny. Absolutely hated Virginia growing up, now I quite like that fact my name is unique and I'm usually the only Virginia most people meet :)
I love people names for pets :) But, I agree, cat names for people is a bit strange. Haha! My name is Mindy which it seems a lot of people call their dogs... :dohh: Haha! I really like your idea about naming your dog after a historical person. Do you have any ideas yet, or will it be easier when you see your future pup?

I really love your name. It is really pretty. I am usually the only Mindy too. I also hated my name growing up. It was just so different. It is funny how so many people feel that way about their name. I really hope we are able to come up with a name for our LO so they don't end up hating it. Being a teacher (we both are) makes it really hard to come up with names that you don't associate with a certain student, usually for a bad reason. :dohh:
DS's name is Max - and I know that's a fairly common dog name lol but we love it anyway!

Have you ever taught a Mindy? I'm studying to be an early childhood teacher and I just know I would love it if I had a Virginia in my class hehe

no proper ideas for pet names yet, will have to see what type we go for. Some of the breeds we're looking at are beagle, australian bulldog or pugalier (pug x caviler). DF really wants a British bulldog - but they are super expensive over here ($3000 for a puppy) and we know they often come with health problems. Aussie bulldog is a good alternative but they're not as cute
I love people names for pets. My cat is called Daphne, which most people think is hilarious, but it really suits her. I was reading a bounty club post on Facebook yesterday and someone had asked for name suggestions for a girl - and oh dear oh dear. The most chavtastic names were suggested. Everyone basically posted their own daughters names. It seems that in a few years time, in the UK, every single little girl in primary school is going to have a hyphenated name, and be called something-Mai or Mae. Almost all the names were either names that are pretty but extremely common at the moment, like Lily Rose or Ella Grace, but some of them were monstrous. Someone suggested Naeveh as it is heaven backwards, and there were a lot with such ridiculous spellings that they had actually had to put the pronunciation in brackets. Now if they have to do that, imagine the poor child that is saddled with that name for her whole life? Don't get me wrong, I like unusual names (like Virginia) and I know Loz's two sons have unusual names, but I like those because they are proper names, spelled correctly and not made up!
Ooh that was a rant for this early in the morning!
I know 2 babies with 'Lily' in there name - a Lily-Rose and a Liliana

I know lots of 'Noah' babies too
Lily was always one of my favourite names but there are so many of them. I always thought I would have a Lily as I went to see a medium about ten years ago, and was spoken to by a Lily. The things that the man said to me, about mainly my grandparents who had recently passed were spot on, to the detail of my grandad taking me to the pantomime every year, but I had never known a Lily. I asked the chap about this, and he told me that sometimes the spirits that contact him are not necessarily people who have passed, but sometimes people who haven't been born yet. So back then, I thought I would have a daughter called Lily. Now I wonder if it's one of the babies I have lost. I've dreamed several times that one of them was a boy called Leo, and that's not a name I would have chosen either, though I don't mind it.
Hey ladies!!

Loving all the name talk, we have a girls name planned but if its a boy we are a bit stuck!!

Mindy, your ferrets are sooooo cute!! I also had a picture in my mind of them on a beach with their hands behind their heads chilling out!! Glad you haev some water now!!

Ginny, I would try and wait it out till you think you will be 7 weeks, thats just my opinion but around here they wont do a scan before 7 weeks as everything is so small and as each day goes by its easier to calculate dates and things. Take care of yourself.

I am soooooo bored at work, i couldnt leave any earlier as i used my holiday taking random fridays off and making shorter weeks, also didnt want to be at home too long and waste maternity pay at the other end!! So ive plodded on sitting at my desk and emailing and internetting etc, really craving Friday afternoon now though!!

I love people names for pets. My cat is called Daphne, which most people think is hilarious, but it really suits her. I was reading a bounty club post on Facebook yesterday and someone had asked for name suggestions for a girl - and oh dear oh dear. The most chavtastic names were suggested. Everyone basically posted their own daughters names. It seems that in a few years time, in the UK, every single little girl in primary school is going to have a hyphenated name, and be called something-Mai or Mae. Almost all the names were either names that are pretty but extremely common at the moment, like Lily Rose or Ella Grace, but some of them were monstrous. Someone suggested Naeveh as it is heaven backwards, and there were a lot with such ridiculous spellings that they had actually had to put the pronunciation in brackets. Now if they have to do that, imagine the poor child that is saddled with that name for her whole life? Don't get me wrong, I like unusual names (like Virginia) and I know Loz's two sons have unusual names, but I like those because they are proper names, spelled correctly and not made up!
Ooh that was a rant for this early in the morning!

I posted on that thread! I suggested Leilani, which is the name I gave to my first angel lost at age 17 at what looked to be between 6 and 7 weeks. I didn't know I was even pregnant til I spontaneously mc'd and actually caught the little bean in my hand. Always felt that one would have been a girly.

We are fully stuck on names, totally completely well and truly deadlocked on the matter. At this rate my 4 year old will get his wish and Lil Fella will be called Monkey Bum Face!

LOVE the ferrets in their hammocks!

Ginny I bet by 7-8 weeks you will be feeling sick as a parrot! (NO clue where that saying comes from)
Hey ladies!!

Loving all the name talk, we have a girls name planned but if its a boy we are a bit stuck!!

Mindy, your ferrets are sooooo cute!! I also had a picture in my mind of them on a beach with their hands behind their heads chilling out!! Glad you haev some water now!!

Ginny, I would try and wait it out till you think you will be 7 weeks, thats just my opinion but around here they wont do a scan before 7 weeks as everything is so small and as each day goes by its easier to calculate dates and things. Take care of yourself.

I am soooooo bored at work, i couldnt leave any earlier as i used my holiday taking random fridays off and making shorter weeks, also didnt want to be at home too long and waste maternity pay at the other end!! So ive plodded on sitting at my desk and emailing and internetting etc, really craving Friday afternoon now though!!


Maybe you are stuck on boys names because your having a girly! My mum only had a girls name in mind for me, though towards the end she settled on Matthew for if I was a boy. With my brothers she only had boys names in mind.
I didn't see Leilani. That's pretty. I like unusual names, I just don't like names with ridiculous spellings and the hyphen thing really gets on my wick!
We have a boys name, and a couple of girls names in the running. All the ones I like Mark dismisses straight away but he never suggests anything sensible!
I have never taught a Mindy or a Virginia. I did teach a Neveah, though :S She was the most whiny, crying kid ever. She was cute as a button but all she did was cry! She would cry if she couldn't play the game she wanted, or if someone walked to close to her, or if she asked for my attention and then something happened that I had to attend to. Kids like that are a huge pet peeve of mine and they soon learn that crying gets them nowhere with me. I only subbed in that class, thankfully.

I love the name Max. I love one syllable names for boys. I also love uncommon names. But, like you said, Mrs. M., she should be spelled right and easy to pronounce!

I think the name Lily is so pretty but there were 2 Lilys in the school I taught at last year.

Mrs. M., your story about the Lily in your life was so touching. It is a wonderful thought that your angel is looking out for you.

Shawn and I were thinking of the name Zoe for a little while until 2 Zoes showed up in a matter of a month in our town. Haha! Zoe was always a name I really liked.

Clobo, we don't have a boy name either. I really hope that means you are having a girl. I am scared that we will end up with a boy only because we don't have a name! Haha! We still have plenty of time to decide anyway. Also, we are planning to find out the gender before so we will be extra prepared.

Lozdi, that must have been such a traumatic experience for a 17 year old. :hugs: You chose a beautiful name for her.
The key to a good unique name is indeed to find one that not many people have, not make one up with a wacky spelling! To each their own though! OH was the same for a long while, never a serious suggestion, its only this last week or so he is making valid suggestions...I just don't like anything he has suggested! Dexter got disagreed with, and Zander I like, but then theres Alexander up the road who my boys play with, and though it gets shortened to Alex most of the time sometimes they shorten it to Xander. I have explained to OH that it is best for him to pick the name, and for me to like it, because once I decide to pick a name for good, I WILL focus on one and become determined! Actually found myself referring to Lil Fella as Zander when I was having a little daydream about my 3 boys playing out together when Lil Fella is big enough to play with them in the garden, so OH might have left it too late already! :dohh:

Marcellus, Lucian, and Zander? Does it go well? :shrug: (better than Monkey Bum Face I reckon)

Another name I love is Arlo, but one of our friends in the non BnB world has a son called Arlo it would be a true case of name stealing, so thats out of the question.

Who on here was pondering Zander too? Was it you Pichi? My baby brain refuses t let me remember! :dohh:
I really like the name Zander :) I think it goes well with your other boys' names too.

I had a student last year whose brother is Zander. The student is D'Andre. I am not a fan of that name.

The boy name I really like is Finn. I also like Will, Jack, and Sam. Shawn is not liking Sam at all. Shawn's brother named his 2nd son Kayser Finley (don't ask...that first name is horrible - they pronounce it case-er) so I don't know if I want to do Finn, even though it is my first choice. Our friends who just had twins named them Benjamin and William (Ben and Will) so Will is out. And Jack is just too popular now. :S So we are back to square one.

Shawn doesn't suggest many serious names either. He does like Darwin but I am not sold on that one yet. I think he would like it for a middle name.

I find searching for a boy name overwhelming and I always give up.
Awww, I like the name Zander :) Alexander is my son's middle name (which my sis picked, she wanted me to name him Alexander and call him Xander for short :)) My two boys will be Logan Alexander and Liam Oliver. I think they go well together, but I have no idea what we would ever do if we have another boy (I want one more baby DH says we are done, so we shall see who wins that argument, LOL). I have the girls name Layla Marie or Lacie Marie picked out, so if we have another, it must be a girl!!! (Or a boy with a girl's name ;))

I was trying to come up with some less popular names when I found out I was pregnant last year on the list were Talley, Preston, Jerrek, and Owen, but none seemed to fit well with Logan, so my Mom was the one who suggested Liam and it kind of stuck :)
I have never taught a Mindy or a Virginia. I did teach a Neveah, though :S She was the most whiny, crying kid ever. She was cute as a button but all she did was cry! She would cry if she couldn't play the game she wanted, or if someone walked to close to her, or if she asked for my attention and then something happened that I had to attend to. Kids like that are a huge pet peeve of mine and they soon learn that crying gets them nowhere with me. I only subbed in that class, thankfully.

I love the name Max. I love one syllable names for boys. I also love uncommon names. But, like you said, Mrs. M., she should be spelled right and easy to pronounce!

I think the name Lily is so pretty but there were 2 Lilys in the school I taught at last year.

Mrs. M., your story about the Lily in your life was so touching. It is a wonderful thought that your angel is looking out for you.

Shawn and I were thinking of the name Zoe for a little while until 2 Zoes showed up in a matter of a month in our town. Haha! Zoe was always a name I really liked.

Clobo, we don't have a boy name either. I really hope that means you are having a girl. I am scared that we will end up with a boy only because we don't have a name! Haha! We still have plenty of time to decide anyway. Also, we are planning to find out the gender before so we will be extra prepared.

Lozdi, that must have been such a traumatic experience for a 17 year old. :hugs: You chose a beautiful name for her.

Indeed crying for no reason gets nowhere with me either! My 7 year old went through the oddest phase a few years ago- he would cry for the daftest of reasons, but if he fell over and wacked his head, or knee, or elbow, or all three, he would just get right up and not seem to care at all lol, from falls you would expect a massive crying reaction from!

Yes it was traumatic, but was a long time ago now, and the guy I was with became very abusive, he was also on serious meds for very acute psoriasis, which may have been why I had a mc. The most traumatic part was the fact we were about to DTD when it happened, a sharp pain, and a gush, so I put my hand there to see what it was and it was a lot of blood this tiny little thing, I washed it away. Was much later when I realised that it looked just like the pics of a embryo at 6 weeks, it was the right size too. Even had a little dot of pigment that would have become eyes. Sorry for the sad post- I am ok! It was so long ago and I know it sounds bad, but it was for the best- that man became so abusive, that having a child with him would have been cruel to the child.

By the way those of you who are stuck on boys names feel free to 'steal' Marcellus or Lucian! When OH gets home in a bit I think I'll run Zander past him and see what he thinks. I bet he hates it, like every other name I have suggested! :dohh::haha:
Yeah, Pichi's Mr Pea is Xander with an X.
Zander sounds good with your other two though. I like really old fashioned names, but there is a fine line. I like Elsie for another girl, and think it goes well with Edie, but my friend told me it reminded her of an old lady at a care home she used to work at who always smelled of wee. I also wanted Eloise for a girl, but Mark has put his foot down at that as well, saying it sounds too much like Louise and he doesn't like Louise. I like Iris, but no. We had this with boys names when I was pregnant with Edie, but we had settled on Edie when I was around 20 weeks.

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