Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

I haven't fallen over! But I do bounce off the doorframes quite a bit!

Fair wind to your arse! :haha::haha::haha: I wish I'd been in the cinema!:haha: At 17 weeks baby is still pretty well protected, probably just felt like a little bump to him/her. I did fall over when pregnant with my 4 year old but luckily stuck out my arms and came to a halt sort of diagonally- if I'd have not got my arms out in time I would have landed on my belly and I was about 7 and a half months gone at the time :wacko:

I think I may be in the build up to labour. Seems to be having actual contractions now, though they are mild- they are frequent and CM production has gone up, and I can feel baby pressing on my cervix. I bet if I gave in and felt my cervix I'd feel dilated, though at this point could have been 2-3 dilated for weeks and not know it lol....I will check my cervix on the 1st!
Ouch, Debzie! I hope your bum is ok. I hate falling on my tailbone. It REALLY hurts. I agree with Lozdi, I wish I could have been there to hear Emily shout that! I actually told Shawn about it and we both laughed! Haha!

I agree about the fruit/veggie ticker. It is strange. At week 11 they say baby is the size of a lime and then at week 12 baby is the size of a plum. The only lime I know that would be equivalent to the size of baby at that time is a key lime. Also, maybe your onion would be a sweet onion or a spanish onion because they are bigger than a regular cooking onion.

Lozdi! How exciting!! I am sending Lil Fella lots of stay in there for 4 more days vibes!! I bet you can't wait to meet your little guy. :D Well, you can wait until the first, but you know what I mean! Haha! Have you settled on a name yet?

I have had a headache since yesterday early afternoon. :( It got worse over night even though I drank 2 large glasses of water before bed (and paid for it! haha!) so now I am drinking the most delicious coffee ever. Haha! I hope it helps. I am having "digestive issues" so I am trying really hard to up my fibre and water intake. I need to go buy more fruit today. Blah on digestive issues. Haha!

I hope you are all well! :flower:
Hi Debzie, hope you are ok after your tumble. Pleased you had a good weekend. Looking forward to finding out what team you are on!
Hope, I can't stick Keith Lemmon so I'll definitely avoid that film!
Kelly, thanks for thinking of me! I'm away at my mums this week which is nice, getting cooked for all week, plus a bed to myself so I'm sleeping better. I'm sharing a room with my daughter but she seems fine with my snoring!
Pink, hope you get the veins sorted. I've always suffered with thread veins and fear they may cause trouble later on.
Loz, hope you manage to hang on til September! Ugh, cervix checking!
Ginny I don't blame you for getting the scan. So pleased all is well, you don't have to justify it to us!
Mindy, Clo, hope you are both well. Not long now Clo!
Feeling very sad today for my forum friend GirlinYork who has just suffered her third loss :cry: this journey is so cruel and so sad sometimes.
Mindy I hope your headache clears. Keep on with the fluids.
Re the fruit ticker, some of them are very dodgy! I'm a papaya this week, but according to other books/websites, baby is between 8 and 12 inches long! Which is it? And last week it was a banana. All the papayas I have ever seen are smaller than bananas! I think it's an American ticker and maybe they have some more impressive papayas than the ones we get imported.
Haha! I have seen some pretty large papayas. The most common ones to get around here are small but I have seen some really big ones too. Now I want papaya... Haha!

8-12 inches is a big difference!

I am really glad you are getting a good rest at your mom's. I am glad Edie isn't bothered by your snoring. From what you said about her sleeping so much/so well, I am pretty sure she could probably sleep through anything!

I saw that about GirlInYork, she posts in some threads I was posting on. I was so sad when I saw it.

The coffee helped my headache while I was drinking it but it is back again now that I am done. Makes no sense because I am pretty sure the effects of caffeine last longer than when you are drinking it! I think it may have been all in my head. I just made some fruit smoothies to make into popsicles and I have some leftover so I will drink that and then drink a big glass of water and hope that helps! My kitties aren't doing a good job at helping me to feel better right now. I have one on each side of me and I am HOT! Haha! And we can't open windows because the rain is coming in... Ok, enough complaining from me!

Oh, I forgot to mention. I have stopped the baby aspirin. I am scared to death. The fertility specialist recommended I stop at 12 weeks but I was worried about that because I didn't tell her about my Raynauds. I called her nurses' line and they spoke with her and she said for sure stop it. :S Today is the 2nd day without it. I am scared.
Well at least you are almost out of the first tri now, hopefully it's done it's job! I worried like that when I came off the progesterone.
If anyone had told me to stop the asprin at 12 weeks I would have ignored them, honestly if your unsure, which you clearly are, you should start taking them again. Its completely safe to take til you are 33/34 weeks. You would never forgive yourself if something were to happen (nothing bad will happen, but you know what I mean) wild horses couldn't have made me stop asprin at 12 weeks, no way. I was unsure about stopping at 34 weeks truth be told. Your instinct is telling you its a bad idea to stop at 12 weeks, and we have instinct for a reason. All the vital stuff is formed by the end of first tri...but baby still needs optimum blood flow through the placenta, and asprin is excellent for that, and that need for optimum blood flow does not stop at 12 weeks, baby needs that all the way through. A obstetric consultant actually agreed with my taking of asprin til 33/34 weeks, and on the NHS, they don't tell you to do something, or agree with something, unless there is no harm in it, and if it needs stopping at 12 weeks, she would have told me. She did say its helpful in preventing pre-E aswell as keeping bloodflow optimum.

Sorry to hear about Girlinyork, I can't imagine how she is feeling right now. :cry:
I really don't know what to do. :( I don't think I will have high bp issues. I have always been on the cusp of having low bp. What would aspirin do with low bp? I just don't know. Maybe I will get my gp to send me to an ob/gyn early and have a chat with them.

In my heart I really wonder if my first pregnancy would have worked out had I stopped eating all gluten. I don't know for sure what happened but I know I gave into cravings and ate it when I wanted it it.
I stopped the aspirin after they found the bleed around the sac at 6 and 9 week scan. By my 12 week scan it had gone so I started the aspirin again. I do have high BP in pregnancy so it will help with that. Consultant said he wants me to take it up to 36 weeks when he will see me next.
apologies if i miss anything just trying to remember everything ive just read :haha:

loz - hope he hangs in there a few more days for you

debzie - ouch that sounds painful, i fell when i was 19wks the day we were going away i was carrying my straighteners and hairdryer down the stairs but stupidly hadnt picked all the wire up so the plug dropped just as i was putting my foot down slid on the plug and fell down the rest of the stairs, hope your not in to much pain, but yeah id go with the dvd atleast u can turn it off and havnt spent what it costs to go see it at the pics

mrs m - awful news about girlinyork :cry:

ts - hope the headache disappears soon

scan went well midwife reckons im just destined to have small babies, hes measuring normal but the smaller side of normal so next one is 32 weeks, and my god they actually weighed me for once and soooo happy that im still lighter than what i was before i was pg so so far havent put on any weight at all :happydance: lets see if im doing that in 4 weeks time :haha:, couldnt get any good pics as he had his face squished right into the placenta and refused to budge apart from one point where he had one hand in front of his face and the other behind is head :haha:
Hi Everyone, I am still in the shock/excitement/don't want to jinx myself mode. I had a very emotionally painful MMC last year, almost a year ago. We were going to my RE for infertility treatment, for secondary in fertility, when I found out I was pregnant, shortly after an HSG [I wonder if the timing helped then]. I had a few non sticky beans in between, where I would get the positive [faint] tests on FRER etc.. and then a few days to a week later AF showed, and it obviously didn't take. Then, in between all of this, I had a massive fibroid removed in staged resections..between November and January, and I got clearance for TTC'in in mid from March til now, we've had one non sticky, and now I am pregnant again...I'm only 14dpo, and FF says that AF should show on Thursday. I have been testing since Saturday night and getting faint lines on FRER and clearblue..but finally lit up a higher sensitive [25 miu/L] test today...not with fmu though. So now it is sticking with me, that I am pregnant. I called my RE, and went in for a confirmatory blood test an hour ago, and she will give me progesterone if needed...and follow me until 10 weeks, where I will get referred to a high risk specialist. I will change my ticker and FF once I hear what my HCG and Progest. levels are...

Symptoms to date have included: nausea, pinching and pin pricks in my stomach and in my cervix, increased appetite, frequent urination, headaches, bloated, oh and the worse, insomnia in the middle of the night, and massive fatigue during the day!

Sorry for the long post. Praying for a sticky bean! Keeping the faith in HIM, and glad to find some people in the same situation.
Hi Rashaa, welcome to our little group! I'm sorry for your losses- its been a hectic journey for you I see! Your symptoms sound excellent! I bet this one is your rainbow :hugs:
Oh no you cant call it a donut, they are my favourite, ill never look at one the same again now!! :rofl:

I love wine :wine: but only the odd glass here and there, I stopped drinking more or less complately when we started TTC and so haven’t really had much in the last three years so I don’t really miss it.

Kelly, I am SO sorry about your doggy, that’s awful news chick. Cramping can be very normal at 9 weeks, it’s the time the baby and uterus are growing at the fastest rate so not surprising that you are feeling twinges and changes. Hee hee soppy monkey you, that’s what we are here for :hugs: I too had lots of saliva to start with, think our bodies are making excess fluid and it has to come out somewhere!

Mindy, hee hee that’s a good pic, I think you look fab, I was really bloated early on its completely normal but I think you look lovely! Glad your babysitting went well, its weird getting the practise in isn’t it?? :baby:

Ginny, I seriously wouldn’t worry about a couple of days either way, your little bean is soooo small at the moment its very hard for the sonographer to measure exactly and its always subjective anyway, I bet if another person did it you would get a slightly different result again. Don’t be embarrassed, after my first scan I had them at 7, 9, 11 and 13 weeks at the fertility clinic just cos they said I could keep going in if I liked.

Lulu and Rashaa, welcome my dears, congratulations on this pregnancy and sorry for your earlier losses.

Debzie, wow 17 weeks, :happydance: Lol at Emily, that’s really funny!!!

Loz, now I want cheesy wotsits too.

Pink, sorry about your VV, yes id get the support socks, especially if we get any more hot weather days, that’s when my legs/ankes swelled the most.

Hope, aw that’s a shame about the Keith Lemon film, I love him! Glad the scan was ok chick.

MrsMig, oh no about GirlinYork, that’s awful news :cry:

AFM, getting wierdf Braxton Hicks and this evening felt some weird period pains so Loz Im hoping im starting something soon too! Bring on those full blue moon babies!!!

Welcome to our little thread, Rashaa. So sorry to hear of your losses and your long road to get here. All of the women here are just wonderful.

My darn headache just won't budge. :( I am assuming I will just get one every now and then and just have to suffer it out. :dohh:

Clobo, those symptoms sound very exciting!! I can't wait to hear all about your new little baby. You better come back here after baby comes!!
Of course i will, you have been cheering me on so ill keep visiting you guys and keep cheering you on, I want to see all your babies too!!! xxx
Debzie - that's so exciting that you'll find out if you'll be having a little girl/boy soon!

Kelly - I'm so glad you have a ticker as I sometimes look at it to see what fruit I am! yay we're both olives now! lol

Loz - now that you're past 37 weeks, hope bubs makes their appearance soon!

TS - I had a bad headache the other day and water + sleep seemed to cure it. Hope it eases up soon. Could you maybe let your GP know that you're anxious about stopping the aspirin and do they mind if you just keep taking it anyway. That way they'll either justify to you why you should stop taking it or at least they'll know that you are taking it

MrsM - I saw girlinyork's news as I've been lurking around in the April PAL where she was posting a lot. It's so sad and unfair how things work.

Hope - glad your scan went well :)

AFM - thanks for your kind words everyone :) I've been feeling better since I've found the heartbeat (I think) a couple of times on the doppler. The highest it shows is around 165ish, but I'm guessing the doppler isn't probably as accurate as the scan.

One of my aunties called me yesterday to ask if I was pregnant! She saw my at a family occasion last Friday and I guess she though my bloat was a proper bump. She was very surprised to hear I was only 9 weeks :haha: Anyway, because I didn't want her talking to the rest of the family about it until we're ready to tell everyone I told her about the miscarriage. It was such an awkward conversation because she has a son that has quite severe cerebral palsy, so she kept going down the path of it's nature's way and for the best etc. I just felt weird after talking to her about it all. I wish these types of problems just didn't exist :(
Aw Ginny, I know its horrible isnt it how cruel the world can be sometimes. :hugs: Yay for doppler though, thats rally cool that you can hear it so early!!

Morning all,

TS - I agree with loz, no way would I ahve stopped at 12 weeks either. Maybe call up the Dr and ask why they want you to stop and make sure they give you a full answer not 'just because it has done it job now' and see how they feel about letting you continue. No one has batted an eyelid at me self prescribing aspirin and just told me to take until 32weeks.

Ginny - the worry never really goes away, even now I still check tp, I think its habit though but it does get easier and it great that you can hear the hb, nice and reassuring. Although sometimes it is nivce to be able to talk about the mc if people don;t respond the right way it can become awkward and although your Aunty was seeing it from the other side should not negate the loss you had, regardless of whether 'it was for the best'.

Loz - how are you today? Great that you are feeling changes but tell Lil fella to hold on for 3 more days!!

Clobo - anything from you? It is so exciting we may get to meet your babies very soon!

Hi Rashaa.

Kelly - hope you are feeling better each day was just going to ask when your next scan was and saw your ticker :dohh:

Debzie - aww what did they say to change your mind about finding out? not long till you will be blue or pink team.

afm - had my mw appointment yesterday. I forgot to collect my pee when I first got up but managed to sqeeze some out later, then got to the top of th e road before remembering I had forgot my mat notes!! :dohh:

I saw another mw as my normal one was on holiday and she was really nice (still not sure about 'my' one, I just don't seem to gel with her). Had bloods for glucose, anaemia and blood typing, the rhesus bit. Blood pressure was good and bump measures according to weeks. He is still lying transverse but she said there was still lots of time for him to move, although for some reason I just don't think he will. After googling it seems like transverse makes a few things more uncomfortable, like sleeping, which makes sense to me. I have to go back to the practice nurse to get measured for some sexy support stockings next week- nice!! But I might buy these as well

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