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CD 10 & TTC after MC (in Dec), 2nd cycle trying since, anyone wanna buddy up?

Rose, I Hope your head cold feels better. What is it, just a stuffy nose? or more? I know nasal congestion can be a sing too ;) Maybe ur AF cramps are not AF cramps, hope they are PG cramps.

Kate, sounds all good on your end too. lol @ the 'farting'. I had that too last night at work. I thought the same thing. Do u normally have sore (.)(.) before AF? I try and ignore that symptom myself, bc it seems I always get that the week before AF.

I also try to ignore my bloating and choc cravings, bc they are monthly too. But that spotting? I dont know what to think. I only remember IB with my 2nd son, but I didn't know what it was at the time. Happened right at the time AF was due, and we weren't ttc so I thought it was AF. I learned later after confirmation of PG that it was IB and not
AF. The spotting is completely gone now, and the cm is back to sticky clear/white. But not alot like I read about? A few times I thought I felt wet, but it was not too much, just there when wiped. I'll keep watching it. So far cerix still closed but medium firmness, not soft. Isn't it supposed to get soft if PG? I do feel very FAT...yuck!! But I feel that way sometimes before AF.

The hotflashes continue, but I am leaning more towards the thyroid medication as the cause. I may need to have my dose adjusted. Tummy feels better, a little quesy still, but nothing like it was. At least I was able to eat with running to the bathroom all night!

Work was HELL last night. Not a minute to take a break. Its so stressful, and probably the cause of my 'infertility' grrr.

My poor dog might be 'done'. Hubby said she got herself into the bathroom (she never goes there) and collapsed and stayed there all night. didn't go out, didnt drink water, just layed there. She was still there this am when I got home, soaking wet laying in a pool of urine. Poor baby :( I cleaned her up and carried her to her dog bed. She is just lying there now, sleeping. I am waiting on a call from hubby to decide what our course of action will be with her. Her quality of life is not good right now if she cant even walk and is peeing and pooping on herself. It's soo sad.

Ill be back later. Need to figur out my day, and I am hoping it includes a long nap ;)
Allo allo girlies!
To Kat- HOW sad and awful about your old pup... :( Im sorry. We had an old one get old and frail a few years back and had to put her down, it was dreadfully hard and sad. :cry: DH had had her since he was in college- and it broke his heart. sniff... Im sorry you are facing this, it seems like I can divide the phases of my life by my dogs (had them my whole life) and they end up being best friends for sure (better cause they never judge and always have time for you!) Big hug to you friend.

I have to say on the baby front it sounds like both of you dolls are having some very positive signs, I am feeling encouraged by what everyone is saying. I prefer this month- theres so much more hope!

I remember the farting SO well- they STANK and DH was not impressed. :) plus I was craving broccoli and that did NOT help matters. yuck. :haha:

Kat- I think the spotting meant something- I do. I hope so!!

thanks for the kind words- I am feeling so much better today. Slept well and woke up feeling stuffy again but it seems to have mostly cleared up! :) my head is still aching but at least my nose isnt red and chapped from the constant blowing! :) yesterday i felt muy malo- felt really tired and my head was killing me but had a nap which did a world of good. today was HECTIC or I would have done one again. mmm... nap... :sleep: Ive heard it can be a symtom too but this felt like a little cold.

still having very light AF cramping which I think would have probably gone by now if it was something else. but time will tell! AF is due Friday so if she doesnt show by then Ill poas. (FX FX!!)

luckily I am a little calmer now about it not being my month now (if I dont get my bfp) so feeling more peaceful... ill still be sad but I understand that these things take time. lifes a bitch right? :) watch me fall apart if AF shows. peaceful may ass... lol.

Kate- congrats on your anniversary! Have a wonderful dinner and stuff yourself like a Christmas turkey! :cake:

Kat- you done with work for today? I hope so- you need to SLEEP girlfriend. you going to poas tomorrow morning? let us know! FX!!!

xo to you both!
Kate I forgot to congradulate you on your anniversary, sorry. But one year is a great milestone :thumbup: Cheers to a lifetime of happiness together!! :wine:

I 'want' to think that the spotting meant something too, I do. However, i am becoming more doubtful. Of course I have a cabinet full of tests, so holding off just doesn't work. Today was another :bfn: It wasn't first morning urine, but was about a four hour hold on it, so I think it was concentrated enough. Used internet cheapie, 20miu. I will still test tomorrow, but this feels all too familiar, so I am bracing myself for AF arrival. The CM has gone back to creamy white, with no trace of blood, but there still isn't too much of it. And I now have a headache which I frequently get before AF. Oh well, there is always next month :cry:

Dog seems a bit better today. She was able to walk more, but still falling frequently. And she is loosing her urine uncontrollably. I spend more time chasing behing her with a towel and mop, then anything else. Hubby read some stuff onlie about toxins in dog food that can cause seizures, so we are experimenting with changing her diet. Who knows, it's worsh a shot, right :shrug: ?
Well, maybe I should just go ahead and consider myself "out". :cry:
Tested this am with FMU and it was another BFN. :growlmad:
I guess I expected that. Yesterday I had a hair-sized string of blood in my CM one time, but then the rest of it, uo to and inclusing this am is creamy, but not a lot of CM at all. And the migraine is getting worse! I usually get them before AF. I think that if the pink discharge I had the other day was IB, hcg would show up in the urine by now. Don't ya think?
Also, I woke at about 330am and temped and temp was down a little (still above coverline though) it was 97.58. But when I woke again at 6am it was 97.89. I charted the 6am temp, bc that is what ff recommends, but I don't know that is more accurate bc i dont sleep well after waking the first time.
So, I will just sit here and wait :coffee: for the :witch: to arrive :cry:
Maybe I will take this next cycle 'off'. This is making me nutty.

But I am excited for both of you girls :winkwink:
How is everthing going with u both? There is still a chance for y'all. Can't wait to hear from you.
Have still got the windy pops :wacko::wacko::wacko: I am producing enough gas to power a gas station, honesty, not pleasant for my love ones at all, and they are oh so stinky! Even my dog leaves the room now!! Not sure what I am feeling today, am still have cramps now on and off during the past few days, kinda feel like period cramps but also a bit like a tugging in my uterus. So not really sure what to make of those? What do you guys reakon, am 9dpo so could be AF cramps right? And am still farting like a trooper and am sooooo hungry all the time I could eat everything in sight and am superly duperly tired. But again, these are all AF sypmtoms too so am trying not to read too much into them.

My (.)(.) do usually hurt before AF, when I was pregnant before they also got really heavy and really warm to touch, kinda feels like that now. Also they have gone super big, I am big anyway so am busting out of my bra right now, OH loves it thou the little sod!!! And has some tingling in my left nipple earlier today, bit random I know (hy not the right one as well!!!!) So not sure what to think. At the meal last night I said to my OH, right I am going to flip a coin and if it lands on heads then Im pregnant.... and guess what it landed on heads :happydance: Absolute nonsense I know but TTC drives me to insanity!!!! Only time will tell, am away from tomorrow till Sunday so will test Monday if the :witch: hasnt arrived by then, will be 13dpo.

Rose - Hang in there Duckie, when you planning on testing, how many dpo are you know hun? Glad ur cold has gone :) :) :)

Kat - Those bloody :bfn:'s really sorry chick, keep yourself busy and try not to dwell on it too much (easier said than done!!) its not over yet. Not sure what to make of the blood in ur CM yesterday, when is ur AF due again? Maybe its just left over from the IM, was it old blood? Your temps are still looking good so dont give up yet sweetie :hugs:

Hope you ladies have yourself a lovely day

Kate xxx
Just had a peek at both of your charts and they are both looking good. Rose -all depends on todays temp, let us know, have everyting crossed for you :hugs:
no, the blood was red, but really was a thin thin string streaked across creamy CM. Maybe I scratched something in there with a fingernail or something? who knows, but it only happened that one time and since haven't noticed anything. But I still am doubtful because of the BFN. I was thinking that between the hotflashes and pink CM it was my month, but now I just think that the hotflashes are side effect of my meds, and idk what to think about pink spotting.
hey guys!
Sorry about the BFN Kat- I got one too this morning- SUCH a bummer. Im already 12dpo so I think Im out for sure. I have heard that you have to wait til the day after a missed period for it to 93% effective (read that somewhere) so I suppose there is s SHRED a hope but Im not holding my breath.. Youre still only 10 or 11 dpo right? I dont think the HSG would always show up yet. It double every 24-48 hours right? so I dont think you could know for sure just yet.
the spotting is weird. no idea what to think about that either sorry :( the fingernail theory sounds plausible.

Kate- I think all your symptoms sound VERY promising. My friend who just found out she was pg (5 days early btw- SO unfair, AND they werent even trying. Her husband just looks at her and she pops one out. SHEESH!) took a test cause she was ravenous. That was her one and only sign. so there you go!

about the coin flipping- SO funny, I do that kind of thing ALL the time. We're driven to this!!! :haha:
the left nipple itching is strange too. not sure Ive heard that one but I havent heard em all! :) funny.

as for me, my temps are not falling too much but they never do til AF so I dont think its a good sign til its been 4 days after AF is due and they are still high. my LP is typically 13 days but has been 14 before so AF may not come until Saturday. (mind that this is also all based on my half ass knowledge of when or even IF I O'd!) Havent had too bad of cramps yet. Hope they dont come!

Im currently waiting for a call from my dr, I want to ask her a coupla things like if I never O'd would AF come on 'time' or will it get all messed up? I never miss periods so I would hate that- Id always winder if I was pg! Id be poas'ing like it was my JOB.

that and a few other things. like would my temps have gone up/stayed up in the 2nd half of my cycle if I never O'd? thats a good question too.

I am EXHAUSTED. I still have a bit of a head cold (think its terrible allergies) and I nearly crashed earlier blinking too long! NOT good... :blush:

Hope yours days were good! more tomorrow! xo
well, I am not holding my breath either so we can both breathe together. who knows, maybe we will both start a new cycle together. i am 12 dpo now, i think, so i believe test would show positive by now. i read on FF that 71.4 percent of tests from rite aid brand come back positive on 11 dpo, so, i dragged myself to rite aid and bought 2 tests, even though 8 have others in my bathroom. Another BFN!! I am not upset now, i am already used to the idea of starting another cycle. just want it to happen NOW. then I go to fertilty specialist on tuesday. hopefully they can explain why i cant get PG.
the spotting has returned. I am at work now, its 2am, and I have BAD AF cramps. pink dc each time i go to bathroom. so i wont be surprised if AF shows up tomorrow! stupid witch!!
rose, i must say though, your chart does look good still. I wont be temping til afternoon sometime bc i will sleep during the day. but i believe my lower temp wwas the right one and i expect to be back to my lows by tomorrow or saturday, grrr.
kate, you AND your Gas sound terrific, lol ;) i sure hope thats from PG. how many dpo are u (about)?
Wow this really SUCKS! I was hoping NOT to have to go to the Fertility specialist. I hate sitting in doctors offices. Man oh Man, if only ttc were easy.
You know I had my 1st son when I was 18? was pg after one 'accident'. if only it were that simple now :(
well, hope u r sleeping soundly. talk to you tomorow. goodnight.
Hey Ladies

Hope you both ok, any news? Hope your temps are still up girlies :)

Im away now for the weekend so no access to the internet again! Hope the :witch: stays away for you both and you have some exciting news for me on my return on Monday!!! Im still hopeful but will test on Monday mornign unless the :witch: arrives.

Have a fab weekend xxx
I am OUT! The witch showed her ugly face today...FULL FLOW. Which makes my luteal phase ONLY 11 DAYS...WTF? Is that enough time for anything to happen? Looks like I do have things to discuss with the specialist after-all. Back to cycle day 1 for me...AGAIN. UGH I could scream!

kate i know you are away, hope things stay good for you.

Rose, whats new? I saw you temp dropped, how are you feeling?Weird thing for me is that my temp didn't drop. I dont undestand this cycle stuff. Keep me posted as to how you are doing, k? Talk to you soon ;)
I just checked in And realized that my post from this morning did not post!!!
I am so tired and rewrite tomorrow but wi tch got me too. Sorry for us both... :(
Will fill in mañana.
Hey girls.
well, AF arrived as I said.
I'm bummed, but it was magnified as it was also my 'due date' and I was just soooo sad. I planted some flowers though and it made me feel much better.
So anyways, since then I have spent a lot of time thinking and had a long teary hour with my therapist and have made a few decisions.

I have been obsessing now over this day in and day out and it just isnt healthy (and it clearly ISNT working or helping me get pg) so Im going to change a few things next month. I find myself going online and checking this site or doing research on anything TTC (Im sure you guys understand how maddening it can be) and I need a break.

I dont want to stop TTC but I need to be able to think about other things and not feel like im running myself in circles. So for the next month (starting today) I plan to take a break from the temping and the forums. Im sorry to abandon you both. I will certainly check in to see if Kate gets her BFP after this weekend. (got my FX!!) but other than that, I need to try to not to obsess, I hope you understand.
It isnt healthy and Im making myself so sad all the time.
Im going to miss you guys SO much but I have to try this. (it may not work, I could easily cave! :) )

so. that's that.

Kat- I am sorry about the witch... I had hoped this was the one for you :(
Im sure the specialist will be able to help you. Tuesday is close now, good luck my dear.

and to Kate- Hope you enjoy your weekend outside! Hope its lots of fun! and I hope the witch stays AWAY.

BIG hug and love you both xo

Ill check back in tomorrow. Enjoy your Sundays and Happy 4th to Kat!
Hey girls.
well, AF arrived as I said.
I'm bummed, but it was magnified as it was also my 'due date' and I was just soooo sad. I planted some flowers though and it made me feel much better.
So anyways, since then I have spent a lot of time thinking and had a long teary hour with my therapist and have made a few decisions.

I have been obsessing now over this day in and day out and it just isnt healthy (and it clearly ISNT working or helping me get pg) so Im going to change a few things next month. I find myself going online and checking this site or doing research on anything TTC (Im sure you guys understand how maddening it can be) and I need a break.

I dont want to stop TTC but I need to be able to think about other things and not feel like im running myself in circles. So for the next month (starting today) I plan to take a break from the temping and the forums. Im sorry to abandon you both. I will certainly check in to see if Kate gets her BFP after this weekend. (got my FX!!) but other than that, I need to try to not to obsess, I hope you understand.
It isnt healthy and Im making myself so sad all the time.
Im going to miss you guys SO much but I have to try this. (it may not work, I could easily cave! :) )

so. that's that.

Kat- I am sorry about the witch... I had hoped this was the one for you :(
Im sure the specialist will be able to help you. Tuesday is close now, good luck my dear.

and to Kate- Hope you enjoy your weekend outside! Hope its lots of fun! and I hope the witch stays AWAY.

BIG hug and love you both xo

Ill check back in tomorrow. Enjoy your Sundays and Happy 4th to Kat!

Oh Rose :cry: I am so so sorry. I wish I could make it better for you :flower:
I think your therapist is right, you will need a good break from all the ttc focus. It isn't good especially since it is making you so so sad. I know how sad things can get, and I do get sad. Maybe by this point I am more numb to it all and quickly ready to start the next cycle. But you dear, you need a break. I will miss you terribly, and I hope you can pop in once in a while to just say hello. I will message you my email, with no obligation, but if you feel like it, you can email me anytime. You do what you have to do, and I will be thinking of you often. I really hope the time off does you a world of good. Hopefully I will see you on here in a month or so with your surprise announcement. Happy 4th of July to you too, and take care of yourself. Remember that we are here for you. Big hugs back to you :hugs:
Rose sweetie, am sending you a big virtual hug and kiss :hugs: Sorry to hear that you are so sad hun. Its so very emotional TTC and you are absolutely right to take some time out for yourself. Like Kat said we will miss you very much and if you need us you know where we are :) You will be in my prayers and thoughts and I really hope you are ok, lots of love Kate xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I am OUT! The witch showed her ugly face today...FULL FLOW. Which makes my luteal phase ONLY 11 DAYS...WTF? Is that enough time for anything to happen? Looks like I do have things to discuss with the specialist after-all. Back to cycle day 1 for me...AGAIN. UGH I could scream!

kate i know you are away, hope things stay good for you.

Rose, whats new? I saw you temp dropped, how are you feeling?Weird thing for me is that my temp didn't drop. I dont undestand this cycle stuff. Keep me posted as to how you are doing, k? Talk to you soon ;)

Im so sorry that the :witch: arrived Kat, booooooo :growlmad: What is your lutheal phase usually? I beleive it has to be anything over 10 days so Im sure 11 days is fine. I know you can take supplements to legthen the LP, maybe do some reseasrch hun but have a look at the below thread, some ladies have had a LP of 11 days and have conceived so dont worry too much chick :)


I am about 12dpo now, did an IC last night when I got back home from being away, it was about 8pm and I had drunk quite a lot of water and it was a :bfn:!! Im so silly! I told myself I was going to wait till I was late. Not sure about the IC, have heard so many negative stories about how crap they are and that how women even through they are pregnant, have not got a :bfp: till about 17dpo! So will just wait now till Wednesday now and see if the :witch: will rear her ugly head!!! Have been having cramping since about 7dpo on and off but it has gone away now so not sure what to think!

So FX she does stay away but if not I will be with you for this next cycle. The idea of another cyle feels me with dread but they do really go quicky, this last cycle has gone super quick for me, maybe thats because Ive been away. Am definately going to be temping next cycle.

Hope you have a nice 4th July hun :)

Thanks guys! You are both so sweet and I'm not sure Ill be able to stay away!! :)
ah man, Im going to miss you guys! good idea about email Kat, in fact Ill turn on the notifications if you send me a private message so you can always get hold of me if you need to. AND Im going to stick around until to see if Miss Kate gets her BFP! (SO hoping so! your signs sound good!! FX!)

can i ask Kate- was no temping this month a good thing? I figure it will help me sleep better. I had been waking a lot in the night, not peeing when I needed to and getting up at 6 so I thought to give it a break too but Im wondering if that will drive me nuts not knowing... Was it ok for you?

you guys must think im such a weenie. folding like this... therapist says she thinks it will help distract me. We'll see about that!
plus I have to do something else with my life for a while (I make baby clothes and mommy gear like hooter hiders) since it is so baby-centric. all I do is think about babies, make baby stuff/ try to make babies! :)
hopefully this break will do me some good.

anyhoo, Im thinking of taking an upholstery and caning class. Ive always wanted to know how to restore that side of furniture (am good at restoring wood) I thought it would be a cool skill to learn to do. what do you guys think? could I be an upholsteress? :) SO random I know but Im excited about it.

anyhoo. miss you both already!
I am OUT! The witch showed her ugly face today...FULL FLOW. Which makes my luteal phase ONLY 11 DAYS...WTF? Is that enough time for anything to happen? Looks like I do have things to discuss with the specialist after-all. Back to cycle day 1 for me...AGAIN. UGH I could scream!

kate i know you are away, hope things stay good for you.

Rose, whats new? I saw you temp dropped, how are you feeling?Weird thing for me is that my temp didn't drop. I dont undestand this cycle stuff. Keep me posted as to how you are doing, k? Talk to you soon ;)

Im so sorry that the :witch: arrived Kat, booooooo :growlmad: What is your lutheal phase usually? I beleive it has to be anything over 10 days so Im sure 11 days is fine. I know you can take supplements to legthen the LP, maybe do some reseasrch hun but have a look at the below thread, some ladies have had a LP of 11 days and have conceived so dont worry too much chick :)


I am about 12dpo now, did an IC last night when I got back home from being away, it was about 8pm and I had drunk quite a lot of water and it was a :bfn:!! Im so silly! I told myself I was going to wait till I was late. Not sure about the IC, have heard so many negative stories about how crap they are and that how women even through they are pregnant, have not got a :bfp: till about 17dpo! So will just wait now till Wednesday now and see if the :witch: will rear her ugly head!!! Have been having cramping since about 7dpo on and off but it has gone away now so not sure what to think!

So FX she does stay away but if not I will be with you for this next cycle. The idea of another cyle feels me with dread but they do really go quicky, this last cycle has gone super quick for me, maybe thats because Ive been away. Am definately going to be temping next cycle.

Hope you have a nice 4th July hun :)


Hey Kate ... my "baby boy" turned 16 today!! I can hardly believe he is that old. We had a good day. BBQ and BDAY cake to celebrate with friends and family at our house. At least I got one good day of NOT thinking about ttc ;) So, it's CD4 for me now, and I will see the fertility specialist tomorrow. Mensus are tapering off now, and in another week I'll start my OPK again and watching for the big O. I really really want to try and stay calm this cycle. I promised I wouldn't symptom spot, and I did soooo much spotting it made me nuts! But I do know that the hot flashes were a result of my meds, bc I stopped them for a few days and no more. I did start up again, bc I cant have a hypothyroid, especially when ttc, but I will talk to the doc about lowering my dose. My LP is usually 13/14 days. I know 11 days is probably sufficient, it just seeems short compared with my FP, on account that I O'd late in the cycle.
I have heard mixed reviews on the IC. I use them bc they are sooo cheap and it satifies my urge to POAS. But maybe you should try a FRER. I also read on FF that Rite AId brand early result tests are very good. I have one, Ill be using it this cycle. Are you going to test in the am? Let me know how it turns out. Have a good night. :hugs:
Hi Kate... just checking in. I worked last night and will work tonight too, so Ill sleep the day away. How is it going? Any news yet? I keep going to check ur chart but forget you didnt chart this month, lol. Keep me posted if you can.

I saw the fertility specialist yesterday. We will have sperm analysis done, and more blood work to check prgesterone. He said the last check, it was at the lower end of normal, and he likes it to be higher. Also, he said that my spotting pre-menstrally may be bc of the progesterone, so I may have a short LP. He will prescribe a progesterone gel (vaginal insert) and see if that helps. Also, if my presterone is of,f my O might not be quite right, so I can start Clomid next cycle (although I am a bit nervous about that). But at least its a start, right? I was there for a full hour discussing everything, so I have confidence he will figure out whats the problem and fix it. Keeping FX. Hope u have a marvelous day and hope o hear from yousoon.
Hey Kat - Your probably fast asleep right now, hope your shift last night wasn’t too busy.:) Your visit the specialist sounded really promising, when do you get the sperm analysis back? Don’t really know much about progesterone, what is a normal level? It’s good that the doctor has issued the gel, how often do you have to use it? FX that’s the problem and it will get you a :bfp: this cycle so that you don’t have to start the clomid :thumbup: Clomid stimulates ovulation right? Have read a bit about it and it can produce multiple pregnancies!! Twins would be AMAZING!

Can’t believe you have a 16yr old son, you look so young my dear :) Hope you had a good day and 4th of July :) So am 14dpo, tested on 12dpo and got a :bfn: :cry::cry::cry: Was gutted, really, really, really thought this was my month what with random cramps, extreme tiredness and hunger but no it was mother nature tricking me as per usual. I can feel the ugly presence of the :witch: lurking so am just waiting :coffee: Really want her to come now so I can move onto two the next cycle! Have decided to make some changes this cycle, am going to give up smoking. I don’t smoke a lot to be honest but really want to stop as it does reduce fertility quite a bit. I have already given up caffeine. Am also going to get back to the gym as have become a slob these last few months, especially since the MC in March. I suppose I have been comfort eating! So a new cycle, LETS GO FOR IT KAT, really wanting to see two lines in 4 weeks!

Don’t work too hard tonight sweetie

Kate xxxxxxxxxxxx


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