CD 10 & TTC after MC (in Dec), 2nd cycle trying since, anyone wanna buddy up?

Yes, I think we will have a clearer picture tomorrow. maybe you were haveing a hot-flash. My the 'implantation' was giving you a hot-flash ? ;)
starting to become doubtful :( I dont want to be doubtful, but I feel like I always do the week before AF. CM still dry and what little a can gather for examination is changing, like it always does. from white to yellowish to now tan (almost brownish, but not quite). also, the chocolate desires are getting crazy, and I ALWAYS feel this way the week before AF. This is a bummer. AF not actually due until next Mon, but I already feel her presence. I feel like POAS just to convince myself not to get my hopes up anymore when I see the BFN. How can one go from sooo hopeful, to soo doubtful so fast? this sucks!!!
oohhh honey... dont worry yet, your craving could be pg cravings! and as far as the cm goes, arent lots of women dry if pg? its so early to know either way. alot could change in a week!
If it would make you feel better you could poas Friday with fmu. it would be 4 days early but it could read a bfp already right? if I were you I would try to wait til tuesday if af doesnt show (ive got all my fingers and toes crossed she doesnt!!) its easier for me to get a new cycle than see the bpn but its whatever will make you feel better.

Im sorry your feeling blue. I felt the same way driving home just now. not signs just a feeling... its so tough- all of this is.

Im here for you though!!! chin up darling, it aint over til the fat lady sings!!!
BIG huge hug :hugs:
I appreciate that. I am not really so 'down'. More like disappointed. I have gotten used to having AF each month by now, but I really hoped after having the HSG test, this would be my month. i know it's silly, and there is still time. I will still try and hold off until thurs, the 30th. It will be 4 days before AF actually due, but maybe with a FRER it will be accurate. If it Neg, I need to be ready. I needs to sink in so when AF gets here, I already expect her. Maybe, I am just tired. I worked all night last night and only slept 3 hours today, grrr. I am cranky. Just had a chocolate milkshake, which was delicious, but man, now I am totally sluggish and FULL.
Tomorrow will be a better day. I will be checking on your temp reading for tom for sure. Hope it stays up or goes higher indicating possible second rise. woo hoo, that would be GRAND ;)
Have a great night!
weeeell it didnt stay up... im wondering if I was reading it wrong all along. I got 2 thermostats out this morning and did it 3 times. the first one said 98.6 then (i think?) and then the last 2 said 98.1 & 98.19 so... who the f knows whats going on with that. its plausible that I got a bad reading OR read it wrong the past 2 days...

but anyhoo. Im still above my coverline but much more in the normal arena of where I should be right about now.

Im back to expecting nothing. aside from the headaches and occasional twinge in my left side,I feel normal. anyhoo, thats it for me. Hope you slept well friend!
Morning! I slept ok. Here is my question ... I usually fall asleep fine and sleep soundly, without disturbance, for several hours. But I usually wake around 3am to pee. So, just to be safe, in case I forget later, I temp before I get up. around that time my temp is always higher, at 97.9 or 98. When I go back to bed, I don't sleep well from that point on, I toss and turn alot. But then I always try to check my temp around 7 am and it is always about 97.45. So, which is the better temp to use? I use the lower, because it is my morning temp before getting up for the day. But, would it be better to use the temp taken AFTER an UNDISTURBED few hours of sleep, rather then the RESTLESS sleep? Either way I am still over my coverline, but with the lower temp, its not by much. Just a thought...let me know what you think. Feeling better today ;) Hope the day goes smoothly, and quickly. The plus is that its NOT raining!! Woo Hoo, finally, first sunshine in more than a WEEK!! Gotta love it! Hope you have a great day.
hmm... I would go with the first temp reading. I know you need a minimum of 4 hours sound sleeping. by 3 am I think you will have gotten that unless you go to sleep really late? the latter part of your sleep pattern seems like it could change your temp reading cine you're not sleeping well.
Hello ladies!!! So much to catch up on, sorry I havent been on sooner, got back yesterday and our internet broadband has broken so can only get online on my phone, rubbish! my phone is really poo so cant really read stuff propely so will have a catch up at work 2morrow, hope ur both ok and that the 2ww is going quickly! The holiday was AMAZING, am so relaxed and revived! Am about 5dpo now but thats just a guess has I havent been temping. Will have a proper catch 2morrow at work, have missed you guys x x x
KATE!!!!!!!! missed you SOOO much!!! you certainly do have a lot to read LOL, Kat and I have been keeping each other busy! So glad you had a great time! you must tell us about it manana! xo

We missed ya, been keeping each other busy. Glad your back, and enjoyed your vacation. Can't wait to hear all about it. So, you are not far behind us as far as DPO. Good, we can all finish off the wait together. Nice to see you back online. Have a good day

Im having what I could describe as AF pains... but its early. good sign? bad sign?
yeah cramps. its mild though. just feels like AF is coming... and Ive got some new cm (tmi- its kinda clumpy... and white. ?)
thats good, i think. r u usually dry at this time? what has the cm been like before? is there a lot of it, i heard thats a good sign.
No not a lot, I was really dry up until a few hours ago. Around this time normally there is a lot and its watery..
But you know, If I never ov'd then maybe my body is trying to get back to normal...
Who knows... I want to feel hopeful but I think month has been soo uber confusing, i don't know what to think.
Ive had a thought. a crappy one that would explain the AF cramps... If I never O'd then my cycle could very well be 26 days like last cycle or 28 instead of 30 like I was predicted (if Ovulated) which means I could be getting AF cramps cause Im going to get AF as early as Tues... boo... I hope not.
stupid baby making... why do you toy with us so? :(
G'night girlies
I know just what you mean. But I really think you O'd. It sure looks like it judging by your chart. How long is ur LP usually? I'll keep my hopes up for you.
So, I caved today and used one of my internet cheapies test. I had to. I was so doubtful and I always feel like seeing the negative (although I don't want to see it) it helps me mentally prepare for AF arrival. Of course it was neg. then, about an hour later, I glanced at it and there was this dull line, that wasnt there before. The dumb line was not pink though. It looked like a shadow. I kept looking at it in different light to decide what it was. I even tried to take a pic of it, but it didn't show up. So, I decided, it must be a ghost line, an evaporation line. first time I ever had one. I read about them all the time and always wondered what they are. so, I left it, and when I checked it again about an hour later, the stupid line was completely gone. Weird! But, since I already expected a negative, I didn't get my hopes up. But I can see how those dumb ghost lines can truely trick people. At least I got the POAS urge out of my system (for a day or two). I am only 7 or 8 DPO, so I have to try and wait it out.

Wellllllll hello lovely ladies:flower:

I have had so much to catch up on, have just been reading through the posts now so am fully update with you gals!!!! Am super annoyed that I haven’t got internet at home, really wanted to show some pictures of my vacation and of course chat with you guys. Got into work this morning and have been super busy all day, had over 100 emails to work through so feel like I already need another holiday! Plus I managed to get sunburn yesterday sat in the garden so have sunstroke as well!!! Oh well, at least it’s kept my mind off the horrible 2ww!!! So, let me give you my news, the holiday was so relaxing, did nothing but bonk :sex:, walk, eat and read!!!!!

The weather held out for us and did some amazing walks with the puppy. Didn’t think about TTC once (tell a lie, maybe a few times but was so nice not to have it on my mind). Didn’t bother temping as felt too much like hard work so am a bit lost as to where I am atm! I had my first high last Monday and 2nd on Tuesday so at a guess I OV either Tuesday/Wednesday. Don’t really get pains or EWCM so it’s really hard to pin point when it happened but at a guess Im 5/6dpo. So we liked had :sex: every day from last Saturday, was meant to be dtd every other day till I went high but as we were on our holidays it felt natural to dtd every day, so who knows, FX I have caught this egg as the thought of another cycle brings me to tears!! Not had many symptoms so far apart from Saturday had shooting pains/cramps with felt like it could be implantation but at 4/5dpo its properly too early, who knows!!! Really hope this is our cycle, would be grand to all get our :bfp: together and start the next part of our journey, I have everything crossed as it would be so amazing!

Afamilygal - Just had a look at your chart and I more than certain you did ovulate as you temps have stayed above the cover line, so did your CBFM go peak this cycle? Your temps do look really good chick, looked like you had a good dip on 9dpo, could possibly be implantation, FX! Sorry to hear that you are sad as it is nearly your due date, I reakon you should treat yourself on that day, go for a nice meal or for a picnic, or maybe you could plant some flowers in your yard. It’s so hard but we are here for you hun :hugs: The AF cramps sound like a really good sign, they say that implantation craps feel like your AF is coming so am really hoping that this is the case :)

Kat – How are you doing sweetie? Your chart is looking super good also. Sorry that you got a :bfn: but it is still really early, when is the :witch: due? Maybe leave it till 12dpo and test then as you don’t want to be disappointed or if you can try to wait till your due. It’s so hard though as a fellow POAS addict its takes a hell of a lot of will-power to say no!!! It’s like they are calling us from the kitchen cupboard, ‘pee on me, pee on me’!!!!! But like a family gal says, it’s not over till the fat lady sings!!!!Hope your sleeping better and that you are getting your chocolate fix!!! (Chocolate makes everything seems ok!)

Sorry for waffling on girls, feels great to be back :)


P.S - Manged to find a picture online of where we stayed, its was so cute, in the middle of nowhere with only sheep for company!! Was so lush, want to be back there now!!

Kate xxxxxxx

wow Kate... that place DOES look amazing. Talk about NATURAL... :winkwink::winkwink: I bet! So glad you got to go and relax a bit. Soon, I hope you can post pics.

Sleep is not good. :sleep::sleep: I dont know why. last night i tossed and turned ALL NIGHT LONG. Now today, I don't wanna get up. It's 9am here, and I am STILL in bed. Good thing is that all the kiddies are sleeping too :thumbup:

I don't mind the BFN (well...sort of). I feel like if :witch: is coming, it helps me mentally prepare. I O'd late this cycle, so AF isn't due until July 3rd (FF says 4th). I know its early, I am 8/9 DPO now. I read all kinds of announcements and threads yesterday about early BFPs, so It kinda makes me think the BFN is a true BFN. We will see. I have time. I work tonight and tom, and so since I am a stickler on using FMU, I wont be testing because I stay up all night, and pee all night too. After a normal nights sleep on wed, i will most likely try again on thurs am.
Oh sweetie, there is nothing worst than when you cant sleep :( Glad all the kids are still asleep, have you tried having a hot bubble bath right before bed, that sometimes helps me. Do you read? I always have to read before bed and I literally have to read till my eyes start closing otherwise I would never get to sleep!!! Hope you sleep better 2night my dear :)

Dont worry too much about the :BFN: when I was pregnant before the MC io got a :bfn: on 10dpo then a very very almost not there faint on 12dpo then a definate postitive 14dpo so please dont give up hope yet chick, we are all routing for you :hugs:

Hope you have a great day :)

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