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CD 10 & TTC after MC (in Dec), 2nd cycle trying since, anyone wanna buddy up?

ack. I HATE when I forget and pee... its so frustrating! what a pain- 4am? sheesh!
BUT I kinda think you need to disregard today's readings and wait for tomorrow... its too inaccurate to base any ideas on it, you know? Ive heard the way to get the best reading is to have been sleeping for a minimum of 4 hours and then check it before peeing or even talking... so wait and see tomorrow... it does sound like you did O.

Thanks for your advice, I think you're right- just take it day by day and see what feels right in my heart. Its actually REALLY nice not stressing about it for once! :)

I have a friend who is about to give birth (same time) and its sucky... I saw her Saturday and she looks so amazing... I keep trying to tell myself that it is too damn hot right now to be 9 months pregnant anyhow! :)

so I still don't have a high yet on my CBFM... its cd13 for petes sake. whats going on? maybe im not ovulating this month? does that happen to people? it just doesnt do it one month when it has been for a few months??

Kate- Did it take a couple cycles for your monitor to acclimate to your body? this is only my second cycle with it but I had borrowed a friend's the month before to test it out (liked it so much I bought my own) so Im only going off 2 cycles worth of info, its just really different this month.
or maybe Im going to have a REALLY long cycle. is possible I suppose.
I hate the idea that I may not ovulate at all! poo...

good news from the doctor Kat- horray! I hope this is your month! that way you don't have to go to the specialist! I always hear about women giving up and making appointments with a specialist and then they get pg right before! (I know 2 women who that happened to this year alone!) lets hope that's you too!! Have fun in the 2ww!

its so HOT already- its been 100˚ everyday! H.O.T!

Hope everyone has a good day. xox
100 degrees, wow that is super hot! Its cold and wet here :cold:! Not sure what is happening with your cycle hun but mine has been all over the place since the MC, the cycle after my MC I ov'd on cd12, last month was cd18 so who knows what will happen this month, FX its earlier that cd18, I hate those stupid long cycles, 33 days, bah! I wouldnt worry too much, Im sure you will ov, heres hoping you get a high 2morrow :) Keep me posted. Not sure about the CBFM getting use to my cycles as I got pregnant on the 1st cycle off using it but they say it can take a fews months. Its always a bugger when you have to start testing on cd7 then not ov till cd18, thats a lotta sticks!! And they arent cheap either :growlmad: Hope your ok hunny, it sucks seeing friends about to pop, epecially when it would of been your time too but like Kat says take this month out, take some time to youself, chill and try and forget about all things baba related. Im might take a month out next month if this isnt my cycle, no BnB, no temping or testing and no :sex: with the intent of getting pregnant. I think its healthy to take time out from TTC, its very exchasting and emotionally draining. But we are here for you sweetie whatever you decide :hugs:

Yay Kat - amglad your HSG is normal, that must be a huge relief :happydance: Heres hoping that you get your :bfp: this month and dont have to see the fertility specialist, I have everything crossed for you my dear. Hope you caught that eggy, Good luck with the 2ww :)

So am off on holidays on Saturday for one week, yipee! Am cd8 and still low on my CBFM so FX it goes high soon

Bye bye xxx
So I dont know what is going on!! At first I had signs that I thought I O'd before my HSG. Then I truely felt like I O'd between the 15th and 16th CD. My temp have been higher, but only slightly. So now yesterday I kept running to the bathroom bc I felt wet (sorry tmi). the was alot of EWCM! I worked all night and all night kept feeling it. had slight cramping on left side but not anything i would have even noticed if i werent obsessed with every twinge in my body right now. ugh. this is frustrating. not to mention, the OPKs which have been pretty dark all along, and the darkest on CD 15, was SUPER DARK yesterday on CD 18. so now, does this mean i didnt O yet and had my true surge yesterday? that would mean O on CD qo or later? i haver NEVER O'd this late. oh boy. i have the feeling this might be a LONG cycle for me too. and does that mean all that BDing we did is of NO value? oh I am soooo frustrated!
well heeeeeello!
im sure you cant wait for the weekend- its nearly here!!! horray!
sounds like maybe you will O when there? how romantic! maybe you will conceive there! Maybe a change of scenery could make a difference! ooo...fx! any highs yet? hope you O early too since you had to wait last month. that seems only fair! :)

on my end lets see... on cd15 and still no high! I really don't understand... when I pulled the test stick out of the monitor, it didnt even looked used (know how it looks kind blue/wet and has 1 or 2 lines.. it was still totally white! I may have not peed on it enough, I was so sleepy when I got up)

But I had saved the urine in a cup (just in case) so I dipped it in the cup for 15 seconds and both the lines were really clear... Ive had O pains AND a lot of CM.. Im so confused...
maybe the monitor is broken or something? I should be using OPKs too... I know I said I may not really go for it this month but Id at least like the chance to decide! :)

thanks for your support on that btw, that was sweet. as much as I want to break from it, I find I cant help myself from going online or daydreaming... its hard! :winkwink:

we are DTD everyday but its more for fun than anything else. especially cause I have no idea when Im due to O this month! :) :holly:

anyhoo, thats it for me. Having lunch with a friend who I havent seen in a while so Im excited to see her.

Miss Kit Kat- hows the 2ww? let me guess- slow?! :)

adios ladies xoox :friends:
whoa! we just posted at the EXACT same time! how crazy is that?
im so sorry you are confused too! its sounds as if you are Oing now or about to... plus your temp should have been higher right?
dont worry about the BDing from before, if you O'd then then you did all you can just do it now!!! :)
but maybe it is something else??? would that make any sense?
Wow...that was weird. we posted at EXACTLY the same time. Great minds think alike ;)
anyhow...what ese could it be. i think it would be way too early to be haveing anything related to a pregnancy. i think i am Od last night on account of the left cramping. but man oh man...i am usually sooo good about getting alot BDing in BEFORE my eggie arrives. i worry that by the time we BD tonight, the egg might not be fertile anymore. oh I hate this. i spend soo much time analysizing every situation.
that would be funny though if we were Oing at the exact same time, lol. afterall...we thought to post at same time ;) keep DTD and catch that egg. hopefully for me, some of the spermies have survived from a few days ago and can still fertilize my egg.
the bummer...i thought i was in the TWW already and now its like i took 3 steps back! now this wait will seem like forever for sure!
ow owy ow ow ow! having some SERIOUS O pains and it hurts! my cbfm must be wrong! wish I had some OPKs...
grumble grumble...

btw, tried the soft cup today. did NOT work. :) I thought it was in and then I went and peed and all the :spermy: fell out!!! so I felt around and sure enough, it was there at the front! maybe it unhooked or I never got it far enough back?
Im scared of it! :)
afamilygal... looks like we are 9ing the same time, so we will be in the same TWW window together. My OPK was super positive again today so since the EWCM has been so abundant...i am taking it as the big O. i will test about the 29th or 30th. How bout u? have been able to BD or has ur husband been away?
Kate...what day are u on? anythin on that fertility monitor yet? keep in touch.
Went and bought opk and poas at 10pm and it was too light so I guess I'm not??
Crap. Maybe. The cbfm read low again... My temps are still low though so I doubt it. DH leaves tonight, back sun, gone again mon... Grrr...
Silly baby making...

How's everyone else doing?
Hey ladies, just spent ages writing a post and its gone awol, Im sure I submitted it!!! Any hoo, just wanted to say that I will be out of action for the next week as there is no wifi at the cottage that we have rented. Will be nice to have the break but will miss you guys :) Afamilygal - hope you OV soon sweetie and that you can get in plenty of :sex: before you OH goes away and on Sunday. Yeah, Im not too keen on the softcups either, am never sure if they are in right, will give the another this time but might not bother after that.

Kat - Hope the 2ww flys by for you my dear, keep busy :)

So am CD10 and got a high today so will defo OV when I away so am hoping the sea air and chill time will help get me my :bfp:, am so excited to have a week off with nothing to do apart from CHILLING and some :sex: here and there!!!

Adios my lovely ladies, speak to you guys in a week

Kate xxxxxxx
Kate...Have a bLAST!! I think you have all positive things in ur near fututre, on account of your romantic cottage get-away :) Please make sure you post to us as soon as you get back and tell us all about it.

Afamilygal... I think if you BD now, before he goes, it covers you for the weekend. then when he is back on Sunday, do it again, and that should keep you covered for the next few days. Hopefully, by then the big O will have happened. I have my FX for you. ;)

Question...my temp dipped today to 97.1. It had been 97.6 or higher the past few days. Prior to that, in the first half of my cycle, it runs 96.5 to 97. So why the dip? does it dip right when O occurs, or just after, then go up? Or does it dip just before? I am so confused with all this Temping stuff. I usually can tell when I O, but now I am just not sure. And I don't know when to consider the start of my 2WW bc I don't know if/when O occured.

Soft cups... they really are not that bad, are they? I LOVE them. Have used them about 7 times this cycle. What I found out is that if you are laying down when you insert them, you can bear down a bit (which lowers the cervix some) and then the cup sort of just links itself around the cervix. then push upwards near the pubic bone and make sure it goes up high enough to not be pushing on the pubic bone. If it goes beyond the pubic bone, you wont feel it at all, and it stays level all day and no spillage occurs. But remember to elevate your hips/pelvis when laying down and bearing down, or you'll push the semen out. It takes getting used to, but once you have the hang of it, you'll never feel them and should begin to like it. Let me know how it works.

So, got another night of BD in, I am feeling better about that. I was afraid if I am Oing now, the BDing we did days ago, wouldn't be enough. time will tell.

afamilygal...what are your plans while DH is gone. you should PAMPER yourself and try not to think about babymaking, at least while he's gone. I find that the more I think about it, the more distracted I become, even during the BD. Like I am afraid he's gonna accidently pull out or something , LOL, sorry TMI. It's so HARD not to think about it though. you should set up some girlie time with close friends or something.

Keep in touch ladies. Have a good day :)

I think we are all in need of some serious :dust:

Kate- have SO much fun on your holiday- you will be sorely missed here on b&b!!! Like Kat says, we want to hear all about it when you return! But you go and MAKE that :baby: girl!!!

Kat- sorry you're feeling so confused- this month has been a tough one. not sure why your temps dipped... its all very odd. are you quite sure it isnt related to anything else? I dont mean to get your hopes up but I started felt my implantation 3 days after we DTD last pregnancy and a LOT on day 4. They say that is too early but I know I felt it. so it could be something right? OR your going to O late... just keep BDing til you see the temp rise, just to be sure... our poor DHs... I took a look at my BBT and I tend to dip 2 days before O... what is your pattern?

as far as I go, Im going to keep charting and trying to figure it out. maybe my cbfm wont give me a high and just go straight to a peak in the next few days. its not inconceivable that im just having early O pains on a LONG cycle. If I O 4 days from now, it would just mean its a 33 day cycle. stranger things have happened. but Im OVER fretting about it. Ive resigned this month to not being the one which I am ok with but I will still bd when I can just in case. :)

Kat- thanks for the advice on DH being away. Im going to go and visit my parents this weekend and then go out and stay at my girlfriends lake house for a night or 2 next week so I will stay busy and not let myself go crazy. (that's the idea at least! :winkwink: )
have any palns for this weekend?

xo my lovelies. just thought to say I think you guys are the tits and Im feeling very blessed to have a support group right now... here's some cyber luck for you both!!!
I think we are all in need of some serious :dust:

Kate- have SO much fun on your holiday- you will be sorely missed here on b&b!!! Like Kat says, we want to hear all about it when you return! But you go and MAKE that :baby: girl!!!

Kat- sorry you're feeling so confused- this month has been a tough one. not sure why your temps dipped... its all very odd. are you quite sure it isnt related to anything else? I dont mean to get your hopes up but I started felt my implantation 3 days after we DTD last pregnancy and a LOT on day 4. They say that is too early but I know I felt it. so it could be something right? OR your going to O late... just keep BDing til you see the temp rise, just to be sure... our poor DHs... I took a look at my BBT and I tend to dip 2 days before O... what is your pattern?

as far as I go, Im going to keep charting and trying to figure it out. maybe my cbfm wont give me a high and just go straight to a peak in the next few days. its not inconceivable that im just having early O pains on a LONG cycle. If I O 4 days from now, it would just mean its a 33 day cycle. stranger things have happened. but Im OVER fretting about it. Ive resigned this month to not being the one which I am ok with but I will still bd when I can just in case. :)

Kat- thanks for the advice on DH being away. Im going to go and visit my parents this weekend and then go out and stay at my girlfriends lake house for a night or 2 next week so I will stay busy and not let myself go crazy. (that's the idea at least! :winkwink: )
have any palns for this weekend?

xo my lovelies. just thought to say I think you guys are the tits and Im feeling very blessed to have a support group right now... here's some cyber luck for you both!!!

Havent been sure of anything lately, lol. But I did take a HPT right after my HSG bc I wasn't sure. It was neg. Again a few days after that, bc I wasnt sure again what was up with my temps and the OPK tests being so dark. again it was neg. So I think its a LOOONNNG cycle. I have only been temping and charting for a month and a half so not sure yet what my pattern is. I just signed up with fertility friend and filled it out since last month. It suggests that based on my OPKs and EWCM I could O between the 18th annd 21st CD. So, maybe I have, maybe I haven't. But I'll keep BD for sure.

As far as having O pains... I have been having Left sided cramping for more than a week now. Part of the reason I thought O was occurring. But maybe we just have really nice large mature follicles that are giving us a sign they are ready to be set free ;) I hope so.

Have to work on sunday night. But I plan on going shopping for DH for fathers day. Gotta get him something good, on account of how well he is tolerating my OBSESSIVE behaviors lately, lol. He's a great Dad too.

Talk to you soon.
hi ladies! long time no chat :( Just checking in on you both to see how things are going.

Kate I know u r probably still on holiday, but post when u get back, been thinking of ya.

afamilygal, anything on the monitor yet? how is it going with DH being in and out and getting some BD in? What CD are you on now, and did you O?

As for me, I am on CD 23. this really IS a long cycle. But I am trying so hard to be patient and not "sypmtom spot". I don't even know yet when I ovulated. :shrug: I know I have by now bc my temps are slowy rising each day, and my CM has gone from a wonderful and abundant EWCM to dry and sticky. i just havent figured out which day yet as i am still getting positives on the OPKs. Even fertilityfriend hasn't pinpointed it yet. Oh well, I am taking it lightly, and on a guess based on the above, I will say I am about 4-5 DPO. ok, so not bad, getting there, right? My guess is I will be testing at the very end of the month, maybe the 29th or 30th, if no signs of :witch: AF.

:hugs: Kat
hey Kat! sorry about your crazy cycle, what confusion! I appear to be in the same boat and its a bummer. :wacko:

I had mega Ov pains on Thursday and bought OPKs. the line was dark but not dark as or darker than but since then has gotten lighter and lighter by the day.

Then also my temp also went up to post Ov temps on Saturday (so I was thinking "ah, that settles it") BUT the CBFM went up to high so now Im just really confused... I would have said that I O'd on Thurs/Fri (also my good cm cleared up by Sat)
but then this f'ing monitor has thrown a spanner in the works. Im just going to have to see if it gives me a peak... Im back to wanting to TTC but feel like I cant now cause like you, I have no idea what happened! :hissy:

Ill keep B'ding today just in case but I dunno... like you- not expecting anything.

heres my chart in case you have any ideas: Im on cd19 and could be possibly 3dpo (FF thinks its 5 dpo, no idea why) or about to O... ARG!!!

My Ovulation Chart

well, heres to crazy ass cycles! :hugs:
whoa, sorry I am SO tired today. I meant my monitor went up on Sunday, my temps went up Saturday. :dohh:

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