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CD 10 & TTC after MC (in Dec), 2nd cycle trying since, anyone wanna buddy up?

hey Kat! sorry about your crazy cycle, what confusion! I appear to be in the same boat and its a bummer. :wacko:

I had mega Ov pains on Thursday and bought OPKs. the line was dark but not dark as or darker than but since then has gotten lighter and lighter by the day.

Then also my temp also went up to post Ov temps on Saturday (so I was thinking "ah, that settles it") BUT the CBFM went up to high so now Im just really confused... I would have said that I O'd on Thurs/Fri (also my good cm cleared up by Sat)
but then this f'ing monitor has thrown a spanner in the works. Im just going to have to see if it gives me a peak... Im back to wanting to TTC but feel like I cant now cause like you, I have no idea what happened! :hissy:

Ill keep B'ding today just in case but I dunno... like you- not expecting anything.

heres my chart in case you have any ideas: Im on cd19 and could be possibly 3dpo (FF thinks its 5 dpo, no idea why) or about to O... ARG!!!

My Ovulation Chart

well, heres to crazy ass cycles! :hugs:

Yours looks better than mine for sure! How do you get your fertily friend link into BnB so others can see it? Mine is all over the place. my opk still pos today, but i have to have Od...the CM is definitly not fertile, and dry and sticky so its harder to retrieve. i think you o'd somewhere where it said you did, if so thats awesome because you could be 5 dpo and didnt even know it! only 9 more to go, woohoo.
let me know if u can suggest how to get that link in there. thanks
you get the link from FF on the top to the right under sharing click on get code and you want to copy the bbCode Code

once you have that, go to your User CP on B&B and click Edit Signature

paste and save
hello dear! have you ever heard of a fertile focus Ovulation microscope?
ok...not so sure i did it right. when i clicked the link, the page is blank?
Hey little lady! Just checking in with you. The same for me here with my high reading on the cbfm and high temps... Still confused! :)
hope all is well with you? What day do you think you're on now?

Miss you Kate! Hope you're having fun!!

Hey little lady! Just checking in with you. The same for me here with my high reading on the cbfm and high temps... Still confused! :)
hope all is well with you? What day do you think you're on now?

Miss you Kate! Hope you're having fun!!


Good morning! :flower:
So FF just updated my chart and is saying I O'd on Sunday, which would make me 3DPO :shrug: I think I O'd Friday or Saturday on account of the EWCM being just prior, also having had O pains and on Saturday, there was thia tiny stretch of blood in my CM. They say sometimes O can cause a tiny bleed. either way, I am 3-5 DPO. I guess it would be to soon for ANYTHING. I don't FEEL any different. I saw your chart, it looks good. I guess the best determination is the thermal shift? It seems that its what FF goes by. DH and I did SOOOOO MUCH BD the week prior to O, because I thought I would O then. So now really I only got 2 BD in during my fertile window :cry: (according to FF). Gosh this stuff is hard. Its like trying to catch a fish, with your hands!!! :wacko:
How are you feeling? Anything new to obsess about? tiredness? bloated? sore bbs? and so on? keep me posted
you are SO right about it being hard- your fish analogy was a good one! :)
I hope you were able to catch the egg! I know 2 times doesnt seem like a lot but it only takes once! so you never know... Im rooting for you!!

I guess I did O on Thursday/Friday but I also didnt bd that much... we shall see!
Theres a chance I never O'd at all- thats what the woman at cbfm hotline seems to think. but if not then why did my temps rise? and so far they have stayed up (its been 5 days now) :shrug:

anyhoo... no symptoms or anything, I feel totally normal except my cm has dried up and it never normally does (but if I never O'd that would make sense too) and I had bad headaches up until yesterday. not sure thats a sign this early though. my bbs are fine and my tummy isnt doing anything out of the ordinary.

Hope youre having a lovely day ❤
I don't know about your monitor, but your chart looks great! i will keep an eye on my temps to make sure I O'd too. But here is a pic of my OPKs. Do you see a difference in the dark ones? I can't figure which is positive, they all look the same. :shrug::shrug::shrug:



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I see what you mean about cd23! so confusing... they all look really dark to me. from 19 to 23 really... 22 looks a little lighter than 23... how many days does it normally stay that dark? is that the darkest it has ever gotten?
also, I think FF is wrong and I O'd on thurs/fri so I was 1dpo on Saturday (that sound right?) making me 5dpo. (like you- maybe!)
I see what you are saying. Or, maybe you O'd on Tues, where you have the largest temp dip, which would make you farther then you thought? It's all sooo confusing!
the 23rd test has a small dent in it, not sure you can tell from the pic. so thats why I wasn't sure about it. I thought the dent is making it look darker than it is. The 19th does look dark and if it is the tru positive, then I still could have O'd either the next day or two days later, right? which would have been fri or sat which i predicted. that would make me 4 or 5 DPO. NUTS NUTS NUTS!!! Damn, this is CRAZY! I guess we will know if and when we get AF.
My cycles are usually 26-28 days, with O occuring day 14-16. so I usually start testing around day 10. This Moth was the first time I bought a 20 pack, so I can test more. Also, I wanted to test on day 9 bc it was the day I had that HSG test, and I was nervous afterwards that I would have O'd early and knocked the little bugger right out the tube. i think I have 2 or 3 more tests left, so Ill just use them til they are gone. you?
this was my month of trying them and I only started last Thursday (cd15) when during the day do you take them? I cant hold my pee for anywhere near 4 hours so Im not sure when to do it...
Well, I have read in several different sites and on most packaging, that you shouldn't hold your urine, or use FMU with the OPK. Reason being...we all have a small level of LH in our system already, but the surge of LH related to O happens mid-day. So, therefore it says to test between 2pm and 8pm, daily. so I just wait until anytime after noon, and test when it's time to pee again. I think the last brand that I bought was ultrasensitive beause usually there isn't any line until close to surge day. another reason you shouldn't use FMU...u dont want concentrated urine to make it look like you are surging when you are not.
ah ha... where do you buy yours from? online? I need to buy more. and get THIS, Im having small pains in my left side again- O pains? WTF?! back to being really confused...

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